Usa "grin" in una frase
grin frasi di esempio
1. “Great!” he said, trying to hold back the big shit-eating grin his heart was wearing
2. “Name’s Curtis,” he said, a wide grin lit up his face
3. You wear an eternal grin, the result of your lips melting from your face
4. ’ He admitted with a wry grin
5. I grin back
6. ’ He admitted with a grin
7. He pumps his arm, looks at John with a satisfied grin
8. The trooper staggers backward, feels of his chest, holds up his fingers to show no blood, looks at John with a mocking grin
9. ’ I assured him with a grin … it’s nice to see him
10. drawl, just a hint of Tara, to go with that pencil thin moustache and film star grin
11. ’ He said, his grin broadening as he swipes the ground from beneath my feet
12. ’ She said with a grin
13. Bolt indulges them, a vacuous grin on his face - click, whir, click, whir
14. A silly grin spreads across his bloodied face and he begins to mumble
15. ’ I said defiantly, earning myself a conspiratorial grin from Liz
16. Bolt stares out the window, a silly grin plastered on his face
17. ‘I thought it was you driving along … could have given me a lift!’ he complained, his grin belying his words
18. I grin at him debating whether I should challenge him for a moment
19. She laughs and I grin broadly at her
20. But then a grin came across his fat, pasty face
21. " Rafa's face was plastered with a mocking grin
22. His face bore a huge wide grin
23. His grin didn't move
24. " He gave a salacious grin
25. Suddenly, Ricci’s eyes cross, he gets a stupid grin on his face and - BOOM! - he falls sideways out of his chair
26. ’ He said with a satisfied grin
27. ’ His mother said with a grin
28. ’ He replied with a grin
29. ’ He said with a grin when he could get a word in edgeways, ‘You idiot! All I hear from Gran is how well you are doing
30. ‘Rubbish!’ he said with a grin, ‘Give yourself some credit, woman!’
31. ’ He said with a grin
32. Nick gives me a sympathetic grin as I hurry over to where Maggie means and get down to work
33. ‘When do you want this tree put up?’ he replied and I can hear the grin in his voice
34. I am rewarded with one of Rose’s gentle smiles and a quick grin from the driver
35. I have already admired it – a shade of wool to match her name … there are a few grey hairs showing round the back of his ears, I think to myself then I suddenly realise that he’s watching me in the rear view mirror with a faint smile on his face and blush violently … the smile becomes a wicked grin as he replies to something Wally is saying
36. He just smiled at us, a sly and crafty smile, the grin of the clinically insane behind rusty Bedlam bars, except that in this case the lunatic carried the keys to the cell upon his belt
37. A grin comes across her face as she tries to put him at ease, "Just eat the food, Nephilim
38. ’ Kara replied with a broad grin
39. She was still grinning to herself when he came back into the room some fifteen minutes later, a satisfied grin on his face
40. ’ He responded with a grin
41. ‘What d’you think?’ Angie asked with a grin
42. ’ Berndt said with a grin
43. belatedly swells into an idiot grin,
44. “I feel like a grizzly stomped me good,” he said with a sheepish grin
45. ‘Ah …’ his wide grin said it all
46. “I’m so hungry woman, I could eat a bear,” he said with a devilish grin
47. and beery, bloodshot eyes that grin,
48. Says I, feeling the bite of the gaoler’s grin,
49. She quickly sat up with a grin on her face, “Oh really?” She looked at him a long time and then smiled seductively, “whatever you say my liege
50. “I’m counting on it!” Her eyes wide, it was her turn to grin at him
1. shoulder and grinned again as he said, “A soul
2. Lucy grinned inanely as she reached the main
3. looked out across these symphonic landscapes and grinned ever wider, and it was
4. Dumbfounded, he stared at the object that grinned its rictus smile from a plinth under
5. ’ He grinned, obviously quite content with what he got
6. It was absurd, and even as I thought this, I found myself cramming the last piece of bread into my mouth as I grinned underneath my hood
7. Usman grinned and raised the inevitable bottle of beer in my direction
8. I grinned broadly
9. Menachem raised one eye-brow, grinned back at me, and then set about his own breakfast with unusual relish
10. He grinned as he caught her peering at some of the dials
11. Dumbfounded, he stared at the object that grinned its rictus smile from a plinth under the only electric light in the corridor
12. He stared at her for a moment, grinned, and then answered, “Yes!”
13. He grinned to himself as he pictured her in some very explicit poses
14. “You’re just as stubborn as I am,” she told him, and he just grinned at her and headed for the drivers side, “and I suppose you want to drive too?” she said handing him the keys
15. He tilted his head to the left and grinned
16. " With a devilish look he grinned at her and said, "but I bet I know one way to pass the time
17. I grinned and tried to unclench my fists
18. Daniel grinned, “2 dogs you say
19. As they both turned to look at the man he doffed his shabby top hat and grinned a toothless grin
20. They looked at each other and grinned in excitement; made an excuse and then hurried to the hatching grounds
21. She stood there staring at him wide eyed, breathing very heavy; and then she slowly grinned and said in a deep husky voice, “This kissing is a very good thing!”
