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    Usa "harvest" in una frase

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    1. it? Paul Harvest? At least in the

    2. "Well shit, all the hiking I was doing the last few weeks before we left? And harvest? And the keda tending that goes with logging? The Troll in me should be showing by now

    3. With the harvest of Jacob comes the harvest of the nations

    4. The farmers would pay them in a portion of their crops at harvest time each year

    5. "Trying to harvest lon in a leese wallow," Luray answered

    6. If the song in heaven is “holy, holy, holy,” then the song in Hell must be: The harvest is past, the summer has ended, and we are not saved

    7. "Before we go too far, we've got another jug of that harvest blue around, y'interested?"

    8. Any harvest was everyone's harvest

    9. The seasons passed in a confusion of school uniforms and shoe sizes, just as much as they passed through the ever present need to prepare flower beds, to stake out fresh young plants and to harvest

    10. 30Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the

    11. “I wonder if religious devotion is what stimulates it to harvest the souls in the first place,” Glayet said

    12. The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and

    13. Ava was banking on slipping into the next one unnoticed because the planets they would settle would have never produced souls before, so the creature in that area wouldn’t search for silicon intervention in the harvest of those souls

    14. The culmination of their labour was getting the harvest safely

    15. They all enjoyed the traditional Harvest Festival, with the usual

    16. “I bet they made sure the humans stayed ephemeral so they could harvest their souls

    17. The harvest duly arrived, and Farmer John announced the order of

    18. Once the harvest had been collected

    19. They had a tall fruit tree in each corner of the tiny lot, and bridges of hard-bean slung well up into them to aid in the harvest of both

    20. What did this mean? It probably meant that there was a plot to harvest Tdeshi’s body for Ava, and no doubt Ava was in on it

    21. Except for Matt, who was currently trying to ask Goldie to the Harvest Dance

    22. “You could just go to the Harvest Dance with me, Matt,” Julia said

    23. “Oh? So what is the Harvest Dance all about then, Julia?” Matt asked

    24. “It’s about celebrating the rich rewards of this year’s harvest, about collecting together the combined foods of all of Slump County and coming together to Trouble Valley to partake of a glorious feast with all sorts of delicious food and compare it with all the other tasty foods of New Zealand! My Mansion’s keeping an intake of the Granary where we’re keeping all the food,” Julia said

    25. And in celebration of the Harvest, The Wolf Down Inn will be serving the following meals:

    26. And Julia wore that dress to the Harvest Dance and everyone had a most fantastic time, even Matt

    27. “I was just wondering if I could show off my plant at the Harvest Fair…” Monica mumbled

    28. “Well, thanks for showing us this! You’re sure to be a shoe-in to win tomorrow’s Harvest Fair!” Suzie said and her friends and she began to leave

    29. 'How does the wine from last year’s harvest look,

    30. other year without a decent harvest

    31. 13Swing the sickle, for the harvest is ripe

    32. harvest will fail, and the harvest of

    33. 9but those who harvest it will eat it 226

    34. This is represented in the spring harvest festivals

    35. The feast of tabernacles was the celebration of the fall harvest, which was the largest harvest of the year

    36. There is a great harvest that will come at the end of the age, and God is preparing his people for it

    37. His hand is not too short to save! He will bring in a great harvest and bring great deliverance in our day, but he is waiting for us to take hold of our destinies as knights of the kingdom and move with him

    38. When a farmer plants seeds on fertile ground the seeds will grow, but there are things he can do to increase his harvest such as watering and fertilizing the soil

    39. Jesus referred to a harvest of souls at the end of the age (see

    40. It seldom happens that the person who tills the ground has wherewithal to maintain himself till he reaps the harvest

    41. As the days grow darker, and the harvest increases, it will be all

    42. time of harvest coming

    43. harvest would send workers into the

    44. harvest than during the greater part of the year ; and wages rise with the demand

    45. great harvest in the earth

    46. The greatest harvest of souls the earth

    47. reaping the harvest of the earth

    48. A generation of heroes without titles will reap a harvest in the

    49. harvest; instead, housewives and marketplace workers full of the

    50. and send workers into the harvest

    1. With winter only weeks away, crops were being harvested and stored

    2. The soil was rich and fertile and there were many farms with rows and rows of crops being harvested

    3. The Tallow seeds had been harvested by Belle and the girls early during the construction weeks, and now could be rendered for candles and soaps

