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    Usa "gayly" in una frase

    gayly frasi di esempio


    1. For in your tour of shopping club discounts, you have threaded the chains of cultures and countries into the garment your princess will wear, as she gayly goes zom-begging for death candy made by the ghosts of childhoods lost and villages gallowed

    2. A sinner should always, I think, sin gayly or not at all

    3. 'What, as a doorkeeper, eh, thou cistern filled with wisdom?' cried Papa, lifting his glass and drinking gayly to Tante Else, who glanced uneasily at her husband, he not yet having been, to her recollection, called a cistern

    4. Then we persuaded a small but strong boy, a boy of open countenance and superior manners whom we met in the market- lace, to drag the sled with the beef and the book up the hill again for us; and so we set out homeward, walking gayly one on each side of him, encouraging him with loud admiration of his prowess

    5. I will sit on the tree and sing gayly

    6. The guidon flags flutter gayly in the wind

    7. A rocky founded island--shores where ever gayly dash the coming,

    8. Meg had told her adventures gayly and said over and over what a charming time she had had, but something still seemed to weigh upon her spirits, and when the younger girls were gone to bed, she sat thoughtfully staring at the fire, saying little and looking worried

    9. Morrel, who, forthwith conducting her up the flight of wooden steps leading to the chamber in which the feast was prepared, was gayly followed by the guests, beneath whose heavy tread the slight structure creaked and groaned for the space of several minutes

    10. He kept his word; twice a day he cast out, through the barred aperture, the provisions his jailer brought him—at first gayly, then with deliberation, and at last with regret

    11. "It was and the feast that began so gayly had a very sorrowful ending; a police

    12. " said Albert gayly, arranging his cravat and wristbands, "you are really most kind, and I hope you will consider me as under eternal obligations to you, in the first place for the carriage, and in the next for this visit," and he put out his hand to the Count, who shuddered as he gave his own, but who nevertheless did give it

    13. Dinner went off gayly, and although my guardian seemed to follow rather than originate subjects, I knew that he wrenched the weakest part of our dispositions out of us

    14. The servants passed gayly along the fine court-yard; some, belonging to the kitchens, gliding down the stairs, restored but the previous day, as if they had always inhabited the house; others filling the coach-houses, where the equipages, encased and numbered, appeared to have been installed for the last fifty years; and in the stables the horses replied with neighs to the grooms, who spoke to them with much more respect than many servants pay their masters

    15. They tramped gayly

    16. The lads came gayly back and went at their sports again with a will, chattering all the time about Tom's stupendous plan and admiring the genius of it

    17. Soon he observed that she was tripping gayly back and forth with flushed face and dancing eyes, pretending to be busy chasing schoolmates, and screaming with laughter when she made a capture; but he noticed that she always made her captures in his vicinity, and that she seemed to cast a conscious eye in his direction at such times, too

    18. As he ate his breakfast, Monseigneur Welcome remarked gayly to his sister, who said nothing, and to Madame Magloire, who was grumbling under her breath, that one really does not need either fork or spoon, even of wood, in order to dip a bit of bread in a cup of milk

    19. It is not made for that; it errs gayly, our gentle love

    20. White cloudlets floated across the sky, so gayly, that one would have said that they had just been set at liberty

    21. One evening, when these gales were blowing rudely, to such a degree that January seemed to have returned and that the bourgeois had resumed their cloaks, Little Gavroche, who was always shivering gayly under his rags, was standing as though in ecstasy before a wig-maker's shop in the vicinity of the Orme-Saint-Gervais

    22. Overturned carts broke the uniformity of the slope; an immense dray was spread out there crossways, its axle pointing heavenward, and seemed a scar on that tumultuous facade; an omnibus hoisted gayly, by main force, to the very summit of the heap, as though the architects of this bit of savagery had wished to add a touch of the street urchin humor to their terror, presented its horseless, unharnessed pole to no one knows what horses of the air

    23. But be in love gayly then, what the deuce! marry, when you marry, with fever and giddiness, and tumult, and the uproar of happiness! Be grave in church, well and good

    24. The sun had succeeded to the chandelier, and made its way gayly into the drawing-room

    25. Almost gayly he signaled for the first advance

    26. Remember that! I can talk about it gayly still

    27. “That's enough, mamma, enough about Herzenstube,” Lise laughed gayly

    28. “And here's something for you, for I dare say he won't give you anything,” said Ivan, laughing gayly

    29. She gayly sat down beside Alyosha on the sofa, looking at him with positive delight

    30. “He always squeezes like that, always,” Grushenka put in gayly, with a timid smile, seeming suddenly convinced from Mitya's face that he was not going to make a scene

    31. We'll finish this off directly, finish it off gayly

    32. “Why are they crying? Why are they crying?” Mitya asked, as they dashed gayly by

    33. “And saying that, of course, you loved me,” Alyosha laughed gayly

    34. The commander of the bastion, who was going the rounds of his establishment as he expressed it, at the moment, accustomed as he had become during his eight-months experience to all sorts of bravery, could not refrain from admiring this handsome lad, in the unbuttoned coat, beneath which a red shirt was visible, encircling his soft white neck, with his animated face and eyes, as he clapped his hands and shouted: “First! Second!” and ran gayly along the ramparts, in order to see where his bomb would fall

    35. One need only glance during a review at the commander-in-chief, intoxicated with self-importance, followed by his retinue, all on magnificent and gayly appareled horses, in splendid uniforms and wearing decorations, and see how they ride to the harmonious and solemn strains of music before the ranks of soldiers, all presenting arms and petrified with servility

    36. Thus we see a man of perfect sanity and ripe age, simply because he is decked out with some fringe, or embroidered keys on his coat tails, or a colored ribbon only fit for some gayly dressed girl, and is told that he is a general, a chamberlain, a knight of the order of St

    37. Blacklock,” cried she, gayly, exasperatingly confident that I was as delighted with her as she was with herself

    38. “I’m as fresh as though yesterday had never happened,” he said, gayly, “and we’re going to keep conversation on pleasanter things through luncheon, on Elenore’s account

    39. Wade,” said Ned, gayly, “and she attempts appallingly difficult things at that

    40. ” And I went gayly on with my efforts to interest her, to make her smile and forget the rôle she had commanded herself to play

    41. The crowd had been gayly demonstrative through the first two races

    42. Allys nodded to them gayly, as she asked: “Tim, have you come up to break New York? I hear your stable will need a special car to take home its money—after the Far and Near

    43. It was sour stuff certainly, which even Maria’s radiant smile couldn’t sweeten, but budding genius is careless of the morrow, and on Sunday evenings, especially, when Maria held her salon in the boarded back room, built out over the yard, vast quantities of it were gayly consumed, along with cigarettes, and coffee, and flaming pousse-cafés

    44. “If I were only a man, now,” she continued, “I’d call for a glass of—what would I ask for, Master Bass? Would it be Geldino’s sherris or Canary Malmsey, or would I have to content myself with a royal port lately brought from France?” She sprang to her feet, laughing gayly, while old Marmaduke scratched his head, wondering of what her words reminded him

    45. “Here she is, Betsy,” said Tom, gayly, as he sat down with the youngster on his lap

    46. She gathered the reins deftly, said gayly to the people on the farmhouse porch: “When I come back I’ll show you unpatriotic persons how to keep Fourth of July in the country,” and would have driven off with a flourish but for one unforeseen and effective hindrance

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    Sinonimi per "gayly"

    blithely gayly happily jubilantly merrily mirthfully