devastating commentary on the NHS for example
For example, some professionals believe the deterioration of motor function can be held back by regular exercise
Caffeine, a naturally occurring compound in coffee and chocolate, for example,is ranked “generally recognized as safe”by the Federal government
This is a growing practice wherein, for example, a bacterium gene is injected into tomatoes, turning them into 24-hour-a-day anti-pest factories
For example, aconite is sometimes used to relieve stress-induced palpitations and anxiety, while sepia is given for tearfulness and inability to cope
Fear, for example, can trigger release of the hormone adrenaline, causing the heart to pump faster and leading to physical sensations such as palpitations and sweating
Even constructive criticism can sting when it is delivered at the wrong moment, for example immediately after the mistake
For example, if the testator never knew English but has the will drafted in that language, then it can be contested on the basis that the testator had no idea what he/she was signing
For example, if you mention your child as the owner of your home but you expect your spouse to reside there till his/her death, then a mention must be made in the will to this effect
A Parsee who dies in testate, for example, will result in his wife, parents and children sharing his estate
Aphids for example produce a sweet nectar that the ants love
For example, someone is ill with typhus, and
For example, when an infant has an accident and is paralyzed for the rest of his life, I can never swallow the tale that “this event serves an invisible but good purpose” or “his soul chose this because he needs this experience”, or “he is punished for something bad he did in his past life” and all that paranoiac piffle
For example, cheap plots of land are seldom included in the town planning zone
For example, most such tales share an idea or thought of conception that is usually expressed as an action of some form of anthropomorphic being
Sometimes there are things in our lives that hold us back, for example working in a job with no job satisfaction
‘Then we have to do the legal bit, drawing up a contract and signing it in the presence of an official witness … one of the High Guild, for example
Take Wales, for example, on Earth the place is riddled with little mining villages where men, women and children slaved underground in the most appalling conditions to produce coal which was then burned to produce pollution and energy to drive factories where even more men, women and children slaved in equally unpleasant conditions in order to keep body and soul together
For example, if the person says something about their profession, you could show
these matches, such as Milk and Chocolate for example, have been recognizable since our
For example, the Relationship Matrix deals a ton with the communication styles of its
‘Other manufacturies concentrate on fabric for household items … curtains and bedding, for example, but our looms are not large enough for that scale of material
Often this state is persisted inside a database (for example: we might have a Product
Typically this UI is created off of the model data (for example: we might create an
Thus to adopt MVC pattern in a web application, for example, the url need to become a way of
For example, charities that spend less than $300,000 a year in Federal funds are generally asked only to perform a "self-audit
For example, instead of ―asking‖ the universe to handle something for you, you would instead affirm that you KNOW that it will turn out in the most positive way possible:
For example, when you are feeling stressed or frightened your brain is in the beta state which is related to waking consciousness
For example, an incident of childhood sexual abuse may have created a strong fear response that flares up whenever you attempt to form an intimate relationship as an adult
For example, if you were feeling tense about an upcoming visit to your doctor because he might give you a dire prognosis you could write, “I"m afraid that the doctor will tell me that there is nothing he can do to help me
Today for example, I knew it was something work orientated and, knowing that Jim was there, I didn’t worry too much
For example, a trapped
‘For example, air signs – that’s Aquarius, Gemini and – um – Libra, I think – they tend to be very analytical people
For example, I once treated a woman who had a rather
for example, would result in a very disrupted crystal,
For example, I have found that
For example, Row 1 lists the emotions
For example, in this case you could begin by asking “Is
For example, let’s
For example, say you have identified that the trapped
For example, it is not possible to create a wall
for example – you can have this chapter emailed to
For example, suppose you have a young child with an
For example, if the proxy’s own name is Susan, have her
If you are in a troubled relationship, for example,
study, say for example on Roman history or what was, before, considered to
That victim will, as in the rest of the examples from the animal kingdom, be the one perceived to be weakest or most vulnerable; a child instead of the parent, a pet instead the family for example
