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    Usa "gnaw" in una frase

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    1. September’s clarion call to looming winter began to gnaw at the flesh on her

    2. September’s clarion call to looming winter began to gnaw at the flesh on her exposed legs

    3. hair across his face as he began to gnaw on a stale piece of

    4. Dobber continued to gnaw on his pipe, sitting with his back to the Outlands

    5. She tried to gnaw at one, but the gag got in the way

    6. would gnaw at the heart of my well being

    7. She’d rather gnaw off her own leg

    8. Municantir had in the meantime crept up on her shoulder to gnaw on a lock of her hair and she had some trouble untangling him from her hair and tunic

    9. But just as it seemed that the time to celebrate was upon me, a disturbing thought began to gnaw at my peace of mind

    10. Ready to gnaw through bone

    11. 3 Her princes within her are roaring lions; her judges are evening wolves; they gnaw not

    12. Elena knew what Elijah was about to say and her guilt began to gnaw inside of her again, but she knew she had to contain it

    13. The continuous harangue of the socialist indoctrination to mislead students and others, in too many people results in a hatred of anything “capitalist” and establishes a negative, resentful association with the concept of Capitalism, which has to gnaw at the very feeling ability of the person embracing the structure of collectivism

    14. Behind me, Tok and Roar were about to gnaw through the bars

    15. with an emptiness that seemed to gnaw at him constantly

    16. "Because I am not so great a fool as he," grunted Conan, reseating himself on the boulder and beginning to gnaw a huge beef-bone

    17. I am less than one of the dogs that gnaw the bones in his banquet hall

    18. Carnivorous by opportunity, wild hogs are very poorly trained in meat course manners, noisily chomping and slurping up the soft body parts, unwilling to strip meat or gnaw bone

    19. gagged on it after a day and a night trembling in the bush, when the gnaw of her

    20. A small badger of fear began to gnaw at his brain

    21. He had spent the night trying to gnaw his way through the bowstring, but without success

    22. took hold of his fingers, trying to gnaw on them

    23. Soren continued to gnaw at the wood with his knife, moving closer to their escape with every stroke

    24. It would gnaw at him from the time he pulled out of the Homicide parking lot until he came back

    25. These problems gnaw at you because evil thoughts take the force of your belief and try to lead you away from thoughts about God in every possible way

    26. “Have you seen how quick they are? They'll just slither up and gnaw my legs off

    27. gnaw him, that they work toward his destruction

    28. These troublesome thoughts continued to gnaw at her as she replayed everything over and over again in her mind

    29. Interestingly—and fittingly—my client said that all he and his colleagues were thinking about was “how long before I gnaw my own leg off” and “oh, that reminds me, I’m hungry, I wonder what sort of cheese to have in my sandwiches at lunchtime?”

    30. By the fifth day he was starting to gnaw at the bedpost

    31. Since that time, long ago, the uneasy feeling in the pit of Kerry’s stomach had continued to gnaw away at him

    32. gnaw on a bone

    33. So, these doubts gnaw at us, heightened by other subconscious or biological reasons, and we must somehow motivate ourselves

    34. I never expected Ma to keep her cool, but somehow she did, smiling like she could gnaw on a raw hunk of lead and spit bullets

    35. From the billions of dollars of deathsheads, the dollars of filthy profit made by and for the corrupt corporate zombies who run these filthy international centers of corporate power, greed and evil; controlled by undead corpses… all the way down the corporate ladder to children dying in the cane fields from poisonous snake bites: from poisonous snakes infesting the cane fields that are attracted to the cane fields because of the huge numbers of rats which infest the cane fields because of the sugar cane’s powerful root system which creates perfect hidey holes for them and lets them gnaw on the roots, to the recreated mass burning of tropical forests of primordial Africa of 25 million years ago which the undead have preserved and perpetuated …

    36. Maybe the worst of fates have begun to gnaw away at your existence and you believe there is nothing to be done about it

    37. Something seemed to gnaw him inside

    38. their teeth, and gnaw with their teeth and tug at the plug with their hands till they get it in two; then sometimes the one that owns the tobacco looks mournful at it when it's handed back, and says, sarcastic:

