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    Usa "grasshopper" in una frase

    grasshopper frasi di esempio


    1. In the summers during school vacation and from the time I was knee-high to a grasshopper (and old farm saying) I was dropped off on the rural homestead to hang out there for around three months each year

    2. Now he was leaping almost a metre off the ground like some demented grasshopper

    3. the chirr of a grasshopper

    4. with thunder? 20 can you make him afraid as a grasshopper? The glory of his nostrils is terrible

    5. Why would a Love Spirit choose to incarnate in a horse, a dog, a toad, or a grasshopper? That would be absurd! Only the human body has the physical attributes to give and receive happiness, not only due to being the most amazing physical cre-ation but because it can interact with others

    6. The Ant and the Grasshopper

    7. The ant went on working and the grasshopper rested

    8. The grasshopper was very hungry and he was nearly frozen

    9. "That was gross!" shouted Peter at the grasshopper

    10. A grasshopper swooped down and picked up a few of the children and threw them on its back; then another came and scooped up some more of the children and threw them on its back

    11. It was called The Grasshopper and was situated down a country lane nearby

    12. “The Ant and the Grasshopper

    13. Then the Grasshopper

    14. grasshopper mind, ant mind, and moth mind

    15. tale about the grasshopper and the ant? The ant was the one who

    16. worked hard to lay up stores for the winter while the grasshopper

    17. So we have grasshopper mind and ant mind

    18. Moth addictions have deeper roots than does the grasshopper mind

    19. but he could hear the grasshopper at the student’s feet while the

    20. “You listen good, Grasshopper

    21. “And, therefore, grasshopper tells you not to look to the past, only

    22. bestowed upon me the honorary title of Grasshopper, with all the talk

    23. He had to be like that Grasshopper bloke in the Kung-fu series

    24. Sickness, and solitude, and disappointments, and losses of money, and deaths of loved ones, can sometimes make the proudest hearts bow down, and confess that the "grasshopper is a burden

    25. Their muscular strength is so wasted, that a grasshopper seems a burden

    26. The grasshopper put his flute to his lips and the music poured swiftly but gently

    27. A proud glint and a tear of joy lit up the eyes of the grasshopper

    28. It was huge! The bird was every bit the size of the grasshopper, but exceedingly

    29. grasshopper with a magical flute

    30. "It's highly unusual," the grasshopper assured with a smile

    31. grasshopper, had come to think of him as being a friend and mentor, and he had

    32. The grasshopper put his flute to his lips and the music poured swiftly but gently from the instrument

    33. He was huge! He was every bit the size of the grasshopper, but exceedingly more

    34. He looked at the old grasshopper

    35. “But close! I am not a man, remember, but a grasshopper with a

    36. “It’s highly unusual,” the grasshopper assured with a smile

    37. talking with a grasshopper, an unusually tall one at that, and you’re all frowns

    38. imagery because he was afraid of losing sight of the fast moving grasshopper

    39. He had grown very fond of the hunchbacked grasshopper; had

    40. To the north/left a self- segregated club meeting of cormorants awaited its own starting signal and a few fluttering landlubbers just did their best to snag a grasshopper or two while they provided the score for a scene Hollywood would deem too dull

    41. “Oh we’ve known Henri ever since she was knee high to a grasshopper, when she became fast and best friends with our kid sister

    42. how much better you have it than a mouse or grasshopper

    43. The body bends facing the earth like an overloaded grasshopper

    44. Read on, young grasshopper

    45. A grasshopper couldn"t hop over that

    46. While your head is bowed, ask yourself: are your expectations on the altar, your expectations of what revival must be, should be, and will be? Now I am a grasshopper in the presence of giants here tonight, giants of men in the Spirit who have experienced revival—I have not

    47. The fields were empty, and around him Rodolphe only heard the regular beating of the grass striking against his boots, with a cry of the grasshopper hidden at a distance among the oats

    48. Nobody with more gumption than a grasshopper could go and sit and listen

    49. [Job 41:2629] What can a man do in this case? It is true, if a man could, at every turn, have Job's horse, and had skill and courage to ride him, he might do notable things; for his neck is clothed with thunder, he will not be afraid of the grasshopper; the glory of his nostrils is terrible: he paweth in the valley, and rejoiceth in his strength, he goeth on to meet the armed men

    50. Presently there arose from within a ticking like the love-making of the grasshopper

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