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    Usa "grizzled" in una frase

    grizzled frasi di esempio


    1. He was a grizzled, wiry old man who, despite his

    2. The grizzled old Stormcloak’s deeply running hatred for Imperials was common knowledge and even those in the area who were sympathetic to the Legion had learned to brush off his venomous words when spat in their direction

    3. His grizzled face, yes; it was kind of grizzled-looking even then, stared over his half-glasses, and his stinking cigar stank up the room just like it always did

    4. She also saw the source of the strange jingling sounds; the old man was wearing a jester’s hat, wisps of grizzled white hair jutting out from underneath it

    5. Michpili was a grizzled, old veteran who had kept to himself during the trip here and whose forbidding aspect caused the rest of us to give him wide berth

    6. “Campaigns are for the young men and the grizzled veterans

    7. Most of the latter were grizzled veterans looking for a change of scenery

    8. To add to Gonzalo’s difficulties, they were far better paid than his own grizzled veterans

    9. Grizzled Wolf Lochert listened with wary eyes searching incessantly for ambushing Viet Cong

    10. The soldier on guard blinked and yawned, his grizzled face crinkling into a riot of lines and scars before relaxing again

    11. A blue-kneed old codger in a kilt was barking noisily at a grizzled Scotch terrier that was yapping back at him from its vantage point on the wall

    12. The image of Central disappeared and in its place, a picture of a hardened, grizzled

    13. beside him, her affection for the grizzled police officer apparent to all

    14. Six grizzled lumberjacks had gathered around the inn’s roaring hearth fire where an elder patron was getting ready to spin his tale

    15. The elder looked into the grizzled faces of his audience; then with a sweep of a thin gnarled hand gave a sign which indicated its ending, ‘That’s it, t’ain’t no more to tell

    16. Rikki had grizzled, threatened retribution and complained bitterly about his treatment at the hands of the three officers all the way back

    17. Even the battle hardened Marines were intimidated by Captain Darwin and the only one who would spar with her was a grizzled old gunnery sergeant who appeared to be an even match

    18. His face was grizzled with a two-day-old beard and his hair was uncombed and fell across his eyes, sticking with sweat to his forehead

    19. what can we do?” asked the captain, who in his fear, both of the storm and the mutinous looks in his crews eyes, was willing to do anything the grizzled old salt suggested

    20. Stan looked at this grizzled salt that stood profanely before him

    21. Lieutenant to grizzled sergeant, a quip of loyalty at the

    22. Anything with sprinkles would probably get me punched in the mouth by a grizzled engineer

    23. grizzled old sailor living on the boat

    24. The grizzled ship security chief smiled as he contemplated the stiff agents on the deck

    25. I knew her grizzled face

    26. His grizzled face was covered in white whiskers that matched the color of his hair

    27. Kurt was still skeptical about their plans to stop in a virtually abandoned mining town on their way into Glacier National Park, where they would meet Kurt’s longtime friend and guide, Monsieur Lafête, a grizzled bear of a man whose exploits in the wilderness intimidated all of them

    28. In the Captain’s opulent cabin Simla reclined on a couch and explained the situation to the grizzled old

    29. Monsieur the Marquis cast his eyes over the submissive faces that drooped before him, as the like of himself had drooped before Monseigneur of the Court--only the difference was, that these faces drooped merely to suffer and not to propitiate--when a grizzled mender of the roads joined the group

    30. Here the Distressed One and the other duennas raised the veils with which they were covered, and disclosed countenances all bristling with beards, some red, some black, some white, and some grizzled, at which spectacle the duke and duchess made a show of being filled with wonder

    31. Enter to the grizzled examiner a young man of modest aspect: "Are you well up in modern seamanship?" "I hope so, sir

    32. And the helmsman, standing alone, calmer, his face smooth and serious, his grizzled hair plastered to his brow, his hands clutching the wheel, seemed even yet to be guiding his wrecked three–master through the ocean depths!

    33. Among bony fish, I noted grizzled wrasse unique to these seas, deep–water gilthead whose iris has a fiery gleam, one–meter croakers whose large mouths bristle with small teeth and which let out thin cries, black rudderfish like those I've already discussed, blue dorados accented with gold and silver, rainbow–hued parrotfish that can rival the loveliest tropical birds in coloring, banded blennies with triangular heads, bluish flounder without scales, toadfish covered with a crosswise yellow band in the shape of a Τ, swarms of little freckled gobies stippled with brown spots, lungfish with silver heads and yellow tails, various specimens of salmon, mullet with slim figures and a softly glowing radiance that Lacépède dedicated to the memory of his wife, and finally the American cavalla, a handsome fish decorated by every honorary order, bedizened with their every ribbon, frequenting the shores of this great nation where ribbons and orders are held in such low esteem

    34. It was abandoned as soon as tried, and he wore his grizzled hair cut short

    35. No other company was in the house than the landlord, his wife, and a grizzled male creature, the "Jack" of the little causeway, who was as slimy and smeary as if he had been low-water mark too

    36. —Who's the best troops in the army? the grizzled old veteran irately interrogated

    37. His gestures, his gait, his grizzled beard, his slightest and most indifferent acts, the very fashion of his garments, were odious in the clergyman's sight; a token implicitly to be relied on, of a deeper antipathy in the breast of the latter than he was willing to acknowledge to himself

    38. Mixed in with all the college students and farm boys and out-of-work loggers, there were grizzled hard-rock miners from all over the West

    39. His broad, grizzled head, with its shining patch of baldness, was in the immediate foreground of our vision

    40. A minute later we heard steps upon the stairs, and an elderly, red-faced man with grizzled side-whiskers was ushered in

    41. He was simply what the porter described as a "medium-looking chap"; a man of fifty, beard grizzled, pale face, quietly dressed

    42. The dog raised his head, but when Curley jerked out, the grizzled head sank to the floor again

    43. The priest, a little old man with a scanty grizzled beard and weary, good-natured eyes, was standing at the altar-rails, turning over the pages of a missal

    44. He was only thirty-three (and just over nine inches taller than his captain), but he had the gift, the knack for convincing even the most grizzled old salt to trust his soul in his chaplain’s hands, and he was one of the most skilled and compassionate healers Ahbaht had ever encountered

    45. The handsome old man, with black grizzled beard and thick silvery hair, stood motionless, holding a cup of honey, looking down from the height of his tall figure with friendly serenity at the gentlefolk, obviously understanding nothing of their conversation and not caring to understand it

    46. There was no sign of that chubby pink-cheeked lady, but as Scarlett searched anxiously a spare old negro, with grizzled kinks and an air of dignified authority, came toward her through the mud, his hat in his hand

    47. Here, excitement never entered in, voices were never raised, everyone deferred gently to the opinions of others, and, in the end, the black grizzled autocrat in the kitchen had his way

    48. He reached Scarlett before any of his men and, spitting freely on The sergeant in charge was a bow-legged, grizzled little man with a large wad of

    49. house climbing down from a rat-tailed nag on which a section of quilting had been They all ran out to the front porch and saw the tall grizzled old despot of Aunt Pitty’s strapped

    50. As they came down handle and cried; and Scarlett saw with incurious surprise that the kinks on his head, so jettily black when she went to Atlanta a few months before, were now grizzled

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