    39. The prisoners, in their expressive language, have named it the "Lions' Den," probably because the captives possess teeth which frequently gnaw the bars, and sometimes the keepers also

    40. The woman snatched it from her and began to gnaw it with her gums

    41. You could gnaw it through and the leaf -- the boat -- would drop off the bank

    42. 'We have to gnaw off a good chunk

    43. The stuff had grown fairly rotten and before long they were able to gnaw off a lump about as big as a rabbits head

    44. "To the farm," said Hazel, "to gnaw another rope

    45. He crouched down and began to nibble and gnaw at the thick

    46. He walked to and fro all the length of the room, stopping sometimes to gnaw the finger-tips of his right hand with a lurid sideways glare fixed on the floor; then, with a sullen, repelling glance all round, he would resume his tramping in savage aloofness

    47. impotent hate gnaw at her vitals

    48. ONLY ONE THING CONTINUED TO GNAW AT HIM, he thought: that Saturday Night Special C

    49. But the wound still burned, longingly and bitterly Siddhartha thought of his son, nurtured his love and tenderness in his heart, allowed the pain to gnaw at him, committed all foolish acts of love

    50. How it squeaked! He still had a bone or two left to gnaw, but he wanted something softer

    1. He plucked the rigid pastry from Williams’ hand and gnawed through it in anger

    2. He kicked a gnawed chicken bone out from under his boot

    3. The pavement was littered with gnawed

    4. And though it gnawed at his conscience, there was nothing he could do about it, short of killing them all

    5. Jacques as he gnawed on an old piece of cheese and a

    6. It took an hour, but she gnawed most of the meat

    7. They pounded and gnawed at his flesh

    8. Depression gnawed at him, but he was thankful that she was positive, that she was heading into the fight prepared for the possibility of losing

    9. She gnawed on her lower lip

    10. “I would rather be ripped apart by lions than gnawed to death by rats and vermin,” he said inconsequentially

    11. A strange crawling sensation gnawed at the pit of his stomach

    12. He had for some time felt the hunger pangs of old as they gnawed at his middle

    13. gnawed on by things creeping out of the Earth; and when they eat them and their clothes, they feel it not

    14. It had gnawed its way through a newly painted fence and

    15. On the feared glacier called Nis, which covered the mountains between Fjordane and Sogn, cold wind bit at scarf-covered faces and gnawed into layered wool clothes

    16. carcass gnawed away by scavengers, only with a twined mass of

    17. along, the thought had gnawed at her perhaps it would be better for them to give the

    18. At noon they met at the food court and pigged-out on chicken fingers and chili, followed by frozen custard—Frankie gnawed a soft pretzel as a topper, valiantly trying to finish

    19. The more he thought about it, the more the existence of that stone gnawed at him

    20. “Teeth marks on the gnawed bone, three sets of prints, three tigers,” said the tribesman

    21. She selected a copy among the hundreds that were placed on a gnawed pine table that once presided at the gathering of the family; with difficulty brought a chair closer and sat down comfortably to inspect it

    22. The ambitious spider-creature addressed his seniors who still gnawed and tore at the foundation they’d been fused with for several generations

    23. Enraged Lykanthros devoid of saddles gnawed and slashed at the invasive bolts only to be thrown back by the explosive power of the Lore Masters

    24. The remaining members kept on moving, faster and faster, but the ex-fighter caught up and began to snap and gnawed at Jane and the others

    25. I love Reggie, but I‘m a gnawed off bone! Spiritually dirty

    26. 'Oh, I've dreamed of such a meeting as this, while I crawled on my belly through the brambles, or lay under rocks while the ants gnawed my flesh, or crouched in the mire up to my mouth—I dreamed, but never hoped it would come to pass

    27. So they rode away, leaving the great city in ruins, and in his ivory-domed sepulcher great Thugra Khotan slept unmolested, while the lizards of desolation gnawed at the crumbling pillars, and the very river that watered his land in old times sank into the sands and ran dry