    4. The gardens were harvested for the last time before the late fall frosts and the family prepared for the winter

    5. Meanwhile Ava was saying, “Now I suspect Tdeshi may have been harvested by the Kassikan

    6. All produce was harvested by the scholars and handed to the kitchens

    7. It was so large, a farmer could have harvested enough sap to fill ten amphorai, each a metrete in volume

    8. In the morning, she pruned the orchard, harvested the lemons, and carried a basketful into

    9. She’d planted each spring, gardened all summer, and harvested in the fall, just as her family had done

    10. Rosemary is harvested around September

    11. ' Rosemary is harvested around this time

    12. 'Do you feel as if you've been harvested

    13. Harvested! Reaped!

    14. The hand picked leaves are harvested only two days of the year and blended

    15. Costa Rican log barges loaded with cargo harvested on the Pacific Coast routinely passed through the Panama Canal

    16. He saw a figure on a cart or powered mule, like in a factory, but it was a hundred metres away and going in the opposite direction, pulling a small trailer piled high with the harvested vegetation

    17. The Lam Yai fruit was harvested two months ago, the farmers have pruned and fed the trees and cleaned the ground in the hope of more next year

    18. But now the rice is nearly ready to be harvested

    19. True to the old Mongol ways, crops (mostly for the horses) had been planted on the abandoned fields on the south side of the surrounding hills along a stream and were already harvested

    20. In practice, however, a harvested field is much less comfortable than a fallow one and we assiduously sought out the latter

    21. We regained the plain on the far side after passing though the already harvested fields of centli on the river bottom, and climbing back up to the plateau

    22. Silpitocle told me that the Re Che called it “pehuen” and harvested the cones for the nuts

    23. We passed the gate tower called Eschenheimer, and rode past some already harvested fields on either side of the road

    24. For example, if a man grew plums, and harvested far more than he could eat, most of them would be wasted

    25. And because of this, many souls are not harvested

    26. 45 Jesus said "Grapes are not harvested from thorns nor are figs gathered from thistles for they do not produce fruit

    27. When Halfdan left, carrying a bag of food and the ax, he walked slowly back across the harvested farm-field; back to where Yngvild -- sitting with her back to a tree, bow and arrows still in her hands -- had fallen asleep

    28. fruits of the field which we have harvested, and we

    29. I was taken into a room and my eggs were harvested, which is the most excruciating

    30. Being careful of possible weakness of the branch, he harvested all the stems with berries leaving the green leaved stems with no berries to continue growing

    31. Our harvested mistletoe hung on the support posts of our clan homes for protection, and, to bring fertility, in the animal pens and stables

    32. I harvested the berries in the fall; even the dried ones we now have help stop the bleeding in small wounds

    33. The harvested flowers gifted the air with the aroma of cleanliness

    34. And the fur from the first fox he killed, small pieces of fur from every one since, and dried berries from the mistletoe we harvested just before the rain drove us into the cave

    35. “Raw, freshly harvested fear

    36. The fertilized herring eggs are a delicacy for the native Alaskans and are actively harvested

    37. And aside from the ethical and moral considerations, my fault, so tiny in comparison with other harvested by other specimens of the human race, did not seek hurt anyone, but benefiting me

    38. A number of ground-hoppers harvested apples from a nearby orchard

    39. You’ve heard of this one before- it’s the tree from which balsa wood is harvested!

    40. They were cute cuddly creatures, but they could never be kept as pets because of the dangerous flesh-eaters that they harvested from their coats

    41. Death and pain are constant companion drinking buddies laughing at the killing fields of war and the harvested bodies of drought, much as upper-middle-class men in their forty’s discuss football and weather

    42. Bounty is harvested so that growth can take place

    43. Junior went on to explain the gel needed a synthetic brain stem in order to function and the only way this could be achieved, was by scientists who had researched brain cells and understood how the brain functioned and how specific cells could be harvested

    44. I wondered how her grapes did this year–they would still be harvested until fall

    45. After a couple of weeks, the real Gerard has assumed a third identity, one harvested from his society’s crop of identities cultivated over the years from the seeds of persons deceased long ago and nurtured until they have matured and borne social security numbers, savings accounts, university transcripts, driver’s licenses and passports

    46. The corn was being harvested with over a hundred acres a checkerboard of battered cornstalks contrasting the proud stalks standing next, totally oblivious to their fate

    47. Samson followed the commotion and broke out of the standing stalks into a harvested section

    48. The bacteriologist was able to grow this particular bacterium in a manner as to produce a potent cell mediated immune response in mammals when the culture was harvested at a certain phase of its growth and the resultant bacteria killed and fragmented a special way

    49. A month or so later I harvested and got a few thousand out of the plants Tone gave me

    50. They found and destroyed most of the crops we harvested that were not in underground bunkers

    1. Rain water harvesting, cleaning of small tanks before rainy season, closing of running taps, not allowing drawing of water directly from mains through electric motor, recycling water for WCs etc are some of the areas where we can generate awareness and guide others to act