22. Alexis licked some from his moustache and grinned, too busy now to speak
23. 'Just wait till the festival, there's nothing quite like the peal of bells announcing early morning service,' she glanced at me sideways and grinned
24. ” Elizabeth looked below and her eyes flew wide as she grinned at him
25. Kai’s eyes flashed and he grinned, “I would be happy to answer them, Lady Rayne,” he said as he unclipped his seatbelt and moved to the seat next to her
26. He grinned at me
27. Excitedly, she turned and grinned at Tarak with such innocent joy that he was momentarily taken aback
28. I grinned at her huge eyes and blew her one more kiss
29. The young man grinned at his new bride
30. She looked back at him for a second, grinned and then taking the handset from him she said, “Or maybe we’ve learned that that there’s more than one way to skin a cat
31. 'We won't hold that against you,' Ali's father grinned
32. little miss!” He grinned at Karen as he waved his right hand over
33. She grinned up at him, "I guess the science of Atlantis has come a long way in heaven," she said
34. doffed his shabby top hat and grinned a toothless grin
35. She grinned sheepishly when they looked at her
36. something to do with this or not,” she grinned, “but
37. He grinned at the memory
38. Again, he grinned to himself, his smile infectious
39. Lord Dorsal stood and took Alexei’s forearm in a meeting of equals; both men grinned
40. I grinned and complied
41. Bram hesitated for a second, then grinned broadly
42. Both Tom and Alistair grinned wryly, very well aware of the
43. ‘That will be the day!’ Bill grinned
44. Brownie grinned and shook his head
45. the old hunter grinned, again indicating the stuffed head with his
46. “You find that amusing?” Ningla snorted, and then grinned
47. Rileous grinned and shook his head, ‘I don’t think
48. ‘How’s the head?’ he grinned
49. Seeing his son, the older man grinned widely in a
50. Henrik grinned over his shoulder as the dogs pulled
1. ’ He said, grinning at me over his briefcase
2. ’ He said, grinning at the memory
3. ‘What are you grinning at, Mum?’ Emma asked, a smile touching the edges of her mouth
4. Bush keeps grinning at him
5. ’ He said portentously, grinning at her
6. ‘Yes,’ he said grinning at me obviously understanding my confusion
7. John looks quizzically at Russ -- What the hell is he up to? Russ presses on, grinning, eating, enjoying himself
8. from Top Cat and, without doubt, the grinning beast from the Alice stories
9. Grinning appreciation at this banter, I go through into the office where Stephen is sitting at a desk
10. ’ He said, grinning
11. “What in the name of all the fates have we got here?” he mused, grinning
12. ’ Jacqui said, grinning at me appreciatively
13. ’ He said, grinning at me
14. ’ I said, feeling about ten years old and grinning like a maniac
15. ’ He replied grinning, oven gloves in hand
16. We chatted every so often, him grinning at me, sometimes even sitting next to me on the camp bed and putting his arm around my shoulder
17. ’ Kara agreed, grinning at the reference – one of the things she and Joris had shared was a love for Earth literature, poetry in particular
18. ‘That’s easy!’ Kara said, grinning and suppressing the tears threatening
19. She was still grinning to herself when he came back into the room some fifteen minutes later, a satisfied grin on his face
20. ’ She said, grinning at him
21. ‘To our new citizen!’ Renald said, raising his cup and grinning at Iain
22. grinning in the night
23. “You are a pig-headed, opinionated jerk!” she told him grinning
24. Grinning broadly, the man leaps off his gg and dropping the reins, throws his arms around Gilla, swinging her off her feet as he kisses her soundly
25. ” She was grinning at him
26. “Daniel!” He was grinning at her
27. ” He was grinning at her now
28. ’ He complained, grinning as he sips his wine
29. Collin looked around at each person grinning, then he began, “There are no dragons in the area right now, and I hear none approaching
30. " He was grinning at the memory of her
31. Kate went to Daniels side and he took her hand grinning, “My love, I fear that we have begun the battle of our lives!”
