Usa "fuzziness" in una frase
fuzziness frasi di esempio
1. They kept on to the northeast where the horizon had a fuzziness like there was more vegetation in that direction
2. I think it is its fuzziness that allows it to appear to come into existence
3. It was a curious sensation: the fuzziness before – and partially after – the return of memory
4. to be fuzziness on the horizon slowly turned into another line of palms rising majestically up
5. land had replaced the warmth and fuzziness of a benevolent
6. yellow fuzziness in the room
7. He had a memory of feeling shiny material and of seeing a fuzziness about the face that he had sensed even in the faint light
8. We were there, but not, drifting in a sea of fuzziness whilst feeling complete clarity in regards to each other
9. It contained none of the fuzziness or sense of emotion that it did with him
10. It seemed to be filled with a fuzziness that made thinking slow
11. There was a kind of haze, a fuzziness to the air
12. Trying to recall how he used to live was difficult, fuzziness blocking any clarity
13. A loose Vishuddha is seen by the fuzziness of speech and by
14. This feature is proved by the fuzziness of points in the bottom-left corners of these charts and their concentration alongside the diagonals of top-right corners
15. Based on our experience, fuzziness here—relative, say, to describing one's buying discipline—is a warning sign