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    1. And time; the Kassikan was founded when the Minoans dominated the Mediterranean

    2. ” Growing up in Puerto Rico/Miami, Lopez was heavily influenced by the fact that his mother grew her own fruits and vegetables and always used animal manure as fertilizer This organically based philosophy toward gardening techniques laid the foundation of Lopez beliefs and in 1972 he founded Astra’s Garden, based on something of a religion that subscribes to living in harmony with the environment: not polluting; treating all living plant life with respect; and, basically just listening to what the earth is telling us

    3. The university where the ancient server was kept was founded in 1429bc

    4. ‘He’s convinced that Sadler’s alibi is founded on a false basis

    5. We all know our Qaidic faith was founded as a means of using faith to gain power

    6. "The movement was founded on the understanding that there are no 'innocent civilians' in a population," Bin-Martis said

    7. Much of what I teach is founded in hard results

    8. When someone became a Christian in Rome, they not only opposed the established religions, but also opposed the entire culture and State founded upon those religions

    9. Things family members so inspired by the OAU when he visited Africa in April and did in my youth; like eating collard greens and cornbread May, 1964, founded the Organization of Afro-American with our bare hands, or big Sunday dinners so plentiful they Unity (OAAU) in America

    10. Entire religions have been founded out of an effort to

    11. The situation could have gotten nasty; but her faith in Altera once again proved to be well founded

    12. The best we have done in the thirty eight thousand years since the temple of science was founded is make it possible for us to observe and now interact with the energy universe

    13. “It is well founded my sister,” replied the Queen

    14. house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock

    15. 'Her reputation as a determined woman was founded on reality

    16. The bolder one of the two does most of the talking and they exchange a few jokes and comments about the punters, all of which helps the newly founded foursome to settle into something approaching a rhythm

    17. Althart had already seen civilizations rise and fall when he and several others founded this camp, this little camp that had grown into the Main Hub of All of Land

    18. The Lord by wisdom founded the

    19. All taxes, and all the revenue which is founded upon them, all salaries, pensions, and annuities of every kind, are ultimately derived from some one or other of those three original sources of revenue, and are paid either immediately or mediately from the wages of labour, the profits of stock, or the rent of land

    20. The difference between the wages of skilled labour and those of common labour, is founded

    21. upon the same footing with an ordinary workman, seems perfectly well founded

    22. She didn't know at the time that it would be the last recording of the band that practically founded the city of Zhlindu

    23. The opinion, therefore, that silver is continually sinking in its value, seems not to be founded upon any good observations, either upon the prices of corn, or upon those of other provisions

    24. Humanity is a school founded and managed by the supreme intelligence that has made and governs the whole Universe

    25. The principles upon which it was founded are explained by Mr Law himself, in a discourse concerning money and trade, which he published in Scotland when he first proposed his project

    26. founded by the Greeks in 660 b

    27. “I believe it’s the classic form of Ionian, once spoken by the colonists who founded

    28. To which of them so important a preference shall be given, must be determined by some general rule, founded not upon the doubtful distinctions of personal merit, but upon some plain and evident difference which can admit of no dispute

    29. They are founded upon the most absurd of all suppositions, the supposition that every successive generation of men have not an equal right to the earth, and to all that it possesses ; but that the property of the present generation should be restrained and regulated according to the fancy of those who died, perhaps five hundred years ago

    30. Upon the authority which the great proprietors necessarily had, in such a state of things, over their tenants and retainers, was founded the power of the ancient barons

    31. and manufactures, with the rapid advances of our North American colonies, of which the wealth is founded altogether in agriculture

    32. Both the objection and the reply are founded in the popular notion which I have been just now examining

    33. Nothing, however, can be more absurd than this whole doctrine of the balance of trade, upon which, not only these restraints, but almost all the other regulations of commerce, are founded

    34. Rome, like most of the other ancient republics, was originally founded upon an agrarian law, which divided the public territory, in a certain proportion, among the different citizens who

    35. His Holiness the Dalai Lama never tires of reminding people that, “The entire teaching of Buddha is founded on compassion

    36. The city of Lima, founded since the conquest, is represented by Ulloa as containing fifty thousand inhabitants near thirty years ago

    37. for many years, originally founded in Korea

    38. In the European monarchies, which were founded upon the ruins of the Roman empire, both before, and for some time after, the establishment of what is properly called the feudal law, the great lords, with all their immediate dependents, used to serve the crown at their own expense

    39. Antiquity of family means everywhere the antiquity either of wealth, or of that greatness which is commonly either founded upon wealth, or accompanied with it

    40. The hatred of usurpers, the love of the family of an ancient monarch, are in a great measure founded upon the contempt which men naturally have for the former, and upon their veneration for the latter

    41. In the Tartar governments of Asia, in the governments of Europe which were founded by the German and Scythian nations who overturned the Roman empire, the administration of justice was a considerable source of revenue, both to the sovereign, and to all the lesser chiefs or lords who exercised under him any particular jurisdiction, either over some particular tribe or clan, or over some particular territory or district

    42. In the progress of the European monarchies, which were founded upon the ruins of the Roman empire, the sovereigns and the great lords came universally to consider the administration of justice as an office both too laborious and too ignoble for them to execute in their own persons

    43. Provided he can enjoy this influence for a few years, and thereby provide for a certain number of his friends, he frequently cares little about the dividend, or even about the value of the stock upon which his vote is founded

    44. They were founded by the authority of the pope; and were so entirely under his immediate protection, that their members, whether masters or students, had all of them what was then called the benefit of clergy, that is, were exempted from the civil jurisdiction of the countries in which their respective universities were situated, and were amenable only to the ecclesiastical tribunals

    45. This independency of the clergy of France upon the court of Rome seems to be principally founded upon the pragmatic sanction and the concordat

    46. For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods

    47. Navy, having been founded in 1830

    48. founded in 1850, in honor of Christopher Columbus

    49. An annuity, with a right of survivorship, is really worth more than an equal annuity for a separate life ; and, from the confidence which every man naturally has in his own good fortune, the principle upon which is founded the success of all lotteries, such an annuity generally sells for something more than it is worth

    50. This apology is founded altogether in the sophistry of the mercantile system; and, after the long examination which I have already bestowed upon that system, it may, perhaps, be unnecessary to say anything further about it

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