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    Usa "frog" in una frase

    frog frasi di esempio


    1. A frog braver than the rest putting his head above the

    2. magnet and a frog

    3. say they have succeeded in floating a frog in air

    4. To hold up the frog, the field had to be a million

    5. ‘If the magnetic field pushes the frog away with

    6. frog will float,’ Main said

    7. The scientists said their frog showed no signs of

    8. Cutting up a frog and inspecting his sexual organs is not the same as studying my body from a distance and learning what it’s doing; when I don’t

    9. Famed for Havana cigars and vintage American cars, this island has 4000 miles of coastline and is home to the world’s smal est frog and bird, migrating land crabs, and bee

    10. Also home to the little Coqui Frog with his ko-kee chirp, and Rio Camuy – the third largest underground river in the world

    11. "You must have been that frog under the willow that kept disturbing the fish, I didn't catch a thing, it kept burping and croaking every time a mackerel came near my apple

    12. "I wasn’t the frog, he had his own idea's about your apple core

    13. It was my young cousin Aristides running from the pond, shouting that little Phoebe had gotten mired while chasing a frog

    14. It was Golden Frog! His eyes, legs and body seemed to be repeated in a random pattern throughout the creature's aura

    15. ‘I'm free, I'M FREE!’ shouted Golden Frog

    16. There must be a Fargone involved in this thought Golden Frog

    17. ‘Are you are a Fargone?’ cried Golden Frog telepathically to Orb

    18. Golden Frog had little power of his own but he could undo his own handiwork

    19. Golden Frog viciously pulled the remains of the field apart and tugged at the artery

    20. Once Orb and Golden Frog had entered the Labradors' body a glowing, pulsing blue field reached out from Danny's mangled blood-struck torso

    21. ‘The love,’ said Golden Frog without hesitation or thought

    22. ‘How’s the key?’ enquired Golden Frog

    23. ‘Oh my gracious aunt!’ screamed Golden Frog

    24. Golden Frog was sporting a frog-like head but had a scrawny lion-cub body

    25. Frog fought the morphing force

    26. The strange looking Golden Frog sat by the tree and sulked

    27. ‘I kick wall,’ said Golden Frog, confident he would quickly find a way out

    28. He looked like a little boy who was caught with a frog in his pocket!

    29. Anatomical impossibility, somewhat on the order of eyebrows on a frog

    30. with the opening of a nightclub called The Green Frog?”

    31. The Rhodesians also introduced a teqnique of frog leaping by which I mean they would leave a small tracker team on the spoor and then jump ahead for a few miles in the general direction where they thought the spoor was going to by helicopter

    32. Unless you use the leaping frog method you will almost never run him in on foot

    33. sword across his lap, he closed his eyes listening to the tree frog song

    34. I used to call those his frog legs

    35. Miss Drew says Carl had a frog in his pocket in Sunday School last Sunday and it hopped out while she was hearing the lesson

    36. Ganook helpfully identified them as (in order under the raven) a wolf, a frog, a shark, an otter, and a bear

    37. A frog in a well knows nothing about the birds in the sky

    38. Remember “the story of the frog who will leap out of boiling water, but will stay still in tepid water and allow the water to be brought to a boil

    39. thought of the frog

    40. “Remember the frog?” he asked

    41. pretty small guy to feel like a bully but he thought of the frog and he

    42. like a large frog, throwing his hands out into the air for no

    43. The frog sat on the log

    44. Did the dog sit on the frog?

    45. Now they were sprinting over the carcasses of the frog horde that were being rapidly eaten up by the pestilence of flies

    46. the carcasses of the frog horde that were being rapidly eaten up by the pestilence of flies

    47. We petitioned the frog god this afternoon

    48. Misfortune let us use the wagon to go to the countryside in search of the happy frog legs

    49. As a native of the area, Victor Andres knew where to find the famous frog race, so confirming his order I said:

    50. Get a frog to be used in a spell, removing him, perhaps, from the delight that is to be immersed in the warm waters of a pond and sunbathing under the delicate solar rays

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