Usa "heater" in una frase
heater frasi di esempio
1. ’ I commented, remembering the paraffin heater my parents had when I was a kid
2. making the room warm, even with the fire heater that Jack had
3. With a modern car, you just jump inside and put the heater on
4. “Hey, you think these would still be all right to eat? The heater melted
5. “The noise doesn’t bother me, it’s this goddamn heater
6. We are now using a heater and have one each in our bedroom
7. But I feel not good when I get up in the morning with the heater
8. To see a rusty water heater in your dream means that you are avoiding or neglecting your anger
9. By this time several other people were awake, but it was not until one of those trained in first-aid checked on the injured lying near the heater that they made the sad discovery that three more colonists had died during the night
10. When the room had been sealed and the heater switched on, Chris moved to the centre of the open floor space, partially to be nearer the heater, gestured to everyone to be quiet and made an announcement:
11. Fletcher’s rucksack was almost filled by the spare fusion heater
12. Once inside the tent, Chris placed the last two rocks to hold down the ‘entrance’ and Lucy switched on the heater, full power this time
13. The interior of the tent warmed up surprisingly quickly and after a few minutes Lucy adjusted the heater back down to two-thirds power
14. After a while the torches were switched off and then the only light was the relaxing, pulsing glow of the heater
15. As soon as it was ready, they lifted Lucy inside and Chris started the fusion heater
16. “Doesn’t the fusion heater have hot elements inside, elements that would be hot enough to ignite the wrappers?” said James
17. Jason studied the exterior of the fusion heater for a few moments and then said, “If I unscrew the top panel I reckon that all four of those panels will just slide out
18. He placed the panel on the floor and pressed the button to switch the heater back on
19. He replaced the lid and screwed it firmly back into place, but once again the heater refused to switch on
20. She looked briefly at the heater and then picked up the removed panel, studied it for a brief moment and then smiled
21. After a few seconds the heating elements inside began to warm up and it was not long before the familiar red glow was once again illuminating the inside of the heater, pulsing slowly
22. “Let’s bring this heater next to the door,” said Richard, “We’ll go through, light the wrappers and then you’d better get this door closed
23. “I hope they got to shelter in time,” he announced, turning back to the others grouped around the modified fusion heater, “It’s mighty hot out there
24. Jason switched off the fusion heater and had just settled down into a more comfortable position when there was a low moan from one of the two sleeping figures on the other side of the heater
25. He slowly opened his eyes and listened, but there was no sound other than Fletcher’s quiet snoring, breathing noises and a faint hum from the heater
26. It occurred to him that he had not lifted the fusion heater before
27. “Look, I’m carrying the heater and that’s final
28. ” said Chris firmly, dropping his own rucksack next to Fletcher and heaving the one containing the fusion heater off the ground
29. Lucy switched on the fusion heater, setting it to maximum initially, and they huddled around it to eat another inadequate ration of food
30. “Get closer to the heater
31. Fletcher was back to carrying the fusion heater but Chris was determined to keep an eye on him
32. “Couldn’t we thaw it out with the heater?” suggested Melissa
33. The fusion heater struggled for a long while before it began to make any noticeable impression upon the cold within the structure
34. “You don’t sound very cheerful this morning” commented Kate, who had already been awake for some time, and was sitting by the heater defrosting some water
35. “Are you still all right with that heater, Fletcher?” asked Chris
36. Soon everyone was sitting around the glowing heater, eating more of their rations and thawing tubs of water
37. Fletcher turned on the heater as soon as the sides were weighted down with stones
38. He rolled over to face the heater in the hope that would help
39. The heater was already on full power and struggling to hold the temperature within the tent at a survivable level
40. ” replied Chris, “That heater is a big enough strain on its own
41. “Now we need somewhere to seal ourselves into so that the fusion heater can work effectively
42. Fletcher pulled off his rucksack, lifted out the fusion heater and set it carefully down in the aisle between the inward-facing seats
43. After activating the heater he set about unclipping two of the seats to give them more space to lie down
44. together, let's try switching on the heater, see how the screen copes
45. She hooked it on the wall behind the wood heater
46. ‘Come sit over here for a while and warm up first dear,’ she said as she switched on a heater and dragged a chair in front of it
47. I left for work with layer upon layer of clothing covering my body, knowing that as the day progressed and the office got warmer from the heater, I would have to de-layer
48. Patty finally arrived at lunchtime and we sat around the coffee table with hot chocolate and biscuits, keeping warm by the heater
49. The fan of the heater still blew warm air across me, but that would only last until the engine cooled
50. While doing routine maintenance on the planet, he had turned up the heater element, and wondered if it would do any good