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    Usa "fly over" in una frase

    fly over frasi di esempio

    fly over

    1. “We will have some ready for you the next time you fly over

    2. But her gait was driven erratically by constantly glancing stiffly over one shoulder, then over the other at the aliens behind her

    3. "And then they will fly over on a starship and settle it?"

    4. They flew between the buildings of the city along canals, they could not fly over them

    5. It’s the only way to fly over its length, find him, and bring him back to Pittsburgh for interrogation

    6. “What do you want us to do? Fly over it?” asked Melissa, as they started to move down the slope

    7. “Is it possible to fly over the Aquifer System?”

    8. They will fly over the walls and spread the disease to every man, woman, and child

    9. Other than a major offensive build-up, there really is no way to entice the enemy forces to fly over our lines, other than occasional strategic reconnaissance, night bombing, or nuisance raids

    10. When Eisenhower and Khrushchev were due to meet for a summit, Ike had U-2 spy planes fly over the USSR

    11. Huddling down into the bottom of the boat, they could do little else, but watch the helicopter fly over

    12. I scanned my eyes briefly over the text, but the language was old and difficult to understand

    13. “But in the dream world one can float down the river without concern or fly over it without wings

    14. The jet fighters quickly fly overhead and pass Jaden

    15. The sea animals fly over land eating fruit that float into the air and coordinate attacks on land animals

    16. As they fly over the city of Arica, they over fly the Port and many warehouse roofs

    17. As he got his second wind, he feet began to fly over the debris strewn pavement

    18. The man lifted his arms and looked as if he were ready to fly over us

    19. "Target practice from the chariot as we fly over the U

    20. There’s nothing zombie-ish about her when she gets up and waves her arms to help the birds fly over the tall trees

    21. Helicopters fly overhead and strafe the ground with anti-mine fire before the hunters walk over it

    22. However Nick said that he intended to fly over again the following day, and he would contact Donal on his return in a few weeks time

    23. We can fly over

    24. Our plan was to fly over your Arctic and vacuum as much air as we could

    25. view of a small boat on an ocean as you fly overhead,

    26. “Can we fly overhead?”

    27. I contacted a few of my friends, and we rented a helicopter to fly over the area and take pictures

    28. Donald shot one, fast, and she ducked just in time to see it fly over and hit another part of the wall

    29. Grief briefly overtook him as he looked down at the body of the woman he had been dating regularly since their arrival in Oslo

    30. I would expect all of those to be “bad science” and/or witnesses to the fly over coinciding with the missile hit

    31. Why else would he fly over it? You were meant to see it

    32. They actually fly over to consult with

    33. � She could fly over relatively short distances, but long trips were still beyond her

    34. An old couple sitting on the balcony of their apartment, situated just outside the base, watched the long line of heavy helicopters fly over them, their positioning lights flashing on

    35. A bit more than halfway, as they were starting to fly over Laos, a radio call came from the outpost of Muang Phin

    36. Multiple streams of tracers suddenly came up at them as they were about to fly over a small hill to the South of the one they were targeting

    37. James chuckled again: such a turn would make them fly over the China Lake Naval Air Station while they would still be supersonic

    38. ‘’I base myself on the fact that I already pricked the Soviets pretty hard today by turning around their raid against Haiphong Harbor, and to their probable reaction to my oncoming photo reconnaissance mission that I intend to fly over Kunming, the probable home base of the raid against Haiphong

    39. Feeling a chill descend on her, Ingrid hurried to fly over the next set of hills and then drop down behind them

    40. He was about a half mile away from the fruit stand on his bicycle when he saw the two silver American warplanes with the red, white, and blue stars fly over his head at an altitude which was extremely low

    41. When the plane started to fly over the land instead of the water, one of the corporate executives knocked on the pilot‘s cabin door

    42. Yet, drivers fly over hills and around corners with no possibility of stopping for whatever might lie in their paths

    43. I fly over the moon

    44. I fly over the cliff

    45. Taking cover behind one of the walls of the ruined house used by Ingrid, the Irgun fighter primed a grenade and, carefully calculating his throw, sent his grenade fly over the wall protecting him

    46. In addition to that, the soldiers were performing no better than keystone cops, for only the ones in front had seen Tam fly over their heads

    47. Sometime after that, an angel will fly overhead to pronounce the next three

    48. “I remember my father flying from there once or twice - hired a plane to fly over the farm for a close look,” said Will

    49. the Antarctica fly over the continents of Africa,

    50. Australia, and Asia, the ships that fly over the Arctic

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