    28. He who had been born in a mud-walled, wattle-roofed hut, in his old age sat on golden thrones, and gnawed joints of beef presented to him on golden dishes by naked slave-girls who were the daughters of kings

    29. the subjugated bitch! The chains of serfdom gnawed at my body, created anguish in my mind, but I never had a choice

    30. The possibility his father had·been a coward gnawed at his self-respect and Orlov felt it

    31. The edges have already been gnawed by Squeaky, but the text is still readable

    32. The thought that gnawed at the back of everyone’s mind was the fact that there were ships that had jumped into hyperspace and never been found again

    33. That old fear gnawed at the shipyard’s most senior officer

    34. The presence of an Eretz Defense System admiral standing next to Timothy was not his first clue, but it gnawed at him

    35. Death! The word gnawed at his beliefs until it reached his soul

    36. He turned to Lezura to speak, but something about Karit still gnawed at his conscience

    37. sense of pride gnawed at him

    38. As he approached the clearing, he noticed several piles of horse dung and, judging from the dryness of the piles, estimated that they had been there for no more than twenty-four hours; furthermore, there were several bare spots on the growth that appeared to have been gnawed by the hungry animal, 173

    39. Once they were consumed, the limbs and neck had been gnawed away

    40. The word effect had gnawed at me

    41. Do you remember one such dynasty who fed the Christians to some sort of beast? They watched for amusement as the beast tore limbs off his prey, a man or a woman, and gnawed on their still live, quivering bodies

    42. Revelation 16:10 … and they gnawed their tongues for pain,

    43. A feeling he couldn't name gnawed at his guts and he needed to put that to bed before he could take Melissa into bed again

    44. The feeling still gnawed at his guts and although he didn't dare name it that feeling was deep, slow burning fear

    45. Something Inacio said during the trial gnawed at her

    46. The other two gnawed on either leg, and then

    47. The absence of the sun had ushered in the icy air, which crept and gnawed on Lucia’s body

    48. ” He gnawed his cheek

    49. Finally they spotted two poplar trees, which had been gnawed, and its barks

    50. She laughed and Byron managed to grin back at her, his unrequited desire for her gnawed at his bones with the frustration he felt at his power

    1. Despite his enemies all over the world, criminal, legal and personal, he was still on, still wealthy, still powerful, still gnawing and screwing his way through life as much as he ever was

    2. He tries to ignore the empty ache in his stomach gnawing away at him, as he looks around the tiny room

    3. more than the sound of a dog gnawing at a bone in a neighbouring

    4. She needs a fix and there is something gnawing away at the back of her mind; this man, a strange taste in her mouth, lights, sounds and the smell of unwashed bodies

    5. ‘But what happened?’ Kev asked, guilt gnawing at him … he should have taken her with him, he knew he shouldn’t have left her there with that bastard …

    6. Staring straight into her eyes, so close he could’ve kissed her, he said through deep breaths "When can we talk?" She fought off the temptations gnawing at her lips, and told him, later that evening

    7. They were missives which only contributed to the gnawing concern

    8. He felt tears well in his eyes and a gnawing coldness spread across his heart

    9. He began to have a gnawing feeling in his stomach that could only be described as fear

    10. Something bit him, a bite that was all encompassing, gnawing away at every part of his body

    11. He slumped back to the floor feeling dejected and was struck by a gnawing hunger in the pit of his stomach

    12. I was hesitant and anxious, even though Minister Lyle and Vera had assured me a hundred times at lunch that Spencer and Evelyn would not be there, and that gnawing feeling clawed at my nerves until we were attending the Lord’s Table and I gave my inhibitions to God and shared in His body and His blood

    13. The unexpected meal temporally filled the void gnawing away at Darkburst's belly, but all too soon he felt hungry again

    14. He lunged forward head over heels, his hands gnawing at the air for an instant as if trying to catch some invisible ropes, and then they fell limp together with the rest of his body

    15. Chapters 20 through 27 and 30 were added as a result of this feeling, but all throughout that additional writing the gnawing, while diminished, remained

