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    Usa "gallows" in una frase

    gallows frasi di esempio


    1. There was a brand new gallows standing there and the steadily growing crowd seemed very excited because there had not been a hanging in the City for years and years and years

    2. Gantries, platforms and temporary grandstands surrounded the gallows where television crews were setting up and radio presenters were practicing their lines

    3. Despite the chill air, the early hour and his impending death, the soldier cut a fine, bold figure as he accompanied his guards to the gallows, where he stood to attention on the raised platform and looked at the crowd

    4. There was a brand new gallows

    5. surrounded the gallows where television crews were setting up and

    6. out to the gallows, he heard a shrill whistle, and when he looked

    7. gallows, where he stood to attention on the raised platform and

    8. swinging on the gallows

    9. the gallows at Washington’s Old Penitentiary and were executed

    10. Now imagine how a policeman felt when he needs to make split second decision which might cause him to end up on the wrong end of the gallows rope? We used to say, very correctly, that a court had all the time in the world to decide what we had to decide in milliseconds

    11. Rumour had it that the ropes were rejected gallows ropes, or former gallows ropes, which I could believe

    12. Why use your effort and skill to defend a criminal who really should not be in society and deserved to swing at end of a gallows rope until dead, dead, dead - as the court says in a death penalty judgement

    13. Vanity is a rope, and pride builds the gallows;

    14. 14 Then said Zeresh his wife and all his friends to him, Let a gallows be made of fifty cubits high, and tomorrow speak you to the

    15. he caused the gallows to be made

    16. hang Mordecai on the gallows that he had prepared for him

    17. 10 So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai; then was the king's wrath pacified

    18. him they have hanged on the gallows, because he laid his hand on the Jews

    19. return on his own head, and that he and his sons should be hanged on the gallows

    20. Haman, confident of his revenge, erects a gallows on which he planned to hang

    21. So Haman is taken out and hanged on his own gallows, Please read Esther 7, the

    22. Maggie shivered, for she could see through the gates where a massive gallows waited

    23. Antonin Zarras, Overlord of the Eastern Lands, stepped onto the platform next to the gallows

    24. A condemned man walked up the steps of the gallows and peered out at the twisted and jeering faces

    25. Haman was then himself hanged from the same gallows he had erected to execute Mordecai

    26. There was a gallows behind her

    27. A man, the persecutor, grabbed her thick long hair and tied it firmly on a hook on the gallows

    28. She was trying to get free but her hair had been tied so firmly on the gallows

    29. The pain must be excruciating with her hair tied on the gallows supporting her body weight

    30. Would rather swing from the gallows

    31. Walking away from that stand with only a quarter of a point left to win a watch, a radio and an alarm clock was equal to walking up the steps to the gallows

    32. And with that, The Magic One disappeared once more and the darkness faded as I suddenly found myself catapulted from the gallows of the sub-stage into the spotlight

    33. As if they were taking me to the gallows, this way I felt when moved from the cell to the place of the hearing

    34. `To the gallows with her!'

    35. Finding the brothers unafraid of death on the gallows that they expected, Suresh was tempted to probe their mind

    36. Why wouldn't they walk up to the gallows with the satisfaction of being saviors?

    37. Thank God, he would not be dying on the gallows either! After all, given the provocation, didn’t the courts hold that a life sentence would meet the ends of justice? With a little bit of luck, he might even get remission sooner than later

    38. ‘What possibilities of life do they really have behind the bars? Don’t they realize that by slaying whom they hated, they compromised their own life forever? But, isn’t revenge a mad emotion, and murder its negative outcome? How naïve it is to imagine that the threat of the gallows would deter one to resort to murdering! It is man’s negative mindset that makes him go after someone’s throat

    39. In gusts of blood-lust he festooned the gallows in the market square with dangling corpses, glutted the axes of the headsmen and sent his Nemedian horsemen thundering through the land pillaging and burning

    40. There were two nooses set on each gallows but

    41. in each of the gallows

    42. Upon further analysis of the gallows, I ascertained the

    43. never seen a double gallows before

    44. help but notice that there’s a Union flag on one gallows and a

    45. The next thing I knew, I was standing beneath the gallows

    46. that curved towards the gallows

    47. The same Angels that sent me to the gallows

    48. should be sent to the gallows! Yes, especially my wench

    49. ”, the man who hears the gallows drums and feels the rope around his neck says “Er

    50. Wallace, they’re building the gallows

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