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    Usa "flowered" in una frase

    flowered frasi di esempio


    1. Behind the busiest street, I walked romantic corridors between dilapidated wood and mud houses with charming little kitchens, fire-places, wood storage rooms, and some with courtyards and even pebble mosaic designs laid in the ground beneath knotty gnarled old trees that still flowered bright crimson and pale blue

    2. On the window ledge flowered buxom, deep-red geraniums with a few fresh ferns just uncurling

    3. The manor house was beautifully appointed, inside and out, sporting a novelty coat of arms above the door and a beautiful wisteria that twisted and flowered around the porch and around the front bay windows

    4. wisteria that twisted and flowered around the porch and around the

    5. I sank into the flowered chintz wing chair beside the telephone, and Cleo jumped to the floor and then up into my lap

    6. The Pinco told us this was a good omen since the plant (it was called puya) only flowered once in a hundred years, and it was unusual to see so many flowering at one time

    7. At some point I found myself again in the flowered field

    8. himself resting on his favorite flowered hilltop

    9. “You can tell me anything you want” He said pulling me to the metal bench that was hidden under a flowered arch

    10. Two Vietnamese tots in flowered white dresses, who had been giggling at each other, had stood almost directly behind the horrendous blast and were decapitated

    11. They had sprayed flowered perfume all around

    12. Twenty-three corseted, overdressed women holding flowered cups to pursed lips while balancing tiny plates on tight laps

    13. But Ño Josefina does not understand this immense love I feel for the "army of objects" as she called my dear trousseau; which for me are loving friends that as a flowered garden never get tired of proclaiming to the four winds the beauty of my ways, my elegance and my composure

    14. Harriet’s mother was short, she had silver-gray hair that was twisted in the back and held with a beautiful flowered comb

    15. She was wearing a very pretty flowered dress, with a wide belt at her waist

    16. In nothing but flowered baggy shorts illuminated by unflattering sunlight he was a dietician‘s nightmare

    17. her favorite dress, the long flowered one but I noticed it had a

    18. She had some paintings strewn about the walls, and a blue and pink flowered bedspread from what I could see in the

    19. The hall of compassion had pink and lavender flowered plants clinging on the marble

    20. Fear flowered inside Laura

    21. They would appear without any greeting in their little flowered dresses left over from days when they were five years younger, and they took them off with the same innocence with which they had put them on, and in the paroxysms of love they would exclaim good heavens, look how that roof is falling in, and as soon as they got their peso and fifty cents they would spend it on a roll with cheese that the proprietress sold them, smiling more than ever, because only she knew that that meal was not true either

    22. In the middle of winter she was dressed for summer, almost undressed, in a flowered, sleeveless taffeta dress whose hemline reached to her knees, but exposed arms as white as her bare legs, bare feet and the introductory cleavage of her magnetic bosom

    23. It was a dark, dismal place with walnut colored paneling from the floor to his waist and black and red velvet flowered wall paper from there to the ceiling

    24. Having heard the plan President David kept thinking over the plan for some moments then his face flowered with happiness

    25. really wanted was the part that flowered

    26. Some men wanted the part that flowered

    27. wanted the part that flowered

    28. “Our Marione flowered in the winter

    29. of sandals, shorts and a flowered short sleeved shirt were the tools of the trade

    30. So the wrinkled old man with the flowered

    31. Other men wanted the part that flowered

    32. While Roopa maneuvered the flowered plait of the bride, Raja Rao stood up to tie the mangalasutrams round Sandhya’s shapely nape, and before he proceeded, Roopa heard him whisper to Sandhya, ‘With your permission

    33. It seemed as though she resembled the bedside roses, having herself flowered overnight after being deflowered

    34. When the plants flowered in the spring, he would

    35. Have you run the flowered sky

    36. She wore a long flowered skirt with a loose fitting pink blouse

    37. flowered in his chest at the thought that she might have forgiven herself for her past actions

    38. The veiled brim of her hat cast checkered shadows over her pretty flowered dress

    39. A flowered needlepoint rug matched the framed emphera

    40. A flowered needlepoint rug matched the framed emphera hanging on the ivory-colored walls that served as artwork

    41. ” Fleet of girlish foot we ran like the wind to the knot garden and strolled through the flowered areas on the main path under the fat yellow sun

    42. They grew and flowered inside her, like the tiny seeds that had sprung from him to her several months earlier

    43. There was nowhere a trace of rum, and the only glass in the room was innocently filled with the china roses that flowered so profusely in the garden at Baker's Farm

    44. Regardless, she couldn’t still the tremors that flowered across her body

    45. “Myrt, I need to know where you got that purple flowered dress

    46. She said she wasn’t even going to ask who she was; she would just look for the pretty Lady in the purple flowered dress

    47. Both of these best cultural expressions of humanity flowered and blossomed into more humane ways of living in that century between 1814-1914

    48. She was concentrating on the flowered pattern of the quilt to keep from crying

    49. But when Ingrid glided into the room, wearing a purple Victorian dress with black gloves and flowered hat, all creature discomforts fell by the wayside

    50. Once the plants have flowered pollination occurs and as a result there is seed

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