Usa "fresco" in una frase
fresco frasi di esempio
1. He said no evidence has been revealed yet, although he would not be surprised to find a cache or perhaps another temple to Athena or at least a statue or fresco in the vicinity,' she said
2. Jo laughed and explained that the invitation was couched in very formal terms inviting the Lady Josephine Symons to join the Ladies Katie and Abigail for an al fresco entertainment
3. We ate our meals al fresco
4. He reminded me of the fresco of Apollo I’d seen on the proscenium at Smyrna’s amphitheater
5. The fresco whci covered the entire ceiling looked as though it had only just been finished
6. into the pool to start a new fresco
7. On the ceiling he saw a great fresco of Neil lying atop
8. her that we indulge in some al fresco sex, as suggested by Fifi
9. It is only in accordance with general principles of human nature that the "bloofer lady" should be the popular role at these al fresco performances
10. Should not every apartment in which man dwells be lofty enough to create some obscurity overhead, where flickering shadows may play at evening about the rafters? These forms are more agreeable to the fancy and imagination than fresco paintings or other the most expensive furniture
11. In the lantern where the frescoing is contemplated the wall will be faced with porous brick, on which the proper fresco plaster can be spread
12. For this I have cleared all the site of the buildings, and in course of the work several rooms with portions of painted fresco pavements have been found
13. The connexion between the naturalistic work of these frescoes and the fresco of Tiryns and the gold cups of Vaphio is obvious; and it seems possible that Greece may have started Khuenaten in his new views of style, which he carried out so fully by his native artists
1. He halted suddenly, posed like a statue at the foot of the stair, staring at the paintings which frescoed the walls, half visible in the dim light which filtered down from above
2. Presently the hide-and-seek frolicking began, and Tom and Becky engaged in it with zeal until the exertion began to grow a trifle wearisome; then they wandered down a sinuous avenue holding their candles aloft and reading the tangled webwork of names, dates, postoffice addresses, and mottoes with which the rocky walls had been frescoed (in candle-smoke)
3. Still drifting along and talking, they scarcely noticed that they were now in a part of the cave whose walls were not frescoed
1. In the lantern where the frescoing is contemplated the wall will be faced with porous brick, on which the proper fresco plaster can be spread
1. And as I moved through the deepening shadows, delicate frescos emerged depicting the life of Christ and covering every centimetre of ceiling and walls
2. “ Many statues and frescos in ancient Pompeian gardens show Venus, the goddess of love in translucent silk, which your husband has chosen for you to wear
3. At first when I enter a room where the walls are covered with frescos, or with rare pictures, I feel a kind of awe—like a child present at great ceremonies where there are grand robes and processions; I feel myself in the presence of some higher life than my own
4. "Rome has agreed with you, I see—happiness, frescos, the antique—that sort of thing