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    Usa "german nazi" in una frase

    german nazi frasi di esempio

    german nazi

    1. The German Nazis and the Soviet Communists issued their orders of extermination knowing what the results would be

    2. The theme song of the German Nazis was Deustchland Uber Alles, Germany over all

    3. Hatred, the core element of the fascist mindset as the German Nazis so baldly demonstrated, may speak at first in muted tones

    4. The true believer still aches for something to replace the failed image of the New Soviet Man, or the Ubermensch of the German Nazis, the Overman or Superman

    5. Though all of that scarcely seemed of consequence here at this exceptional place, she recognized that her work was not finished and that she would endure much more in the name of freedom until the war was ended and the Allies secured a victory over the German Nazi empire

    6. They eat the same foods and dress the same way as typical German NAZI party members

    7. The fact is: it is the Ashkenazi Jews who are the true evil ones of the Jewish world: while the German Nazi’s who were the most decent, disciplined, humane industrialized regime that ever held power in the West

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