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    Usa "heartburn" in una frase

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    1. Heartburn (see Trapped Emotions, Physical Symptoms of )

    2. Indigestion, heartburn and regurgitation follow after the consumption of food

    3. 'what is this, a heartburn that

    4. -Chronic or frequent heartburn; other stomach problems may

    5. of luck in his struggle against heartburn

    6. • Upset stomach, severe heartburn, problems in the digestive

    7. arthritis, pills for heartburn, pills for heart trouble

    8. Antacids and Heartburn medications (H-2 antagonist drugs ): By reducing stomach acidity these drugs reduce the

    9. Heartburn is estimated to affect over 25million Americans each day

    10. These medications aren't necessary though as there are numerous home remedies for heartburn available

    11. - blanched almonds and almond milk are both great at relieving heartburn

    12. the cause of heartburn

    13. - Celery is one of the best natural home remedies for heartburn, and one of the cheapest

    14. Being alkaline in nature, celery effectively neutralises the excess acid in your stomach and puts an end to heartburn

    15. Hopefully the home remedies for heartburn mentioned here will help to relieve the painful symptoms of the condition in the present, while the preventative measures work to keep you free from heartburn in the future

    16. Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Celiac, ulcers, chronic fatigue, migraines, heartburn, indigestion, constipation, arthritis, eczema, psoriasis and auto-immune diseases are digestive in origin and the sooner we understand this, the sooner we can be one the road to wellness

    17. Unsurprised that the twelve-inch blade protruding from his heart had failed to do anything except give him a mild case of heartburn

    18. Another, related cause of heartburn is hiatal hernia, in which a small portion of

    19. Wright, supplementing with betaine HCl (a compound that contains hydrochloric acid) often relieves the symptoms of heartburn and improves digestion, at

    20. sensations in the upper abdomen, bloating, belching, diffuse abdominal pain, heartburn,

    21. Doctors have observed that heartburn and indigestion may be relieved in some people

    22. symptoms of indigestion or heartburn

    23. The effects of these different categories on heartburn and

    24. As a result, they are particularly used when there is low stomach acid but not in heartburn (where too much

    25. However, modern studies to prove chamomile beneficial for people with heartburn or

    26. Demulcents are the third category of herbs used to treat indigestion and heartburn

    27. The mucilage content in slippery elm appears to act as a barrier against the damaging effects of acid on the oesophagus in people with heartburn

    28. • You have heartburn or intestinal gas

    29. Who in their right mind would want to risk an encounter with a snake that was longer than a bus, weighed more than a freight train, and could swallow me whole, not giving one thought to the heartburn it’d have the next day?

    30. Heartburn, that's a constant curse

    31. most wretched case of heartburn, which I can only attribute to the

    32. “Upset stomach, headaches, heartburn

    33. contents of the stomach leading to heartburn and excessive saliva production

    34. Meryl was trying to pull a Jamie Oliver, but unfortunately her cooking was always quite rich and gave me constant heartburn

    35. My, that was big of her, but when I saw what she was cooking, quiche Lorraine, I thought, yuck! In such a hot climate that was the last thing that I wanted to eat for lunch; it always gave me unrelenting heartburn

    36. Heartburn is a nasty burning feeling in the upper chest – everyone experiences it sometimes and it can

    37. The majority pf pregnant women experience occasional episodes of heartburn, and they have a

    38. medications are available for heartburn, but there is some evidence that antacids can have a negative

    39. For me, it cures heartburn every time

    40. There are some foods that can be used as effective home remedies for heartburn

    41. For instance, a water solution of baking soda is known to be effective for quick heartburn relief

    42. The short term ones include nausea, diarrhea and heartburn, while the long term ones are vitamin deficiency, stroke and at times, even death

    43. —Agonising Christ, wouldn't it give you a heartburn on your arse?

    44. The sophomores, on the other hand, had won by the narrowest of margins, and they had caused their coach a good deal of heartburn while he waited for the official results

    45. (I’ve been there, but in my defense, I’d mixed up my antianxiety sedatives with my heartburn medication and so I’d like to think it was less that I was “drooly” and more that I was just slightly too generous with my saliva

    46. Heartburn medicine, the others thought

    47. During Vagelos’s tenure, 10 major new drugs were launched, such as Vasotec and Prinivil for hypertension and Pepcid for heartburn

    48. ‘I wonder if something was wrong with that cheese? Heartburn

    49. He asked me if I had to take antacids frequently because of heartburn

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