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    Usa "firsthand" in una frase

    firsthand frasi di esempio


    1. I mention this because my daughter has only known the benefits of my labors and has no firsthand knowledge of the hardships faced to obtain this level of accommodation

    2. Mandy and Belle published notices of hiring for the 'Concessions,' and Sarah Bunker assisted them in sifting through the applications for the most likely candidates based upon her firsthand knowledge of her former students

    3. This would surely be a spectacle to be seen and experienced firsthand, if one had the guts

    4. He taught how to experience firsthand the truth of existence

    5. Tei quickly outlined to the Elf the regimen of training she was about to begin under the masterful direction of Tohm and Kate personally---with some vital firsthand input from the other First Water as well, “

    6. Essentially the freedom allows us to experience firsthand, the trials and tribulations of life

    7. They enjoy firsthand the camaraderie of the students, and they delight in some of the amenities the school has to offer

    8. I had heard stories about what took place in the death camps, but I had never heard them firsthand from a survivor

    9. She claimed to have firsthand knowledge to the truth of that, saying that she had witnessed the owner of Club Hollywood on several occasions purchase from him

    10. The general pattern became; abolitionist young men joined the military; or they became abolitionists after seeing slavery firsthand in the south; soldiers then tried to win their family and friends to the abolitionist cause in their letters; upon returning home, veterans pushed anti slavery beliefs even more to those they knew

    11. Those who witnessed his resurrection firsthand went out to proclaim Him in repeated defiance of the authority of the “Jewish” state

    12. Was John of Revelation able to see all the “wars and rumors of war” that the world has never been without clearly enough to make a short reference to it? Or had he relied on his Master’s’ teachings that he had heard firsthand? There would be many wars in the eighth century (AD 700) after the initial sorting out of the seventh, as the Christian “center of gravity” shifted toward the northwest

    13. Whether these children of the Exodus understood what little that they had seen firsthand along with the stories that their parents probably told and retold to them is a question that the Bible is silent on

    14. firsthand, the tables can be reversed in a moment

    15. As many of the members in a project may need refresher or firsthand information on newer processes and templates, training at project level is effective in process implementation

    16. firsthand in this material plane

    17. Yet, we have the ability now to move forward, as I have seen firsthand how committed a small percentage of Christians are towards truth

    18. These people had seen firsthand the miracles of God

    19. Yania had experienced firsthand the hypocrisy and Machiavellianism of institutions, including the police, but it was always difficult to understand how someone was able to obey orders or immoral laws in exchange for money

    20. Everybody seemed to know him, and the innkeeper even knew about Lorna and their adventure in the desert, and insisted on hearing the story firsthand from them

    21. the harm we’ve inflicted firsthand

    22. During the financial crisis that began in 2008, Hanabury saw firsthand the power of EMBA networking

    23. Through his time and studies in different countries, he benefited from experiencing different cultures and business practices firsthand

    24. “I got introduced firsthand to the power of the Ultra in the

    25. Gāndhi went around India, visited towns and villages, talked to people of all religions and social strata to find out firsthand ‘what was happening’

    26. "I see what they can do firsthand

    27. He had nothing good to say about Baja, and Boweloft could relate to this, because he was once a prisoner of Baja and had seen firsthand how cruel Baja had become

    28. You should have seen firsthand, the tyrant’s mess

    29. He also desired to secure a firsthand and authoritative version of the gospel from either Jesus or one of his apostles

    30. I have experienced firsthand this

    31. He decided he had to know what was going on, but he wasn’t going to call her again; instead, he would go directly to her house and find out firsthand

    32. Still, she and Palomita had convinced Chica too, she should not forget that, and Chica was talking to creatures who had already experienced the tragedy of settlement firsthand and were easier to convince than residents of Mapleway Woods or even those who were drawn to the settlements by the lure of man’s food

    33. 8 The world needs more firsthand religion

    34. What an awakening the world would experience if it could only see Jesus as he really lived on earth and know, firsthand, his life-giving teachings! Descriptive words of things beautiful cannot thrill like the sight thereof, neither can creedal words inspire men's souls like the experience of knowing the presence of God

    35. 8 Ecclesiasticism is at once and forever incompatible with that living faith, growing spirit, and firsthand experience of the faith-comrades of Jesus in the brotherhood of man in the spiritual association of the kingdom of heaven

    36. We didn’t know who she had seen at the time, but we knew that whoever it was had firsthand knowledge of the medication and the drug study

    37. As you know firsthand, identifying a Were or a shifter or even many of the fae, can be a straight forward matter for those trained to know what to look for

    38. Believe little that you hear about other nations unless you have firsthand experience with that culture or way of life

    39. He felt firsthand the feelings that came with Ishan's first impression of him

    40. If she is writing a treatise on The Civil War, most likely she didn’t experience it firsthand

    41. Thinking of it, that first phase of our mission could be of tremendous interest to historians and students of history alike: from the BABYLON, they could study firsthand the daily lives of the Galileans of the First Century

    42. “You may experience it firsthand soon, Elizabeth

    43. firsthand the great shrines of Europe and the Middle East

    44. Peter to experience firsthand an example of what Paul’s future ministry with the Gentile

    45. “It will give me a chance to see firsthand another historical event

    46. I worked on the Y2K mess at two companies and saw firsthand what was taking place

    47. The fact that she had actually gone in time and witnessed Yeshua’s life firsthand seemed to count for little to these hardcore Christians

    48. “Can’t we cross?” Terence asked as though suddenly desperate to find his wife now that he had experienced the conditions firsthand and shuddered to think of his beloved being trapped in this alone and possibly injured or frightened

    49. Jesus not only lived firsthand the anguish that brought

    50. Besides, this gives us the opportunity to see firsthand how your American system works

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