Usa "given name" in una frase
given name frasi di esempio
given name
1. It is no surprise that most of the health related problems of women have been given names that start with MAN
2. Some had worked here half a life without ever hearing their mother-given names from Lady Phyllis
3. Furthermore the information contained in the passage also spans multiple centuries in which each person’s given name fits perfectly into this design
4. “My given name is Altrofoxisssssss
5. accepted the writing styles" and placed his given name
6. M: That which cannot be given name and form, for it is without
7. born in Canada, and could not remember whether his given names
8. “The House of the Cedars of Lebanon” was its given name;
9. "You should know that just calling her 'some chick' instead of her GOD-given name tells a lot about your thoughts about her
10. Given name is the best thing a person possesses and it
11. explained that this was more of a nick-name than his God-given name
12. given names for each of these sites, not based upon their location (in most
13. If Father thought anything of him using my given name, he didn’t mention it
14. “Only those who wish to have their faces permanently rearranged, dare to call me by my given name, excepting me mother of course
15. Donald was his given name but Aquarius hadn’t gone by that name
16. of the señá being in English in the use of the given name
17. of Mary as a given name in baptism; and the
18. , Don, Sir; used only with the given name
19. I believe you call my daughter by her given name
20. Captain Ca told him that Ca was his given name
21. One among the entire set of these “Pavels Sidorins”, who is sitting “now” with us and who has changed his given name to Zaaommi at Ayfaar, has no idea at all that at the same time there are different versions of “himself” somewhere “nearby”, in “slightly” different Worlds
22. After all those years, she insisted she be called by her God-given name, which happened to be “Little Feather” or “Light Foot,” as her father had said
23. Even after five years as Maggie, and ten as Peg before that—I always choose variations of my given name—I still listen for the name I was born with
24. by her given name rather than her title is just what they need to incite mutiny
25. "Perhaps you understand the compass, and lay down the watercourses and mountains of the wilderness on paper, in order that they who follow may find places by their given names?"
26. Sci, whose given name was Seymour Kloppenberg, was twenty, he had graduated from MIT with a PhD
27. Windows 9x and NT identified systems using NetBIOS names, but in order to transmit a packet to a machine with a given name using TCP/IP, the sender had to first discover the IP address associated with that name
28. Kings don't have any but a given name
29. Later, when you have grown you'll be given names to label them with
30. And individual ships are personalized too, are given names and even unconsciously thought of as persons
31. He had never before called her by her given name