32. I’m still grinning as I traipse my dripping way back to the cabin, reeling and grabbing onto the walls as the deck swings with the movement of the sea beneath it
33. ’ He said grinning, ‘I foolishly went up there in my tunic
34. ’ I said, grinning at him as I run some water into the bowl and start washing the bandage out
35. Bougainvillea, morning glory, hollyhocks, dusty white acanthus, all waving and grinning from everyday, ordinary tins brightened with casual splashes of paint - they just wouldn't look the same in Britain
36. Both of us are as high as kites, grinning at each other and, more often than not, holding hands with a grip reflecting our disbelief in our new status
37. ’ He protested grinning
38. ' Grinning, he lifted a finger for emphasis, then rifling a drawer beneath the window at the back he produced a photograph of himself with a priest
39. ’ He said grinning at me – and sounding as though he is quoting from an instruction manual of some sort
40. So to pacify him, I accepted a raki whereupon he raised his glass to me, grinning his winning grin, 'My friend
41. ’ He replied grinning at me over the top of his book
42. Grinning despite himself, he comes over and picks it out for me, then stands helplessly by while I, woman fashion, drape his wet clothes by the fire so that they will dry off
43. "Yeah", said Terry, grinning
44. I looked into the frowning crowd, grinning at anyone and everyone, and realised I was slipping
45. ‘I don’t know though,’ he went on grinning, ‘I’ve got you more or less where I want you
46. Duncan further praised his skill and the man was grinning from ear to ear at the praise he was receiving from these important guests of Lord Tarak
47. The women here are something else, Duncan thought to himself grinning
48. As he caught the bathrobe he thought he saw his dear old mother grinning the widest grin this side of Wonderland
49. “You have my leave to do what needs to be done,” he could see she was grinning as she turned and left, and he shouted out, “Restraint Rayne, restraint!”
50. Grinning from ear to ear he escorted her to the high parapet that encircled the stronghold and stopped at a large gate
1. Barney grins at me, banging his spoon on the table as his father tries to encourage him to eat his lunch … I can’t help feeling that Barney is far more interested in me than his food
2. John shakes his head, grins
3. He looks again at John, winks, grins
4. (grins, shakes his head)
5. Bolt shakes his head, grins stupidly
6. She grins at me but does as she’s told
7. He grins, takes a big shot of whiskey
8. He offers it to Russ, who grins, spits out his wad of chewing tobacco in a trashcan
9. Bolt rattles his head in assent, grins, takes the hose emanating from the hooka, closes his eyes, puts the mouthpiece between his lips and takes a huge drag
10. The militant grins, gives his friend a look and calmly reaches up and depresses a button on the weapon
11. He grins at me and holds out his hand
12. He looks at Khalid, looks at John, grins, then whacks John on the side of the head with a sharp, upward thrust of his AK-47
13. She grins helplessly and raises her glass
14. He grins broadly, takes a sip from his beer
15. Stephen comes over and grins at Barney, immediately winning the child over
16. He’s not as big as I thought he would be from what Gilla had told me, more wiry and full of pent up energy than the broad shouldered man that is his friend … he grins at me, his eyes laughing, before turning to Berndt
17. lunatic grins, where you become faceless among the beloved,
18. these quizzical looks, grins and bawdy shouts are but
19. He grins when teased about the high quality of the food which he will be enjoying
20. Joris grins at me as the incomprehensible conversation between the man and Berndt rambles on
21. ’ The man stops at the sound of his name and grins at us
22. she throws her head back, grins wildly,
23. She grins at me quickly before turning back to the pan she is watching … the scent of bacon filling the air deliciously
24. She grins, slaps Alastair on the arm and tells us to get out of the way, she has coffee to serve
25. He grins at me with that special look in his eyes and I find myself flushing at the thought
26. He grins at me for a second, then turns back to concentrate on the road
27. He pauses then suddenly shakes his head and grins at me in the mirror
28. Anna looks suspiciously at Mel who merely grins at her
29. He grins at me for a moment and then his eyes misted, looking past me into a time gone by
30. He grins at me briefly, then returns his gaze to the road ahead
31. He grins sheepishly
32. The boy grins at me over Dave’s shoulder
33. He raises his eyebrows at me and grins
34. He grins at me
35. He grins sheepishly as I raise my eyebrows and look at him askance
36. He grins as Bex looks away, pretending to examine a picture of Ernest Hemmingway on the back of a boat holding up what looks like a reef shark
37. Billy launches grapeshot at the Lexus and grins as the stones ping off the metalwork on the rear driver's side wing
38. He grins and comes to help me put the tools away before disappearing (with encouragement) to wash off the worst of the mud in the bathroom
39. This solicited grins from the others who had to be careful not to laugh aloud
40. For this Breton never failed to bring broad grins and chuckles from this particular Imperial
41. The ones whose dire grins persisted even in death and whose life-force she had slipped on as she scrambled away
42. The way in which several recruits paused and stood gape-mouthed, bearing lop-sided grins, amused her greatly as she and the officer marched ahead
43. Faces of those he passed seemed all too knowing in their reticence, in their grins and frowns
44. ” He closed his statement with the most diabolical of grins
45. As we pulled away the grins on the lads faces said everything this is where we wanted to be this is what most of us had joined up for not to fight the Turks but to fight the Germans who had started this war
46. The two boys who were both in their early twenties eyed him suspiciously but with small grins as they took over the tour of the house
47. Finally, Del looked up at her again and gave another one of those handsome grins
48. She cut him off with a sharp gesture, then allowed one of her feral grins, faint, cruel, and
49. “‘ere they are!” It was Ironbristles and Ramrod again, their two least favorite pirates, ambling up with horrible grins on their faces
50. Dogs cannot run well on polished floors and we had great fun with them as they skidded around with foolish and embarrassed grins on their faces