Usa "find oneself" in una frase
find oneself frasi di esempio
find oneself
1. to find oneself chasing intellectual tangents and thus losing track of a
2. I’ll admit it must be more than a bit disconcerting to be strolling down Fifth Avenue, along the Champs Elysee or San Antonio’s lovely River Walk and suddenly find oneself picked up in an enormous clutch of tree-sized fingers, to be peered at and poked, even undressed and sniffed at! Moms and dads seeing their favorite child appropriated as a plaything for some Big One parents’ kid, must go through the seven levels of hell
3. “Is this a place to find oneself?” Her voice again found its irritation, but this time with the self-disclosure of her own question
4. order and rules are undiscerned in the miasma of unformulation that is anarchy, is to find oneself in a world that is unruled, and therefore unplayable as game, but not unexplorable as play
5. Well, if he came in and killed her while she was asleep it would be for her the pleasantest thing; she was so very tired that it would be nice, she thought vaguely, to wake up afterwards, and find oneself comfortably dead
6. Sometimes a decision is made to scalp a trade, only to find oneself in a very strongly trending stock with huge volume