Usa "foggy" in una frase
foggy frasi di esempio
1. ’ The man said … is he some sort of doctor? I think he’s wearing a white coat, though that is a bit foggy, more a sort of white blur just out of focus
2. backstreets of Troyes in the growing gloom of a foggy,
3. Pity that is foggy! One can see only a few
4. It would never suffice for her to leave off with a foggy and disturbingly vague “official”
5. As he sat by the foggy window finishing his coffee, he picked up the weather scan for the next two days
6. When it was not foggy, the atmosphere was
7. on this day, the Shenandoah found herself off the southern coast of Bering Island under continuing foggy conditions and nearly
8. The weather became more foggy and wet, and the visibility became less and
9. The weather was cold and foggy
10. I woke up in strange surroundings confused as to where I was, my head felt like a foggy cloud, and even the clothes I was wearing were strange
11. On top of the fact that I was extremely busy, I was constantly irritated and my head was either foggy or I was nauseous
12. As I pondered these images, I found myself suddenly in a very foggy image, which often happens to me in strange places where I can hardly hold onto the image, a lot of fogginess and vagueness
13. The foggy darkness fractured her shrill cry
14. It almost looked foggy or smoky
15. Hazy had finally been eaten by a monster and came out of the foggy windowed Laundromat to join us outside, “Sup Phil K Swift,” he said while shaking my hand with his usual smug smile
16. Driving home, I try to remember the conversation that I had with Luca before the session, but my mind is foggy and unresponsive, I can’t think straight
17. Yes, Saint, I expect we are in for a few unpleasant foggy days
18. It's the foggy mind, the mind that's attracted to an object and paints a distorted projection onto it, that makes you suffer
19. It was an overcast, foggy day
20. I panted in nervous trepidation, once Zacchaeus was out of sight, and we were left alone, in the safe silence of a cold, foggy Boston evening, the wolf contemplated devouring his next slay
21. It was a cold, rainy, foggy night
22. My head is so foggy,
23. his head was foggy that I did that to him because of great sex
24. is generally cool and the days are often foggy
25. In the midst of the lights and the noise, a foggy image of Zachary appears, standing still in the middle of the road, eyes closed with his hands together as if in a prayer
26. due to the foggy vision that we have acquired due to negative
27. Lucy came out of a foggy, foggy haze and sat up
28. My mind is too foggy from this fever
29. the nearby mountains were covered with thick, almost foggy, clouds
30. She wiggled, trying to get comfortable, and looked through foggy eyes at the vaguely familiar shapes of the CO's office
31. It was in the middle of a stormy and foggy winter night
32. My vision went foggy
33. As the cub watched the horizon and the children watched the cub, a dreamlike shift occurred in the way they saw him, a foggy lens wiped clean
34. In the river east of the foggy forest a silver fish smaller than any other eye could see waited for someone who never arrived on time
35. When it found its way back to the river on the western border of the foggy forest, it resumed its mindless trek toward the setting sun
36. “Look out!” he called down to them, waving like he was trying to stop a ship on a foggy night, “I see the Magician!”
37. Turning around, Anjay gave the foggy area
38. It was foggy and chilly morning, and the interviews
39. Sometimes in the winter months with the large scale burning of coal if the conditions were foggy dark smog would cover areas of the city
40. Blinking away the foggy feeling behind his eyes, he waited patiently for the figure to descend
41. It was foggy and cold
42. “Hey,” Angela said, still foggy from the mass of thoughts just knocked from her head
43. Philip nodded, his mind foggy with negative thoughts he’d been trying to squelch for the past week
44. The night was foggy and dark with no stars or moon in the sky
45. Though not fully cognisant of it yet, she has a foggy notion about mental illness that she has gotten from association with certain relatives and certain school mates with certain relatives
46. He sat up and wiped the foggy sleep from his eyes
47. The area around the pathway is less foggy than ‘the fog’
48. The nameless ship planed along the mist, tufts of green-white spraying up to her bowsprit as she plunged through the foggy waves
49. When one considers the vastness of the foggy deep that covers Expiscor, and the relatively small hemisphere of visibility from the topmast, it might seem that the mission our protagonists now found themselves upon was stamped with futility from its conception
50. In order to become better acquainted with this foggy medium which is so important to our mariners, it is a good idea to turn to the learned writings of one Earnest Grumble