Usa "frond" in una frase
frond frasi di esempio
1. " Luray had broken off a long frond and stripped it, getting a curved stick over three feet long out of it
2. They mewed and cooed quietly to each other and inch-bounded from frond to frond
3. It took another claw at the spot where they'd climbed into the tree, then began rumbling off after the herd again, brushing against the trunk of the frond Alan was in and shaking it enough to almost knock him out of it
4. You are trying to connect thru an eye of your own that you've parked on a frond near the Kaldiss eye in the city of Zhlindu
5. As punctuation a springkett nabbed one of those tightplumes and inchbounded up a wild frond to consume its meal
6. She fanned my face with a palm frond while her husband opened the goatskin of water and poured a cup
7. He had refused to take the seat and had refused a blessed palm frond as well
8. Not a single frond remained on them, leaving the emasculated trunks looking like natural obelisks marching down each side of the river
9. Pushing aside a frond I revealed where the ground had been
10. The svelte female lightening bug centered herself securely in one of the shallow v-shaped grooves on the palm frond as she awaited her visitor
11. A fidgety stink bird sitting on a palmetto frond next to his stilled head was snapped up, chomped and gulped down; a feathered hors d‘oeuvre
12. A frond of her jeans snagged on a branch, so she stood and unbuckled the belt,
13. frond, not unlike that of a coconut palm
14. point papyrus (paper reed) frond as a headdress and was called “she of seven points
15. Sometimes their response is as simple as a palm frond or an article of clothing
16. Closer, before his nose, every blade of grass, every bracken frond was bent, dripping and glistening
17. But will you please go to the frond door; there are servants there,’ the gardener answered
18. Break off the tips as low as they remain tender, close your hand over the stalk and draw the frond through to remove the ‘wool’
19. But will you please go to the frond door; there are servants there," the gardener answered