    2. A few weeks later, we were all in the fields harvesting the corn crop before winter set in

    3. Lord Mantel was master of Field Hold; his people saw to the planting and harvesting of the many different crops that fed the People

    4. “Where the dark matter can continue harvesting them,” the bishop interrupted

    5. impressive sight, Tom considered, as he laboured at the harvesting

    6. harvesting machines, drawn by tractors

    7. In the weeks before the main crops were ready for harvesting, the

    8. very few others were still waiting for harvesting

    9. Does she even continue 'running' our souls when we die, harvesting them like you ghosts? Or is it possible she is deriving her nourishment from the 'running' of any conscious soul within her, so you could think of conscious minds as her 'mitochondria' in a spiritual sense? I tend to believe more in that theory of religion myself

    10. “There are still plenty of soldiers harvesting the trees, so we will be quite safe

    11. They’d be planting, harvesting, or irrigating, or just waiting for the rice to grow or sometimes, the rain to come

    12. Surely becoming a powerful wizard was a full-time, lifelong pursuit, not something one did between pruning, harvesting, and selling apples

    13. It‘s easier and much more efficient harvesting votes with sweeping gestures and deceptive promises rather than stumping for votes the old-fashioned way by kissing babies and all that other good stuff

    14. And that harvesting of fear would be a major reason much of the world was trapped into the Cold War that Truman largely began

    15. I had this mental picture of a bare-chested Tommy, pale blue light reflecting off his torso as he worked his way across the field at planting and harvesting times

    16. It looked like they were weeding, watering, hoeing, and harvesting

    17. It never ceased to amaze me, seeing my father during late summer standing among the fully grown plants, harvesting tomatoes by the basketful

    18. We delayed starting until the scouts reported that the Chimu were, indeed, still harvesting

    19. harvesting the rice—a telltale sign that the unbearable summer heat would soon flee and a

    20. I noticed that there were some medium-sized parrots harvesting the few remaining nuts at the moment

    21. A bureaucratic determination that the spotted owl is an endangered species shuts down whole industries and towns related to timber harvesting in the Pacific Northwest

    22. (There was to be no harvesting

    23. My parents were out harvesting the wine-grapes, and I had walked alone to the nearest woods

    24. Even the harvesting tools

    25. His lord said to him: Well done you good and faithful servant you have been faithful over a few things I will make you ruler over many things you enter into the joy of your lord; Also he who had received two talents of gold came and said: Lord you gave to me two talents of gold; Note I have gained two other talents of gold besides those; His lord said to him: Well done good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things I will make you ruler over many things; enter into the joy of your lord; Then he who had received the one talent of gold came and said: Lord I knew you that you are a hard man reaping where you have not sown and harvesting where you have not cultivated; and I was afraid and went and hid your talent of gold in the ground; see there you have what is yours! His lord answered and said to him: You wicked and lazy servant you knew that I reap where I did not sow and harvest where I have not cultivated therefore you should have placed my money with the money exchangers and then on my arrival I should have received my own back with usury; therefore take the talent of gold from him and give it to him who has ten talent of gold; because for everyone who has it shall be given and he shall have abundance but from him who has nothing even that which he has shall be taken away; and you will throw the unprofitable servant into outer darkness where there shall be weeping and grinding of teeth; When the Son of Man shall come in his glory and all the holy angels with him then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory; and before Him shall be gathered all nations; and He shall separate them one from another as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats and He shall place the sheep on his right hand side but place the goats on the left; Then the King shall say to those on his right hand: You blessed by my Father come over; Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world because I was hungry and you all gave Me food; I was thirsty and you all gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you all clothed Me; I was sick and you all visited Me; I was in prison and you all came to Me; Then shall the righteous answer Him saying: Lord when did we see you hungry and fed you? Or thirsty and gave you drink? When did we see you a stranger and took you in? Or naked and clothed you? Or when did we see you sick or in prison and came to you? and the King shall answer and say to them: Truly I say to you in as much as you all have done it to one of the least of these my brothers you have done it for Me; Then he shall say also to those on the left hand depart from Me all you cursed ones into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels because I was an hungry and you all gave Me no food I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink: I was a stranger and you did not take Me in; I was naked and you all did not clothe Me; I was sick and in prison and you did not visit Me; Then they shall also answer Him saying: Lord when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you? Then He shall reply to them saying: Truly I say to you in as much as you did it not to one of the least of these ones you did not do it to Me and they shall go away into everlasting punishment but the righteous shall go into eternal life

    26. seedlings with buckets from the river, harvesting fruit that was

    27. In his mind Jacob thought of the process as harvesting rather than abduction

    28. The hours of the day filled with the care and feeding of our animals, the sowing and harvesting of our crops and the raising of our children

    29. “Ain’t crops we’re harvesting,” said Jed, lips curling again into that snarl of a grin

    30. “But if nothing grows in the Cursed Field, what will those scarecrows be harvesting?”

