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    Usa "findings" in una frase

    findings frasi di esempio


    1. Personal knowledge about the patient can help in key diagnostic findings; but that does not take away the other aspects of the process of consultation

    2. Brancettrabble would be interested in his findings but was too bored with the exacting detail of the work to follow his daily observations

    3. confident in his findings, it would have been nice to hear the results of the

    4. Instead, he got severely reprimanded and libelously labeled as an evil, dangerous (probably Devil-worshiping) heretic by the top grey matter of the Church, was charged and convicted as guilty of messing around with the predominant and preferred belief systems of the time, and sentenced to be tortured continuously unless he publicly retracted his offensive findings and openly admitted something like, “Oops, I made a huge mistake

    5. After such fortuitous findings, Penelope at least was not willing to believe that the Divines could be so cruel

    6. have confirmed the findings of the Indian philosophy, that eating late and taking heavy foods after sunset, tends to slow down digestion and produces more fat and problems of stomach

    7. Even though scientists are not impressed by New Age teachings, their scientific findings such as images taken by the Hubble telescope show proof that new galaxies are being birthed every now and then

    8. In the garage, Harvo gave his initial findings

    9. People are more likely to trust the findings of the police, with their interrogation techniques

    10. She tried to think of a time in history when this collective malaise had happened, but no research into old case records brought any significant findings

    11. Based on the findings from Aspen’s rescue, I’m inclined to drop all charges against Mars and release him and Rogan

    12. During the next 50 years, Panin would devote up to 18 hours a day painstakingly counting letters, numbers, sentences and syllables and performing calculations to mathematical problems and then recording his findings in hand-written notes

    13. Findings of validated statement: Statements always 100% true

    14. Findings of validated statement: ???

    15. He went along with it for a while but found that he was unable to share his findings or the facilities

    16. “In this age of men it is normal for the kingdoms and lands of the world to busy themselves with their own affairs, but it is written that a greater joining of all mankind will come soon and we should share our knowledge and findings with all those who are interested

    17. “Surgeon Darrik was reluctant to speak his findings to you, but he confided in me

    18. Maybe you can share your findings with me before

    19. “The study should proceed because the findings would have more credibility than an in-house report when presented to city council,” said Dingleberry

    20. He was keeping copious notes on the findings of the test flights

    21. � Before they left Headquarters, they checked with the Captain and related their findings to him

    22. He charged the police to investigate more thoroughly the holes in their case and those related to the missing checks, and present their findings at Mr

    23. No, my real concern was about how he would react to the findings

    24. Hartle planned to go into the Marginals and, ‘have a look around,’ as he put it, and report his findings when possible

    25. that four new regulations imposed by the EPA are based on thoroughly discredited findings of the

    26. These answers of Old need not change before the findings of the New

    27. Findings of Homo erectus generally dated about this time

    28. 800,000 Homo Species (unclassified) (Maybe Homo Antecessor) which is thought ( a guess) to be a predecessor of the Neanderthal found in Spain First findings of a Hominids which look more like Homo Sapiens

    29. Findings in Spanish Cave of Shells with holes indicates Neanderthal had ornaments, and other shells indicate he used paint or cosmetics

    30. Radiologists who read X-rays for plaintiff lawyers often over-read the findings

    31. On 15 February 2002, the “Environmental Protection Agency” investigated the allegations, with the following initial findings as follows:

    32. Consolidate the reports and create summary based on findings

    33. Their findings include the astonishing revelation that only about 5 percent of carbon dioxide emissions, of such concern to the warming brigades, are produced by human activity

    34. Other findings indicate that the oceans emit most of the greenhouse gases

    35. She snapped back, “but there is, we could end all this in an instant, tell the doctor to change his findings

    36. local economy and shares their findings by

    37. She also produced the findings that the underwear found at Harry’s house did in fact belong to the victim

    38. How is it possible to evaluate the next Armageddon scenario splashed across the media and boomed through the ether that is presented as “scientifically” proven? How are valid scientific findings based on scientific principles to be distinguished from reports that arise from special interests or unscrupulous pursuit of fame and fortune?

    39. The “greater good” must be met regardless of inconvenient scientific findings, or lack of findings

    40. Each of these disciplines holds that its findings apply everywhere and over everything

    41. Findings are absolute, accurate, and unassailable

    42. These “unassailable” findings, moreover, are not to be subject to public challenge or discussion by non-scientists on moral or ethical grounds, even by democratically constituted government

    43. Our supreme elders in our central congress have been discussing these new findings

    44. ‘We have some new findings

    45. The inevitable conclusion of these findings is that OBEs are natural experiences that have

    46. Stevenson compared the autopsy report with Necip’s birthmarks and remarked of his findings

    47. To further rectify the findings of this chapter, consider Dr

    48. Wambach’s findings to be

    49. findings, he said, adding that it was too early to comment on the possible

    50. His findings contributed to

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