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    Usa "gable" in una frase

    gable frasi di esempio


    1. His „House of the Seven Gables" could well have described the house in which Clark Gable and his wife, Carol Lombard, would have lived with their five children

    2. A very loud, very ominous crack suddenly rent the air as the gable end of the house disintegrated, causing a large section of the roof to slip forward, where it canted over, then broke away

    3. I looked out the room’s gable window and saw the space where the garage had been

    4. If the roof does not have a gable end

    5. a plan of the ridges, gable ends and valleys and

    6. There was a strip of road that was a dead end that ran adjacent to the gable end of the house where Joe was able to park the truck

    7. It had two large doors that opened on to the stretch of road that was a dead end, which ran adjacent to the gable end of the house

    8. those oldies where Clark Gable played the part

    9. The hangar was fifty metres long and ten metres wide, there were two long workbenches, one on each side wall, oxyacetylene bottles, pipe-cutters, and a welding machine, a pegboard was fixed to the wall with a huge variety of tools hanging on it, on the far gable wall were three small rooms that must have been used at some time as offices, on one of the bench’s was most of the gear that Murray had ordered, a bundle of thermic lances, four bottles of oxygen, heavy leather apron and heavy duty welding gloves, welding mask, two acrow jacks, electric nail gun, two small fire extinguisher’s, an extractor fan with a large hose attached, blackout curtains made of canvas, framework shelves stacked with metal tubes and steel plates of different thicknesses

    10. to the Clark Gable era, although I could never see him as Gone with the

    11. A single copper cross was embedded above the entrance on the gable roof and two other crosses were also attached to the other two angular rooftops

    12. He was pointing to a shadow of a gable on the house

    13. There were two small gable windows with pretty flower boxes and a painted red front door

    14. The gable window above them flew open and they heard the girl scream again

    15. The top of the tower was flat though the outer, north wall was topped with a strange triangular gable which gave the building an unbalanced appearance

    16. He inspected the stones in the hedge around the point he had established by calculating where the shadow of the gable point would reach

    17. The door occupied the gable end and was modern and white which indicated self-ownership or a private landlord as the council doors were old, wooden affairs painted chocolate brown

    18. There is scaffolding across the gable end, and much of it is shrouded in canvas

    19. Rubbish was cleared from the newly-landscaped waste ground in front of the gable end and carted

    20. Attached to the stop-plank of the gable a bunch of straw mixed with corn-ears fluttered its tricoloured ribbons in the wind

    21. As they were going home, Crass paused at the gate, and pointing up to the large gable at the end of the house, he said to Philpot:

    22. However, as none of the others were long enough to reach the high gable at the Refuge, they managed, with a struggle, to get it down from the hooks and put it on one of the handcarts and soon passed through the streets of mean and dingy houses in the vicinity of the yard, and began the ascent of the long hill

    23. Crass said that he had kicked up no end of a row because they had not called at the yard at six o'clock that morning for the ladder, instead of going for it after breakfast - making two journeys instead of one, and he had also been ratty because the big gable had not been started the first thing that morning

    24. They carried the ladder into the garden and laid it on the ground along the side of the house where the gable was

    25. of the gable, and as it lay there, the other end of the ladder

    26. Next, it was necessary that two men should go up into the attic - the window of which was just under the point of the gable - and drop the end of a long rope down to the others who would tie it to the top of the ladder

    27. `Yes! and a bloody fine row there'd be if Hunter was to see you! 'Ere it's nearly ten o'clock and we ain't made a start on this gable wot we ought to 'ave started first thing this morning

    28. Philpot returned to the small gable he had been painting before breakfast, which he had not quite finished

    29. He did not want to do that other gable; he felt too ill; and he almost resolved that he would ask Crass if he would mind letting him do something else

    30. Hunter arrived at the house shortly afterwards and at once began to shout and bully because the painting of the gable was not yet commenced