The pub sign, for example, he could now read without difficulty
“At first when I tried to keep my shoulders back for example, I'd no sooner think of something else and when next I remembered about them, they had long since drooped
“I’ve been to Edinburgh repeatedly, for example,” he continued,
for example, was typical of the reactions they had
For example, when they got there, Xavier was the only one there
For example, its most mechanically basic rudimentary function is no less than Reason itself
For example, an early autumn, followed by a mild
For example, there was Madeleine Rivers, who was savagely attacked by killer penguins, while exploring the tropical island of Hawai’i
Andrew, for example, was the kind of boy who could always take charge of a situation, somebody who could come up with fantastic plans to solve problems in the blink of an eye
For example once he had nearly gotten himself and all his friends killed when he accidentally drove a carriage off the edge of a cliff
Cody: Why did Douglas Adams choose the number ‘ 42’ to answer the ‘ ultimate question’? It means many different things depending on what context you’re using; for example from the actual story’s perspective, it’s an appropriated warning sent by some unknown alien force, symbolically it’s about cosmic connections, from a philosophical perspective it’s about how easy it is to apply meaning to arbitrary phrases and verses, from a thematic perspective it’s a red herring, because it seems like it has a religious meaning but is actually entirely secular
So for example if you're entitled to $500 a month for taking from taking a full student load; you could get half of your G
Other scientists have attempted to do similar things with other drugs like LSD for example and usually with bad results
Let us suppose, for example, that in some particular place, where the common annual profits of manufacturing stock are ten per cent
In the price of corn, for example, one part pays the rent of the landlord, another pays the wages or maintenance of the labourers and labouring cattle employed in producing it, and the third pays the profit of the farmer
The capital which employs the weavers, for example, must be greater than that which employs the spinners; because it not only replaces that capital with its profits, but pays, besides, the wages of the weavers : and the profits must always bear some proportion to the capital
In the price of sea-fish, for example, one part pays the labour of the fisherman, and the other the profits of the capital employed in the fishery
Let us suppose, for example, that in the greater part of employments the productive powers of labour had been improved to tenfold, or that a day's labour could produce ten times the quantity of work which it had done originally ; but that in a particular employment they had been improved only to double, or that a day's labour could produce only twice the quantity of work which it had done before
Any particular quantity in it, therefore, a pound weight, for example, would appear to be five times dearer than before
Any carrion, the carcase of a dead dog or cat, for example, though half putrid and stinking, is as welcome to them as the most wholesome food to the people of other countries
Potatoes, for example, do not at present, through the greater part of the kingdom, cost half the price which they used to do thirty or forty years ago
Where wages are high, accordingly, we shall always find the workmen more active, diligent, and expeditious, than where they are low ; in England, for example, than in Scotland; in the neighbourhood of great towns, than in remote country places
North America, for example, than in that to Jamaica
Grocery goods, for example, are
The same quantity of industry, for example, will,
It has been adjudged, for example, that a coach-maker can neither himself
The usual and natural proportion, for example, between the rent and profit of wine, and those of corn and pasture, must be understood to take place only with regard to those vineyards which produce nothing but good common wine, such as can be raised almost anywhere, upon any light, gravelly, or sandy soil, and which has nothing to recommend it but its strength and wholesomeness
The value of a free-stone quarry, for example, will necessarily increase with the increasing improvement and population of the country round about it, especially if it should be the only one in the neighbourhood
Even though the world in general were improving, yet if, in the course of its improvements, new mines should be discovered, much more fertile than any which had been known before, though the demand for silver would necessarily increase, yet the supply might increase in so much a greater proportion, that the real price of that metal might gradually fall; that is, any given quantity, a pound weight of it, for example, might gradually purchase or command a smaller and a smaller quantity of labour, or exchange for a smaller and a smaller quantity of corn, the principal part of the subsistence of the labourer