    16. transparent capsules that had earlier been gnawing and scraping

    17. Deep hunger, gnawing at him

    18. After few minutes, gnawing on a fox bone, the rabbit returns to his typewriter and resumes typing

    19. I could still feel Adrinius and Zacchaeus nibbling and gnawing at my throat, my hair stuck to my skin united with blood and perspiration

    20. He tugged the large wheel until his arms were weak with gnawing pain

    21. Lieutenant Rymson had not helped his peace of mind and for the first time, he felt a gnawing aloneness that permeated his whole being

    22. What is certain is that such attempts have led to gnawing unhappiness at the best and gulags at the worst

    23. It may take time to find it, but if you keep it gnawing at the back of your mind, different ideas emerge in your head over time

    24. Fright gnawing at him

    25. Throughout the long, tiring journey here he had been aware of the hunger, but it had been a steady gnawing reminder

    26. had been aware of the hunger, but it had been a steady gnawing reminder

    27. There was another feeling gnawing at the the pit of his stomach that had nothing to do with his queasiness

    28. All the time however, there was the awful gnawing at the pit of his stomach

    29. He looked up at me from the paw he had been gnawing on with

    30. But for those of us with a tale gnawing at our thoughts, writing is a form of therapy

    31. Anyone with a gnawing hunger for an apple would suffice and there were always plenty of mermen around the coast with such an appetite

    32. Conan was sprawled in his chair, his feet propped on the ebony table, busily engaged in gnawing a beef-bone which he gripped firmly in both hands

    33. In that chamber, where a gaunt, hairy beast of a man in leather breeks squatted gnawing a beef-bone voraciously, stood the machines of torture—racks, boots, hooks and all the implements that the human mind devises to tear flesh, break bones and rend and rupture veins and ligaments

    34. What about the Indian?‖ Skeets‘ impatience was gnawing at the edges as he signaled his silent cohort to do the ammonia thing again

    35. He felt it gnawing his exposed face, like some invisible force, some invisible flesh-eater

    36. Bullets hammered at the cottage roof, gnawing at the walls

    37. This man had a much more serious dementia than she surmised and it couldn‘t be all because of a dog; a greater emotional beast was gnawing on the vitals of the perturbed Miccosukee

    38. The axes crashed back and forth, slicing and gnawing the old, staunch timbers

    39. The persons he loves and cares about are taken under fire and it will be gnawing at him

    40. the gnawing of hunger in the young boy’s stomach as he sat down to his own

    41. it keeps gnawing even when there’s nothing

    42. Explode feels something gnawing at his boot, “Oh shit! There’s something in the water! It’s piranhas, snakes or something!”

    43. There was a gnawing hunger within me

    44. But there was a gnawing thought running through my head

    45. Then suddenly a sharp gnawing pain hit my gut

    46. He slowly moved his chair back from the table and shook his head at his father who, of course, had just gone back to gnawing on a pork chop bone, sucking viciously the gristle

    47. But the gnawing feeling returned, but this time with increased

    48. Gnawing and gnashing of teeth were the only sounds I heard other than my cries of agony

    49. My teeth were worn down from gnawing on my forearm

    50. He was aware of the hunger gnawing at him

    1. And then something occurs to me, something that hits me in the gut and gnaws at my insides

    2. “I know, Lyndi, but the physical pain of our separation still gnaws at my heart

    3. If you are inclined to evil in your thoughts, that is, your material, animal essence gnaws at you, then a great number of problems appear in your life

    4. And each curses another, and gnaws off the other’s arms, ears, and nose also

    5. It's the cancer that gnaws like that at her

    6. that he is above fear; nay, doubt ever gnaws him

    7. one see all this and not feel sad? But ‘the maggot gnaws the cabbage, yet dies first’; that’s

    8. With late repentance gnaws and stings

    9. The tiger only tears and gnaws, that's all he can do

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    Sinonimi per "gnaw"

    eat at erode gnaw gnaw at wear away bite nibble nip chomp munch taste snap