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    Usa "fighting cock" in una frase

    fighting cock frasi di esempio

    fighting cock

    1. No one knew then exactly when he began to ring the bells in the church tower and assist Father Antonio Isabel, the successor to “The Pup,” at mass, and take can of the fighting cocks in the courtyard of the parish house

    2. No one would be better able than she to shape the virtuous man who would restore the prestige of the family, a man who would never have heard talk of war, fighting cocks, bad women, or wild undertakings, four calamities that, according to what Úrsula thought, had determined the downfall

    3. Úrsula had considered him the quietest example the family had ever produced in all its history, incapable of standing out even as a handler of fighting cocks, when Colonel Aureliano Buendía told him the story of the Spanish galleon aground eight miles from the sea, the carbonized frame of which he had seen himself during the war

    4. Even José Arcadio Segundo, her brother-in-law, was the victim of her discriminatory jealousy be-cause during the excitement of the first days he gave up his stupendous fighting cocks again and took a job as foreman with the banana company

    5. At one time it was discovered that he had no fixed abode, that he raised fighting cocks at Pilar Ternera’s house and that sometimes he would stay there to sleep but that he almost always spent the night in the rooms of the French matrons

    6. With the same impulsive decision with which he had auctioned off his fighting cocks in order to organize a harebrained boat business, he gave up his position as foreman in the banana company and took the side of the workers

    7. It was useless torture because even at that time he already had a terror of everything around him and he was prepared to be frightened at anything he met in life: women on the street, who would ruin his blood; the women in the house, who bore children with the tail of a pig; fighting cocks, who brought on the death of men and remorse for the rest of one’s life; firearms, which with the mere touch would bring down twenty years of war; uncertain ventures, which led only to disillusionment and madness--everything, in short, everything that God had created in His infinite goodness and that the devil had perverted

    8. A number of so-called “single mothers” I am aware of receiving public assistance as well as availing themselves of the bounty of annual school supply charitable drives instead squander the income freed by this misdirected philanthropy to purchase several hundred dollar handbags, go out partying at nightclubs (no doubt looking for the father of their next baby with no intentions of getting married), and on long, shellacked fingernails that would put a fighting cock to shame

    9. Yes, it is an interesting place, this Fighting Cock

    10. "It seems to be a curious class of custom that is done by the Fighting Cock," said

    11. Hayes brought Arthur to his public-house, the Fighting Cock, where he was confined in an upper room, under the care of Mrs

    12. I yielded—as I have always yielded—to his prayers, and instantly James hurried off to the Fighting Cock to warn Hayes and give him the means of flight

    13. It is the Duke's desire that the carriage shall go at once to the Fighting Cock Inn to bring Lord Saltire home

    14. The general and colonel looked sternly and significantly at one another like two fighting cocks preparing for battle, each vainly trying to detect signs of cowardice in the other

    15. "It seems to be a curious class of custom that is done by the Fighting Cock," said Holmes

    16. Every Saturday he went under escort to the synagogue (which was authorised by the law); and he lived like a fighting cock

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