    31. “It isn’t crops they are harvesting,” said the fox

    32. “They’re harvesting,” said Stubby

    33. They’re harvesting fear itself!”

    34. ” Ma nodded approvingly at Jed, as though he had done all the harvesting himself

    35. “I lost contact with your stepbrother when the harvesting began

    36. “They’ve finished harvesting,” hissed Zach

    37. Harvesting of salt by ordinary citizens was made a criminal offense and the government collected tax on manufactured salt

    38. Cars are used for harvesting food during the off days when the robots don’t attack

    39. It was now approaching the latter part of the summer and the harvesting season was at hand

    40. His reward for this was watching the vegetables grow and harvesting them in season

    41. He loved watching things grow and nurturing them and would eagerly look forward to harvesting them in season

    42. There were figures gathered around in an activity that Roelle finally deciphered as some kind of harvesting

    43. Agmat Baantjies was a fisherman, as was his father and grandfather before him and indeed all his relatives – good, honest, Cape-Malay folk who earned their living harvesting the Cape seas

    44. Volkswagen, roamed the countless hills and dales, stopped at little villages with ancient churches, castles and monasteries, and they walked through waving fields of ripening wheat and barley, paused to watch farmers harvesting their crops, swam in fishponds, streams and rivers, and wherever they went, they made love

    45. ‘Master,’ he said,’ I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed

    46. I remember once as a youngster he came over to my house and just gave me six full grown weed plants that were just weeks away from harvesting

    47. I set about harvesting and drying the buds asap

    48. Many would be killed by the almost indestructible military robots before order was restored - and the harvesting of the humans could continue

    49. Once the individual had passed into a blissful unconsciousness, the cubical would revolve and, either a lethal injection would be administered and the body passed on to an airtight skip for collection when full or, if the assets of the body were required, it would be further anesthetised and preserved in a drug induced state of hibernation for harvesting

    50. Not just for the harvesting of the grapes

    1. on long nights after the sweat of autumn harvests

    2. But by this experiment I was made master of my business, and knew exactly when the proper season was to sow, and that I might expect two seed-times and two harvests every year

    3. with reasonable harvests most years, and access to

    4. Since the harvests were being gathered in as we started out, we had to be rather careful, but eventually, the harvests were in and we could camp anywhere

    5. the policy of storing and rationing the grain harvests, as was appropriate

    6. a garden for him, whereby he harvests the souls of those

    7. It was foghara, the harvests were in, and the fields were empty

    8. duties, Hapi is the provider of bountiful harvests and al good things, and

    9. The adult is willing to sow seeds of self-denial in order to reap subsequent harvests of augmented happiness

    10. Even when the harvests had been good during their childhood on Homestead, there had never been this much food in one place ready to eat

    11. Huge scorch marks were a testimony to the previous harvests that once took place

    12. Joey didn’t ask any more questions; the images he had seen of the harvests on Lezura’s data-scroll were popping up in his head

    13. The underground pipelines of the city above were broken apart by the destruction of the past wars and harvests, but were mended by the people living here to flow their water from the walls like streams and waterfalls from the ceiling of the cave

    14. “Normally they wouldn’t have even attempted to oppose us like this; seeing as how they suffered from the harvests,” said Gadsa thoughtfully

    15. They soon were known as the food family, since they could feed more than two-dozen people a day from their harvests

    16. This can be done without sending food by teaching the natives how to grow and process their own harvests

    17. Not only did the harvests provide meat and vegetables for the

    18. But due to better European harvests and the worldwide depression, food prices were low

    19. happen at the harvests, that you shall give a fifth to

    20. As I look at it, at this moment, it may be safe to say that what I may have planted has already propagated many other healthy seedlings that guarantee enough surviving so that there may be many more successful harvests in the years ahead

    21. This Lord is asked to bring forth bounteous harvests of grain and fruit to feed the hungry

    22. Each of our harvests produces enough jars of grain to last us twelve moons

    23. “ The right amount of fungal growth must be present on each bunch of grapes, so our harvests are done in several sweeps, picking out the correct grapes on each pass

