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    Usa "generally accepted" in una frase

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    generally accepted

    1. True to the generally accepted format of such television shows,

    2. But he’d learned from the experience of those pretty girls that good looks (of the generally accepted standard) were a novelty that could soon wear thin; and to them he was surely just a good financial prospect

    3. generally accepted that 24-36 hours is very good

    4. generally accepted that music has a high appeal to the mind and

    5. (generally accepted today) was proposed in the early twentieth century

    6. It is generally accepted in the metaphysical literature that

    7. be? Well, it is generally accepted that the speed of light has that honor

    8. by those with the power todo so, and is generally accepted as natural: there are those

    9. rules are generally accepted and agreed upon by the majority of the

    10. There was no record of a time when it was not so, although it was generally accepted that such a time must have existed in the far, far distant history of her people

    11. It is generally accepted that the earliest mod was Castle Smurfenstein, for Castle Wolfenstein

    12. It is generally accepted that MSM acts to support the structural integrity of

    13. The words ‘According to GAAP’ (Generally Accepted

    14. ocean voyages were going on thousands of years before the generally accepted

    15. The generally accepted explanation is that

    16. There are many theories, but it is generally accepted that the Neanderthal brain size was appropriate for the body size

    17. It is generally accepted that the USA

    18. So what are the generally accepted characteristics that a leader should

    19. Proofs of this are now so complete that this truth is generally accepted

    20. From Andalusia this style spread across the Iberian Peninsula and then to Spanish America, until flamenco song, dance, and guitar playing became a generally accepted form of popular entertainment

    21. It was generally accepted that the letter that had been written more than an hundred and twenty years earlier and signed by that name was probably penned ironically by a journalist to heighten interest in the story

    22. The generally accepted psychological profile of a serial killer is first that there is no relationship between the victim and the killer

    23. It is generally accepted that the notion “Information” includes only a process of exchange of some data between “people”, between “a human being” and a machine, an animal, a plant, a mineral, between two or several machines; that this is an exchange of specific signals that are “individually” typical of “the Animal Kingdom”, “the Vegetable Kingdom” and “the Mineral Kingdom” of Nature; that this is also a transmission of electromagnetic impulses from cell to cell, from organism to organism, from Consciousness to Consciousness and so on

    24. and was generally accepted by thewriters of the Siglo de Oro

    25. John 3:6-8 Although this is a generally accepted fact, let us nonetheless keep this in mind as we move forward

    26. No smoke without fire was the generally accepted reaction to his sacking

    27. It is generally accepted that we tap only

    28. Soon, it was generally accepted that when Old

    29. believe it although it is not generally accepted as being

    30. Christian Church and some Protestants believe it although it is not generally accepted as

    31. generally accepted as being orthodox or traditional Protestant

    32. Most members of the church of Christ, the Christian Church and some Protestants believe it although it is not generally accepted as being orthodox or traditional Protestant

    33. In order to determine this question, whether we owe the prospect of immortality to the natural constitution of our spiritual being,—or, to the grace of God in Redemption, to the Incarnation of the Life of God in the Christ,—to a divine regenerative process restricted to the sons of God, which contemplates the whole humanity, body as well as soul, in its transforming and immortalising action,—we fall back on the generally accepted principle of biblical interpretation

    34. It is believed by most members of the Church of Christ, the Christian Church and some Protestants although it is not generally accepted as being Protestant and is definitely not orthodox or traditional

    35. It is the generally accepted method of succession in our family, but," the corpse sighed, or at least a sigh came from the air a few feet above it, "it soon became obvious that none of my three children is sufficiently powerful to wrest the lordship of the Wyrmberg from the other two

    36. He knew Metrov had written an article against the generally accepted theory of political economy, but to what extent he could reckon on his sympathy with his own new views he did not know and could not guess from the clever and serene face of the

    37. In this connection, observations are in order regarding two generally accepted ideas on the subject of bond financing

    38. We start with net income as defined under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)

    39. Were this principle to be generally accepted, the withholding of earnings would not be taken as a matter of course and of arbitrary determination by the management, but it would require justification corresponding to that now expected in the case of changes in capitalization and of the sale of additional stock

    40. A couple of years ago, the rules were changed, and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) began requiring companies to use one of several methods to value the cost of their stock options

    41. Once adjusted under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), the brewer’s profitability shined through

    42. Common stocks are becoming generally accepted as a necessary component of a sound savings-investment program

    43. One is “pro forma” or “as if” financial statements, which report a company’s earnings as if Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) did not apply

    44. While this treatment conforms with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, it is unclear why Global Crossing did not use it before October 1, 1999, or what exactly prompted the change

    45. Another area that has been profoundly affected by this narrow view of businesses is financial reporting; specifically how market participants and regulators view the role of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) or International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

    46. Recent changes in Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) requiring portfolios to be marked to market, however, elevate the importance of OPMI market prices because accounting data, as reported and unadjusted, become important for regulatory or credit rating purposes

    47. What accountants computing results in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) report them to be

    48. Statutory surplus is net worth computed in accordance with insurance regulations, rather than Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)

    49. We identify limitations of GARP, which stem from its underlying assumptions including: the view that businesses are pure going concerns, heavy weight is given to the past earnings record when forecasting future earnings growth, industry identification is important to GARP, acceptance of the generally accepted consensus of growth potentials rather than reliance on independent appraisals of growth potentials, a tendency towards buying what is popular when it is most popular

    50. In valuing assets, G&D seem to rely strictly on a classified balance sheet produced in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)

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