Usa "gratis" in una frase
gratis frasi di esempio
1. Justice was then said to be administered gratis
2. hooks, that people's mouths might water gratis as they passed; there
3. I had been at EI several months, seeing a chiropractor for the back injuries suffered in the wreck (at suggestion of my daughter-in-law, a non-attorney case manager in Florida’s largest personal injury firm which was going to sue the other driver for me gratis), when the finger pointing started among the various insurers
4. It was the only animal we wanted but we got gratis many more
5. He could call his wife later from the federal lock-up in Alexandria if he wished---one call would be gratis
6. the gratis awards came a calling,
7. “And we should not omit the names of any famous athletes who either bought something or received it gratis,” he added
8. They guessed that Elliot Segall's horse was in the stable, out of the cold and eating someone else's fodder as the man took good care of his possessions and seldom failed to obtain gratis what he would otherwise have to buy
9. He gave it to me gratis
10. "Thou art right, Sancho my friend," said Don Quixote, "and Altisidora has behaved very badly in not giving thee the smocks she promised; and although that virtue of thine is gratis data--as it has cost thee no study whatever, any more than such study as thy personal sufferings may be--I can say for myself that if thou wouldst have payment for the lashes on account of the disenchant of Dulcinea, I would have given it to thee freely ere this
11. Either the diplomatist must give his lessons gratis, and I will tolerate him, or he must never set his foot again in my house;—do you understand, madame?"
12. Calculate when it burns out and you receive gratis 1 pair of our special non-compo boots, guaranteed 1 candle power
13. That she had already permitted him to make love to her he read as an additional assurance, not fully trowing that in the fields and pastures to "sigh gratis" is by no means deemed waste; love-making being here more often accepted inconsiderately and for its own sweet sake than in the carking, anxious homes of the ambitious, where a girl's craving for an establishment paralyzes her healthy thought of a passion as an end
14. The old fish is doing Charles a good service, and gratis too
15. The last two agencies charge fees for their service, whereas the three preceding supply advice and information gratis
16. A great deal of analytical literature, some of it elaborate and expensive, is distributed gratis to the firms’ customers—more impressively referred to as clients
17. instruction gratis; it is responsible for the night which it produces
18. His teeth, delivered gratis by the city's health department, had vanished one night when he was careless enough to dime himself into a Main Street flophouse
19. One does not have kings gratis
20. He goes to the spectacles which God furnishes gratis; he gazes at the sky, space, the stars, flowers, children, the humanity among which he is suffering, the creation amid which he beams
21. "I commence gratis," said the stranger
22. As for the theft, that is understood; one does not kill a man gratis
23. Though indeed I do send round letters to the editors gratis and fully signed
24. That pamphlet is translated into Russian by some Russian philanthropists of aristocratic rank and evangelical aspirations, and has been distributed gratis for the enlightenment of the people
25. Idiot though he was, the noble scion tried to cheat his professor, and they say he succeeded in getting him to continue the treatment gratis for two years, by concealing the death of his benefactor
26. If the land is to be given gratis to the peasants, then why should some get good land, and others poor land? There would be a rush for the good land
27. Lane is by occupation a farmer, and is obliged to blast a quartz gangue in order to obtain his specimens, he cannot be expected to transmit them gratis
28. ☞ Catalogues Furnished Gratis on application to the Publishers