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    Usa "follicle" in una frase

    follicle frasi di esempio


    1. follicle for a shave that is actually below the epidermis

    2. blackhead because the surface of the plug in the follicle has a blackish

    3. follicle usually has a hair in the center

    4. This is because, scalp residue can actually clog the hair follicle, which can interfere with the normal growth rate of your hair

    5. Adding hair to his face, follicle by follicle, hair by hair, he constructs a slightly unshaven appearance

    6. immature egg cells in the ovaries in menopause results in an over-secretion of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone)

    7. The blood vessels contract and the small muscle attached to the base of each hair follicle also contracts, causing the hairs to stand up, this gives the skin an appearance of plucked goose skin

    8. As the sharp hair tip now begins to regrow, there is a risk of ingrown hair if it penetrates the skin surrounding the follicle

    9. 100% cotton thread is twisted and rolled along the surface of the skin entwining the hair in the thread which is then lifted out from the follicle

    10. • Hair removal methods such as shaving, waxing, tweezing, electrolysis, often irritate the hair follicle

    11. As the razor passes over, the hair is pul ed up from the follicle

    12. Hair grows continuously as new hair cells are formed at the base of the hair follicle

    13. • During the Catagen phase the hair follicle shrinks to about 1/6 of the normal length

    14. • The lower part of the follicle is destroyed and the dermal papilla breaks away to rest below

    15. • The dried up hair root is referred to as being "keratinized" or hardened and it acts as an anchor in the follicle for the shedding hair

    16. • Often the keratinized hair will remain in the follicle until new growth forces it out and the hair is shed

    17. • The hair does not grow but stays attached to the follicle while the dermal papilla stays in a resting phase below

    18. • At the end of the Telogen phase the hair follicle reenters the Anagen phase and new hair begins to form starting the growth cycle all over again

    19. Follicle - the hair canal

    20. A hair follicle is an indention in the skin

    21. The lower portion of the follicle has an expanded shape and is called the follicle bulb where there is an area of actively dividing cells called the hair matrix

    22. The follicle and the hair it produces continue through repeated cycles of growth and rest

    23. At the base of the follicle lies a tiny structure made of skin-related cells called the dermal papilla which feeds the newly formed hair cells from its blood supply

    24. The papillary region is often referred to as the "hair root," the portion which grows below the surface of the skin which is contained within the follicle canal

    25. Generally speaking, two types of hair are produced by the follicle:

    26. It is caused by low level of estrogen, resulting of over production of follicle

    27. follicle that produces an increasing amount of estradiol leading to ovulation

    28. interferes with the growth of immature follicle and ovulation

    29. (GnRH), it helps the pituitary gland to secret Follicle stimulated hormone

    30. a woman ovulates such as when the egg matures, when the follicle

    31. stimulate follicle and egg production

    32. produce more FH and FSH leading to production of follicle in releasing the

    33. during ovulation, it is a cyst-like structure called a follicle is formed inside the ovary

    34. the follicle and egg production

    35. ovulation and the production of follicle and egg

    36. As the follicle mature, synthesis GrNH helps to increase the production of

    37. to ovulation and follicle production from the ovaries

    38. It's these fatty acids that help control the production of androgens ? the hormones that surge during the teen-age times, which causes excess sebum oil to clog your hair follicle and contribute to creating your acne

    39. Postaglandins also keep androgen hormones in control so that excess sebum is not produce in the hair follicle, which results in acne

    40. Through manipulation, the special cells can be transformed into hair follicle cells that produce hair growth, replacing follicles that can no longer perform their function

    41. Higher levels of fat trigger increased growth of the oil glands located in the hair follicle

    42. He couldn’t have been more than sixteen years old, but he had a full beard and hair sticking out all over the rest of his body, as if each follicle were trying to escape the confines of his food-smeared clothes

    43. 04 in) – from follicle to whisker-tip – on 8 April 2011

    44. If the medical research is true, then at the end of nine years there is not an eyebrow, eyelash, pore, dimple, or skin follicle in this creature here at this celebratory breakfast that in any way is related to that old Sheila Tompkins married at eleven a

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