As the former were a good deal below the general average of the century, notwithstanding the intervention of one or two dear years; so the latter have been a good deal above it, notwithstanding the intervention of one or two cheap ones, of 1759, for example
Tea, for example, was a drug very little used in Europe, before the middle of the last century
When the price of cattle, for example, rises so high, that it is as profitable to cultivate land in order to raise food for them as in order to raise food for man, it cannot well go higher
The quantity of wool or of raw hides, for example, which any country can afford, is necessarily limited by the number of great and small cattle that are kept in it
That rise in the real price of those parts of the rude produce of land, which is first the effect of the extended improvement and cultivation, and afterwards the cause of their being still further extended, the rise in the price of cattle, for example, tends, too, to raise the rent of land directly, and in a still greater proportion
The capital of a merchant, for example, is altogether a circulating capital
In a great iron-work, for example, the furnace for melting the ore, the forge, the slit-mill, are instruments of trade which cannot be erected without a very great expense
For example, you can substitute skinless white meat chicken for dark meat drumsticks
For example, if you buy 5 pounds of ground beef; separate it out into 5
For example, trans fats are listed on the ingredient lists and not in the chart of dietary information
The crunch of lettuce, for example, is
what, for example, a section of the liver
Let us suppose, for example, that the whole circulating money of some particular country amounted, at a particular time, to one million sterling, that sum being then sufficient for circulating the whole annual produce of their land and labour; let us suppose, too, that some time thereafter, different banks and bankers issued promissory notes payable to the bearer, to the extent of one million, reserving in their different coffers two hundred thousand pounds for answering occasional demands ; there would remain, therefore, in circulation, eight hundred thousand pounds in gold and silver, and a million of bank notes, or eighteen hundred thousand pounds of paper and money together
They invented, therefore, another method of issuing their promissory notes; by granting what they call cash accounts, that is, by giving credit, to the extent of a certain sum (two or three thousand pounds for example), to any individual who could procure two persons of undoubted credit and good landed estate to become surety for him, that whatever money should be advanced to him, within the sum for which the credit had been given, should be repaid upon demand, together with the legal interest
Whoever has a credit of this kind with one of those companies, and borrows a thousand pounds upon it, for example, may repay this sum piece-meal, by twenty and thirty pounds at a time, the company discounting a proportionable part of the interest of the great sum, from the day on which each of those small sums is paid in, till the whole be in this manner repaid
If twenty shilling notes, for example, are the lowest paper money current in Scotland, the whole of that currency which can easily circulate there, cannot exceed the sum of gold and silver which would be necessary for transacting the annual exchanges of twenty shillings value and upwards usually transacted within that country
The bank, however, in dealing with such customers, ought to observe with great attention, whether, in the course of some short period (of four, five, six, or eight months, for example), the sum of the repayments which it commonly receives from them, is, or is not, fully equal to that of the advances which it commonly makes to them
Still less could a bank afford to advance him any considerable part of his fixed capital ; of the capital which the undertaker of an iron forge, for example, employs in erecting his forge and smelting-houses, his work-houses, and warehouses, the dwelling-houses of his workmen, etc
At other times A would enable to discharge the first bill of exchange, by drawing, a few days before it became due, a second bill at two months date, not upon B, but upon some third person, C, for example, in London
This other bill was made payable to the order of B, who, upon its being accepted by C, discounted it with some banker in London ; and A enabled C to discharge it, by drawing, a few day's before it became due, a third bill likewise at two months date, sometimes upon his first correspondent B, and sometimes upon some fourth or fifth person, D or E, for example
For example, the occasional concert and movies for the current
This is where the program is a fixed length, for example 6 months
For example, two of my best programmers have come as direct referrals
An unsuccessful war, for example, in which the enemy got possession of the capital, and consequently of that treasure which supported the credit of the paper money, would occasion a much greater confusion in a country where the whole circulation was carried on by paper, than in one where the greater part of it was carried on by gold and silver