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    Usa "fuselage" in una frase

    fuselage frasi di esempio


    1. He then cut the wings in two and the remaining fuselage into three sections

    2. I shall cut the main beams in the wings and other parts of the fuselage once the engines and undercarriage have been removed

    3. When he did he noticed the cracks forming along the fuselage

    4. Gaps along the fuselage revealed sections of red horizon below, and above: deep blue

    5. In a brief moment of awareness he said to the person sitting across from him in the fuselage, ‘Tell the pilot to return to the compound

    6. When confronted by an enemy fighter on their tail, they can’t curl up in a ball and hide in the fuselage

    7. He had smoke stains on the fuselage

    8. “This all seems a little silly to you men, I’m sure,” I informed Saul, as I stood by the fuselage

    9. We put the rear fuselage in a padded cradle

    10. It would have required total disassembly of the front end of the fuselage, with many problems of reassembly

    11. We screwed a simple metal plate to the bottom of the fuselage to protect the fuel tank

    12. Just about then, Dawley came out of the fuselage, and stood there, balancing with a hand on the back of each of our seats

    13. question mark added to the fuselage

    14. The boomer, lying prone in the aft fuselage under the tail of the giant tanker, looked out at the F-105 flying formation a few feet under and behind the giant tanker

    15. Still firing, he let the pipper of his gunsight slide back to the center of the fuselage to the engine bay

    16. Frederick rolled to a wing low position, and quit firing as the left wing of the MiG separated in a blinding flash and the fuselage started violent snap rolls to the left

    17. The fuselage had broken where the engines were attached to

    18. capable of unless they could speak directly to the designers of the ship‘s fuselage?

    19. ―The ones who were entrusted to design the fuselage

    20. Fitz pointed to the ground beneath the fuselage

    21. Brent clung on to the fuselage of the plane, not sure what Seven

    22. The inside of the jet was bare save a few seats attached to the fuselage

    23. The Sikorsky was still hovering over the burning Security Headquarters when the bullets started chewing relentlessly at the fuselage

    24. It was matte-black with a multi-faceted surface over its entire triangular shaped fuselage

    25. Testing his imagery equipment Grailem is pleased to see that he merges well with the background of the fuselage

    26. Unable to see their destination through the metal of the fuselage, Grailem waits patiently until the shuttlecraft has docked

    27. It had hydrofoils that swung out from the fuselage in addition the normal landing gear

    28. The very first production run of the P I ship had four weapons pods for the lasers which folded out from the fuselage

    29. "I had it painted white, with a red and blue stripe down the side of the fuselage

    30. He barely had time to exit the fuselage, still pulling her limp body, before the aircraft sank out of sight

    31. The trajectory of an airplane carrying fuel in both the wings and the fuselage would not leave some section of the pentagon in between

    32. It has a pressurized fuselage and can also take off and land on short, rough runways, thanks to a combination of elaborate blown flaps and low pressure tires

    33. Once near the first P-38N, Tony LeVier turned to face the 32 female pilots and patted the fuselage of the fighter plane

    34. Going to the opening rear ramp, the five of them entered a fuselage cabin wide enough to accommodate a jeep and lined up on both sides with folding jump seats

    35. � The fuselage was big and roomy, with a cargo hold big enough for a large car or a light truck

    36. An unaccompanied male climbed out of the cockpit and carefully eased out a battered looking trials motorcycle from a compartment in the fuselage

    37. One missile was decoyed away by the ORION, but another exploded in proximity to it, putting two of its engines on fire and peppering its fuselage with shrapnel

    38. Its needle-like nose was flanked by two huge rectangular engine air inlets and connected to a long, wide fuselage that contained both the two huge TF-58R combination turbofan/ramjet engines and the multiple internal weapons bays of the aircraft, plus voluminous internal fuel tanks

    39. The Lockheed engineer stopped a few meters to one side of the plane, which had long wings with only moderate backward sweep and two big engines flanking the fuselage

    40. Margaret, following closely behind Williamson with her three colleagues, had to recognize that the prototype had a futuristic look to it, with its swept wings, its two vertical rudders and its two jet engines in the aft part of the fuselage

    41. Two big engine pods were mounted under its wings, projecting significantly forward, and the fuselage was quite stubby

    42. When the VRC diver released the plane to sink in deep water, he was unaware of the weakened fuselage

    43. Another burst from her cannons, fired with her customary deadly accuracy, turned another bomber in a flying torch, its big fuselage fuel tanks shred open

    44. With a pressure on her firing button, her two belly rocket pods contained inside her fuselage deployed in a flash, firing in total sixteen 76mm rocket before retracting back as quickly inside the fuselage, thus cutting drag to a minimum

    45. The PANTHER shook as a 37mm shell exploded against his left wing extrados, ripping away the aluminum skin over more than a square meter of surface and peppering his fuselage with shrapnel

    46. The hum of the engines deafened out all other sounds apart from the occasional creaking of the fuselage, and although he was tired, he probably wouldn't be able to sleep

    47. The bay was fully loaded with large metal crates, and only narrow corridors along the fuselage and between the crates allowed passage to other parts of the Ship

    48. Eventually, he found it very near the aft cargo ramp, and after strapping himself into the harness and checking that it was securely fastened to the fuselage, he wrapped the shoulder straps of two of the missiles around his left arm

    49. Midge dropped the missile launcher and clung to a hand-rail that ran along the fuselage while moving as close to the cargo ramp as the safety harness would permit, but he could see nothing but the bright blue sky outside the Ship

    50. The fuselage creaked and shuddered, the engines roared, and Midge watched in horror as one or two of the rivets that held the hand-rail in place, snapped off

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