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    Usa "girl scout" in una frase

    girl scout frasi di esempio

    girl scout

    1. was active in the Girl Scouts and sports, and was in beauty competitions and

    2. I was in the girl scouts for a time until they found out I was a boy, then they kicked me out

    3. "Oh, Bob, you were never in the girl scouts," she chuckled

    4. "You can continue on with your story even if you were not in the Boy or Girl Scout troop, Bob

    5. Girl Scouts of NYPENN Pathways, Inc

    6. softball, was a Girl Scout, gone fishing, and had at least two slumber parties with

    7. These coins were as big as Girl Scout cookies and had images of various Greek gods stamped on one side and the Empire State Building on the other

    8. Mom's Girl Scout Stew

    9. while supporting their daughter with her Girl Scout

    10. Back at IRA Girl Scout camp, she'd been trained to jump off the top of

    11. It was a long time since her Girl Scout days but the skills that she learned had survived the years

    12. Not in the Girl Scouts, but in a bomb shelter

    13. The phone, Zoe’s Girl Scout Gadget, the lipstick—they reminded her of a faraway world

    14. her but her girl scout suit

    15. When he opens the front door, he, Diane, Teresa and Joseph see four little black girls around 6 to 8 years old selling Girl Scout cookies and some candy

    16. They ask Michael and the others, "Would you all like to buy some Girl Scout cookies and some candy?"

    17. It's possible that the little Girl Scout on the street asked the same question and left the doorway with 2 less boxes of cookies at hand!

    18. Recently Hailey decided she wanted to be in Girl Scouts

    19. The Girl Scouts marched by, followed by the Boy Scouts

    20. “I find it hard to believe that you were ever a Girl Scout

    21. The theory was that it would give Hurley the element of surprise, but he wasn’t sure that Rapp really believed he was still capable of taking out anyone tougher than a Girl Scout

    22. At times like these she was a ten-yearold Girl Scout rushing about with some poisoned cookies on a grand lark

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