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    Usa "function as" in una frase

    function as frasi di esempio

    function as

    1. It Is a question of function as given to us by God! Man has his God-given place

    2. Certain meridians are actually thought to function as

    3. This far below the Gorian, LeCynic was free to function as he wished

    4. Executive function as defined by Harvard’s Center on the Developing Child is a combination of working memory (aka, those 700 neural connections per second), selective and focused attention on important tasks (or self control), and mental flexibility – being able to revise a course of action based on changes in the environment

    5. The flavonoids in parsley—especially luteolin—have been shown to function as antioxidants that combine with highly reactive oxygen-containing molecules (called oxygen radicals) and help prevent oxygen-based damage to cells

    6. When on low-carb diets whey can function as an alternate source of energy, sparing hard-earned muscle protein and glutamine stores within the body

    7. As far as I know they had no pseudo function as did the Seleous Scouts

    8. It might be years before the city would be able to function as a city and clear away all the destruction and build new buildings

    9. Devatas or the benevolent entities function as deputies of the

    10. Science within its study of neurology attempts to delve into this question whether it is fully aware of its function as investigator or not

    11. It will only function as guarantee or reserves for credibility and reliability of the new systematics

    12. This statement will be transferred into recursive process in function as given below:

    13. · Practices that function as the power of the remedy (antidote, or remedial action), may be any positive action and can include:

    14. the fact that we function as a society, despite life’s complications

    15. human brain function as the human body age

    16. They ask us to function as a group and have blind faith in our leaders

    17. After pointing out that celibacy is not the exclusive domain of Catholicism and that renouncing the use of sex does not make priests sexless zombies devoid of their manhood, Roger traced for the readers the historical development of celibacy and the compelling reasons, human and divine, for the preference of celibacy over marriage to facilitate the priest’s function as a mediator between God and man, dedicated to the salvation of souls

    18. One of the inherent problems with presenting propaganda rather than news is that the more facts the journalist presents, the more difficult it becomes to function as

    19. amounts of money among various puppet organizations that function as this small group dictates

    20. The cream of British and French intellectuals served the same function as Stalin’s willing accomplices

    21. Thinking about how so many lost souls would be lost forever, as churches don’t function as they should

    22. “My daughter,” He said, “the meaning of empty church is this: Christians still go to church, but they do not function as true Christians

    23. Rather than function as an advisor out of My Tho in the Dinh Tung and Kien Thung provinces in the Mekong Delta area of IV Corps in the southern portion of Vietnam, he was assigned special duty to an SF A Team; Detachment A-302, in III Corps

    24. bodies are cells that function as “plasma antennae” which

    25. Embedded in bioplasma bodies are cel s that function as “plasma

    26. ten cribs, and there would be a kitchen and bathroom, and our back porch would function as a

    27. There was no guarantee that this box would actually work and there was no court which would get you your money or cigarettes back in case that device did not function as advertised

    28. And Jesus learned much about the way some human minds function as he so patiently listened to Philip's foolish questions and so many times complied with his steward's request to "be shown

    29. Researchers have identified at least 13 different flavonoid compounds in spinach that function as antioxidants and as anti-cancer agents

    30. 10 He announced that he had come to function as a teacher, a teacher sent from heaven to present spiritual truth to the material mind

    31. function as the Pause key

    32. Success requires not only devotion to one's work but also that one should function as a part of some one of the channels of material wealth

    33. 2 "The angelic hosts are a separate order of created beings; they are entirely different from the material order of mortal creatures, and they function as a distinct group of universe intelligences

    34. As his followers awakened to the fact that their Master was not going to function as a temporal deliverer, and as they listened to his predictions of the overthrow of Jerusalem and the downfall of the Jewish nation, they most naturally began to associate his promised return with these catastrophic events

    35. This divine endowment is not the letter or law of truth, neither is it to function as the form or expression of truth

    36. His lungs begin to function as his yolk sac is emptied and dries out, and he learns to breathe air that enters the egg through the porous shell

    37. church, I had every hope he would function as well as his

    38. When on low-carb diets whey can function as an alternate source of

    39. We can optionally return a value from the function as well

    40. There is a special way of receiving parameters to a function as a tuple or a dictionary using the * or **

    41. appearance in your brain, and it wil not function as efficiently as it could

    42. Then the economy has ceased to function as much less coal is getting to the scuttlers

    43. could still function as a time machine

    44. Then the cosmos could still function as a time machine

    45. � Their frightened expression as they glued themselves to the walls to let her pass was proof enough to her that the new armor could have a significant psychological impact on enemy soldiers, apart from its main function as a protective equipment

    46. biology, so in many ways they behave and function as do the

    47. Charts and tables set up the illusion that anticipation of an economic phase is effortless, but these tables do not function as “tea leaves”

    48. their reputation to the point where they can no longer function as they

    49. He struggled to function as well as he could

    50. “Garcia’s brain and implant function as one unit and the images he imagines could be transferred to a media storage device in use by the Iotians

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