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    Usa "genre" in una frase

    genre frasi di esempio


    1. There are bars on the windows and the same genre of drab reproductions in gilded frames that we saw in John’s room adorns the walls

    2. Of course a lot of those animal calls are actually native music of the 'space' genre being played on sound systems in the apartments of these trees

    3. There are just as many genre labels in the aisles as here, not too many of them are the same, but there are just as many

    4. mandolin, and secondly the musical genre played

    5. Speaking about the genre, remarkable is its

    6. under the genre of “non-fiction” and will put all their trust

    7. The conditions were pretty simple and were as such: Everyone residing on Plot E would be given a marker pen and was required to write stories (of any genre) on HUGE whiteboards found all over that vast piece of land

    8. Van Vogt, one of the greats in the genre, prefaced one of his collections of short stories in the mid sixties with the statement that surveys showed that the typical reader of fantasy-science fiction had an IQ above 120, and included professionals such as engineers, doctors, and lawyers

    9. You can choose your genre

    10. Whenever there is a game coming up in that genre – which keeps

    11. The Midrash, as indicated below, “is a genre of rabbinic literature that includes the nonliteral elaborations of biblical texts

    12. This was a whole new genre that reminded one of pizza but was sweet

    13. Hoover Institution research fellow Shelby Steele, a leading black commentator on current events, links this degenerate genre to the myth of what he refers to as the “Bad Ni--er” of the slavery era

    14. Perhaps this genre could be characterized simply as a war against feeling

    15. reincarnation and many cases in this genre seem stronger than merely suggestive

    16. However, as a genre of information to consider, here are a few more reasons to take the

    17. Still, the genre of research provides its own unique support to the subject of

    18. Consider the genre of reincarnation research is full of stories of

    19. com) is a directory-based search organized by genre that lets you register yourself under a directory almost as if it were the Yellow Pages of Twitter, as well as looks for other users

    20. In effect, it is a user directory for Twitter organized by genre to allow for users to easily find other Twitter users to connect with

    21. Location fees vary depending on the genre and scale of

    22. You’ve been doing this to create a music scene for your genre that would

    23. Heavy Rain takes storytelling in the game genre to a whole new level, placing you in control of four completely different characters as their lives all converge in a single storyline

    24. Puzzle games are a dime a dozen and very few games in this genre could ever stand out –

    25. Ironically, as the real life bodies pile up, the public lines up, fascinated by this new genre of film

    26. His name and his book, Ishmael, feature high on most lists of recommended reading in this genre

    27. Stone, you have an imaginativeness that would best be served in fiction, but fiction is not a reliable, or a practical pursuit, particularly in the horror genre, despite your obvious proclivity for the form

    28. Top 100 Authors for my genre is exhilarating, but nothing

    29. They think a thing and say another! What they say is not always what they do! And what they do not always is what they feel! Who understands them? It is too exhausting to deal with you and one needs a keenness of exceptional discernment to crumble what your heads hide! And if these heads belong to the feminine genre, it is much worse! And if this head supports itself on the shoulders of Camila Montero? I think there is nothing worse than could happen to a human being! You speak very much!, Too much!, Very, very much!

    30. We are confident that you will be the biggest cross cultural, cross genre, transmedia juggernaut since The Mary

    31. Danielle Perez is a Venezuelan writer dedicated to the genre of fantasy literature

    32. From Venezuelan parents, the eldest of four children, showed since very early years a marked predilection for the genre of novel and short stories

    33. For obvious reasons, red also goes along with the thriller genre

    34. Green Sci Fi, then, is my attempt to bring to life (bring back to life?) a genre that focuses on a hopeful future

    35. But for some reason, I just can't do that genre justice now

    36. "Like you I'm also interested in the horror genre," said Adrian

    37. "It's like that with the fantasy genre too

    38. LeDuc is a writer of inspirational fiction; in the thriller genre

    39. To further say that vampires in the 21st Century have left an indelible mark in the vampire genre with such works as the Twilight Saga,

    40. That we care enough about our genre and the books and

    41. Actually, it was the vampire genre that tackled me

    42. Often the task in Eastern art is to stay within a genre rather than having to inventa new one, the hallmark of the

    43. "In 1984 William Gibson wrote a novel called Neuromancer, which was basically the predecessor to an entire genre of books about brain implants having the ability to augment strength and vision in human beings

    44. Over the years Candice continued writing and eventually moved into the arena of Poetry, which continues to be her preferred genre of writing

    45. I also detest the 'clothed females nude male' genre

    46. chimpanzee than to any proud, humanoid star child genre

    47. With Adventure establishing the genre, the release of Zork in 1980 further popularized text adventure games in home computers and established developer Infocom's dominance in the field

    48. The text adventure would eventually be known as interactive fiction and a small dedicated following has kept the genre going, with new releases being nearly all free

    49. Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear series also made its debut with the release of Metal Gear (1987) on the MSX2 computer, giving birth to the stealth-based game genre

    50. In 1989, Capcom released Sweet Home (1989) on the NES, which served as a precursor to the survival horror game genre

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