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    Usa "guard against" in una frase

    guard against frasi di esempio

    guard against

    1. If you are having tests or surgical procedures performed, you can safeguard against testing errors and also help ensure the best results with your surgery by following these steps:

    2. Sad to say most have been trained to guard against what is not wanted and thereby attracting more of that to their life experience

    3. Elders are guardians and as such guard against worldliness,

    4. Alex is wearing his suit jacket buttoned up, but not to guard against Easter's vaguely inclement weather

    5. The leather and cloth tunic seemed comparatively thin but certainly thick enough to guard against some damage

    6. Ayrim Iylin, though proven to not be a Prophet, has grown up under the guidance of the Priests and the Thanes, all of whom are on constant guard against the ern

    7. “The taint will drive you into madness,” she would tell them, “and there is no way to guard against it

    8. These chiefs were succeeded by the more important men and their followers, and finally Prempeh himself, with a large nut in his mouth, as a special fetish charm to guard against the wiles of the white man, was half dragged past between two attendants

    9. We should all stand on guard against falling prey to unwarranted suspicions as they oftentimes relate to other people who may

    10. An individual should remain on guard against internal inventions whose inestimable patterns are oftentimes (inconveniently) projected upon others

    11. Jesus cautions us today as He did his disciples to stand on their guard against false teachers

    12. Impulsively, he began to move, with an impulsiveness he knew he should guard against, but what the hell? He was a barbarian, after all

    13. It was surely his duty to guard against that in this case

    14. Please, intensely guard against having yourself or your loved ones bones crushed in and industrial blender and the rest thrown away in a hole with cats and dogs and other animals behind the crematorium

    15. I must always be on guard against that

    16. You can obtain power’s which will guard against her hold on you, then one day hopefully before she reforms, her hold on you will only ever be enough that you should know she is trying to rouse you and nothing more”

    17. children, and for the cattle: 51 For I was ashamed to ask the king footmen, and horsemen, and conduct for safeguard against our

    18. Surely you will admit that a woman has nothing which can compare with the beauty of a youth, his supple waist, his fine-drawn limbs, the tender mingling of color in his cheeks, his gentle smile and charm of his voice? The Prophet himself, in putting us on our guard against so evident a danger, said: “do not look upon beardless boys, for their eyes hold more temptation that the eyes of huris…”

    19. 50 And there I vowed a fast to the young men before our Lord to desire of him a prosperous journey both for us and them that were with us for our children and for the cattle: 51 For I was ashamed to ask the king footmen and horsemen and conduct for safeguard against our adversaries

    20. You then be on your guard against the world

    21. When Psychoanalysis puts us on guard against acting-out it is doing the

    22. Safeguard against evil and the distorted thinking caused by evil - How blessed is the one who does not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand in the pathway with sinners, or sit in the assembly of scoffers

    23. on guard against the inevitable possibility of Tobias finding and

    24. I guess I will have to guard against

    25. something I need to guard against but who would suspect little old me as

    26. Let us therefore guard against obstructions

    27. Wanting a deterrent punishment to guard against future transgressions, they all pressed the panchayat to make an example of the errant couple

    28. Look for a formula that offers broad-spectrum protection to guard against UVA rays (the ones that cause premature aging) and UVB rays (one of the main causes of skin cancer)

    29. Guard against the very dangerous belief that if you're having difficulty with your

    30. guard against the chance that my wards should fail

    31. With smooth precision, the Marines repositioned to guard against an ambush

    32. Guard against the class-prejudice of the professionals who conducted the destructive Tuskegee study

    33. much fat as possible to guard against the hard times ahead

    34. Ingrid could only tighten her jaws then and passed discreetly the word to her women to be on their guard against night infiltrations

    35. Following the sinking of the Bismarck after the action with Hood and Prince of Wales, Tirpitz was deployed in 1942 to Norwegian waters where she remained for the rest of her career, principally to guard against a British invasion that was Hitler’s fantasy and be a constant menace to supply lines

    36. To guard against voter fatigue, specific policy legislation can be limited to public vote every other year and three times in ten years

    37. We must guard against incurring obligations that don’t suit us or

    38. They were erasing all the evidence, to guard against it being captured

    39. Turning a number of times at street corners, Nancy followed the narrow streets of Paris at a trot, fully on guard against a possible ambush

    40. Guard against overuse when feeding

    41. Tom was much better than me at dealing with him, warning him to be on his guard against

    42. Guard against information that hits you subtly

    43. We must learn to guard against those feelings that have the capacity to lead our

    44. He was always on guard against them

    45. So he has to be on his guard against the feeling of compassion until the moment of final attainment, although at the same time

    46. We have to be on our guard against the common

    47. “Liars say they forgive, but keep lists, say they forgive the offense, but fear and safeguard against the offender reoffending

    48. First was from George Washington who said: "Guard against the

    49. guard against those that produce negative results

    50. They were pleased to be out of their cave prison with the promise, or possibility, of freedom ahead of them, but still they were on guard against another immediate possibility: that the Drong soldiers could be leading them into a trap

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