    24. Harvests that need no cultivation,

    25. make harvests easier, consisting of a pole at one end of which he could fit his machete

    26. Power brokers bankrupting themselves to provide games for the masses, the killing fields of the roman stadia, buying up entire grain harvests to stage wasteful feasts for the entire city… in the hope of getting some popular support from the masses in their bids for Imperial power

    27. They killed off the original inhabitants in their area; the Etruscans: because they were more affluent, they had better pottery, better harvests, and were less warlike than they were

    28. From makeshift torches its touch pillaged the chiseled high harvests of man

    29. To this the squire replied, "Senor, as these mishaps are what one reaps of chivalry, tell me if they happen very often, or if they have their own fixed times for coming to pass; because it seems to me that after two harvests we shall be no good for the third, unless God in his infinite mercy helps us

    30. Strangely enough the rainfall and harvests in the next few years were almost supernaturally abundant, and this led to a research team being despatched to the islands by the Minor Religions faculty of Unseen University

    31. Most lodgers slept in a communal dormitory: Ralph was emphasizing his new position by taking an entire room – paid for, Gwenda thought sourly, out of the meagre harvests of Wigleigh peasants

    32. A farmer sows in spring, harvests in late summer, and in the fall, lays in supplies for the winter

    33. Thirdly, the Trade is patriotick in the Highest Sense, for as ’tis the Wish of ev’ry True-born Englishman to see his Country prosper both at Home and abroad, what could be more pleasing to the Patriotick Englishman than to view the great Advantages which have accru’d to our Nation thro’ the Bountiful Harvests of the Sugar Isles? Why, e’en the most middling sort of Londoner takes Sugar in his Tea, and buys printed Calicoes of Cotton for his Lady

    34. Besides this the chief steward wrote every year telling him of fires and bad harvests, or of the necessity of rebuilding factories and workshops

    35. Several tens of thousands of the slain lay in diverse postures and various uniforms on the fields and meadows belonging to the Davydov family and to the crown serfs- those fields and meadows where for hundreds of years the peasants of Borodino, Gorki, Shevardino, and Semenovsk had reaped their harvests and pastured their cattle

    36. He told her of external social events and of the people who had formed the circle of her contemporaries and had once been a real, living, and distinct group, but who were now for the most part scattered about the world and like herself were garnering the last ears of the harvests they had sown in earlier years

    37. One wanted to lean through and sniff wild seas of flowers, touch harvests of peach-maiden girls, hear the machinery of bees bright-stitching up the glamorous airs

    38. 10) This was primarily a result of poor harvests in Central America

    39. Therefore, it follows that supplies would be highest at harvest time and lowest in the months just preceding harvests

    40. However, with the advent of increasing South American production to today’s levels, major soybean harvests now take place twice a year, or every six months

    41. Soybeans are harvested in the United States in the September to November time frame, whereas autumn harvests take place in Brazil and Argentina in the March to June time period

    42. Harvests of souls unceasingly

    43. As they march, they trample underfoot the harvests which they themselves have planted, burning the cities which they have helped to build, with songs, shouts of enthusiasm, and music

    44. A war, even of the shortest duration,—with all its customary consequences, the destruction of harvests, the thefts, the unchecked debauchery and murders, with the usual explanations of its necessity and justice, with the accompanying glorification and praise bestowed upon military exploits, upon patriotism, devotion to the flag, with the assumption of tenderness and care for the wounded,—will do more in one year to demoralize men than thousands of robberies, arsons, and murders committed in the course of centuries by individual men carried away by passion

    45. Several tens of thousands of the slain lay in diverse postures and various uniforms on the fields and meadows belonging to the Davýdov family and to the crown serfs—those fields and meadows where for hundreds of years the peasants of Borodinó, Górki, Shevárdino, and Semënovsk had reaped their harvests and pastured their cattle

    46. They will march to battle trampling underfoot the harvests they have sown, burning the towns they have built—with songs of triumph, festive music, and cries of jubilation

    47. Twice have the fields with golden harvests shone,

    48. Every war, even the most humanely conducted, with all its ordinary consequences, the destruction of harvests, robberies, the license and debauchery, and the murder with the justifications of its necessity and justice, the exaltation and glorification of military exploits, the worship of the flag, the patriotic sentiments, the feigned solicitude for the wounded, and so on, does more in one year to pervert men's minds than thousands of robberies, murders, and arsons perpetrated during hundreds of years by individual men under the influence of passion

    49. Meanwhile, others are listening; and we hope to reap our harvests even in the midst of the storm

    50. Le Moyne’s generosity would put up a fine building for a dormitory, he would be planting seed-corn which would yield many harvests in the coming years

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