    31. Not to inherit by right of primogeniture, gavelkind or borough English, or possess in perpetuity an extensive demesne of a sufficient number of acres, roods and perches, statute land measure (valuation 42 pounds), of grazing turbary surrounding a baronial hall with gatelodge and carriage drive nor, on the other hand, a terracehouse or semidetached villa, described as Rus in Urbe or Qui si sana , but to purchase by private treaty in fee simple a thatched bungalowshaped 2 storey dwellinghouse of southerly aspect, surmounted by vane and lightning conductor, connected with the earth, with porch covered by parasitic plants (ivy or Virginia creeper), halldoor, olive green, with smart carriage finish and neat doorbrasses, stucco front with gilt tracery at eaves and gable, rising, if possible, upon a gentle eminence with agreeable prospect from balcony with stone pillar parapet over unoccupied and unoccupyable interjacent pastures and standing in 5 or 6 acres of its own ground, at such a distance from the nearest public thoroughfare as to render its houselights visible at night above and through a quickset hornbeam hedge of topiary cutting, situate at a given point not less than 1 statute mile from the periphery of the metropolis, within a time limit of not more than 15 minutes from tram or train line (e

    32. They liked gable ends and round arches, and they rejected ornate exterior sculpture in favour of decorative patterns of different-coloured stone and marble

    33. So the tunnel would follow the spine of the house, perpendicular to the gable wall, running outward under the compound, toward the generator shed, or possibly the smaller building next to it

    34. Near by, a long, low, dark building, steeple-roofed, like a vast barn with a wooden cross over the gable, was the miners' chapel

    35. The place never really recovered from the association with that terrible event, but the showroom had once hosted the Oscars and been the haunt of Gable and Lombard and Errol Flynn

    36. The wall felt warm to her back and shoulders, and she found that immediately within the gable was the cottage fireplace, the heat of which came through the bricks

    37. Tess, who continued to live at the cottage with the warm gable that cheered any lonely pedestrian who paused beside it, awoke in the night, and heard above the thatch noises which

    38. Farther on, on a level with the towers of Notre-Dame, is the gable end of the roof of the stage, a 'Pegasus', by M

    39. and as it came low, almost to the gable, there came a cry that stopped our

    40. Tom partly uncovered a dismal caricature of a house with two gable ends to it and a corkscrew of smoke issuing from the chimney

    41. It had been filled with beautifully drawn portraits of Garbo, Colman, Gable, Harlow, and at one time or another a thousand others, all signed in purple ink

    42. After traversing a hundred paces, skirting a wall of the fifteenth century, surmounted by a pointed gable, with bricks set in contrast, he found himself before a large door of arched stone, with a rectilinear impost, in the sombre style of Louis XIV

    43. That volley of grape-shot can be seen to-day imprinted on the ancient gable of a brick building on the right of the road at a few minutes' distance before you enter Genappe

    44. It presented its side and gable to the public road; hence its apparent diminutiveness

    45. Beginning with these angles of the niche, the wall extended along the Rue Polonceau as far as a house which bore the number 49, and along the Rue Droit-Mur, where the fragment was much shorter, as far as the gloomy building which we have mentioned and whose gable it intersected, thus forming another retreating angle in the street

    46. This gable was sombre of aspect; only one window was visible, or, to speak more correctly, two shutters covered with a sheet of zinc and kept constantly closed

    47. The angle which it formed with the gable of the large building was filled, at its lower extremity, by a mass of masonry of a triangular shape, probably intended to preserve that too convenient corner from the rubbish of those dirty creatures called the passers-by

    48. Then, without haste, but without making a useless movement, with firm and curt precision, the more remarkable at a moment when the patrol and Javert might come upon him at any moment, he undid his cravat, passed it round Cosette's body under the armpits, taking care that it should not hurt the child, fastened this cravat to one end of the rope, by means of that knot which seafaring men call a "swallow knot," took the other end of the rope in his teeth, pulled off his shoes and stockings, which he threw over the wall, stepped upon the mass of masonry, and began to raise himself in the angle of the wall and the gable with as much solidity and certainty as though he had the rounds of a ladder under his feet and elbows

    49. This ruin can be recognized by two large square windows which are still to be seen there; the middle one, that nearest the right gable, is barred with a worm-eaten beam adjusted like a prop

    50. But all she wanted to see was a fifty-year-old film of Clark Gable

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    gable gable end gable wall clark gable william clark gable