She gets a little company by helmet, she's resurrected a couple others
"They found they could control it with a helmet
"Only the same ones we knew by helmet and the ones you swoon over
Ava told her that was the helmet interface to the system
As Angels, they do not need to physically don a helmet, they could use the same interface from the lab/office next to her gathering room, or from right here on the verandah if they wanted
She said her clone sister on the ground had enough love affairs for both of them, though she had relations with men on the ground who were under some form of helmet that let them enter the virtual world
The native channel selector under the helmet interface was like being inside a ball with screens all round you and when you looked into one it would be the channel
" She pushed the double-starred Jammer's cover over Melinda's helmet and pushed her back to the jammer line, 30 feet behind the already formed line of blockers
The girl with the stain in her crotch from the locker room was wearing the pivot helmet cover
Burn’s flight helmet poked in the open bridge hatch
" He gestured in front of his helmet to call up the spoofing script he’d written to emulate Staas Company’s Inventory Query Protocols and passed it to the terminal in front of him without missing a stroke
His flight helmet showed him spotty imagery obscured by the debris
Something flared up too bright and too close and between the gaps in his helmet visor not covered with the boneless alien appendages, he saw Wambach wielding a plasma cutter, swinging the clumsy, fat, meter-long cylinder like the hilt of a ridiculously out of proportion sword
Then, he saw that nub of an alien helmet up close, pressed against his own visor
Tipperary even had a pressurized atmo now and it was good to get his helmet off once they got out of the locks, but everything smelled burnt
"Anything’s better than the smell of this suit," Parker said before she took her helmet off
With his helmet off and his head all bandaged up, the way he gestured over his console as he worked out the math made him look like some old-time parody of a mental patient
As he picked his way through the web, gently pulling himself along in the null-gees, his helmet highlighted the figures of his fellow reds outside, out on the ring
The projection in Jordo’s flight helmet now showed the actual location of the enemy, some 300 meters away from where they’d thought he was
While an already crackling Tipperary settled in position just 2Ks from the point in the vacuum where she would breach space, Jordo zoomed in with his flight helmet and interrogated the closing alien warships one more time
"Lancer 1-2, zoom in with your flight helmet and tell me how many gun towers you see on those incoming alien destroyers
Burn got confirmation in her flight helmet a few seconds later that headless Audacity had obeyed her autopilot script and come to a stop behind them
"Answer me you red-ass POS!" Paladin said into his helmet
With a helmet, the user interface was 'always knew that', with a keyboard and crystal ball, you asked questions and it would provide answers, or you typed messages to someone else on the system
The helmet fitted perfectly
and he was still wearing his helmet
He was still wearing his helmet
Let’s hope the helmet works” said Ethereead
Why would a dragon need a helmet?
Ethereead was wearing his helmet with the blinkers and with
Ethereead, wearing the helmet wasn’t in any
about the helmet they had made for Ethereead
The woman was also tall, cool, and her hair still carried a touch of gold even though she was obviously also a helmet user
It raised its head, and turned towards them and slowly stood upright, peering at them from beneath a hideous helmet
He also had memories of being a man in flesh, placed under a helmet in the basements of the Kassikan, where he was given those other memories in a pill, and transmitted back to Gordon's Lamp
' Ish strapped the helmet on to Ali's head
Look at the ball,' Ish said as he pulled out the helmet
Alexei headed for the docking bay and suited up, he placed the camera on his helmet
She was trim and lithe in form, but he could not see her face because of the helmet she wore
He removed his helmet and checked his head for cuts or bumps and found none
The wizards say they can visit her via helmet,” Ava told him
He didn’t blame her, entering the spirit world with one’s head encased in an ensorcelled helmet was too scary to contemplate and was making him cold, especially with his senses heightened by the yaag
Her hair, clogged with the claggy stuff, stuck to her head; it felt cold and stiff, like a helmet
He hadn’t been in the Helmet Room since the promotion came thru
He put his ‘Be back soon’ sign on the door and went down three elevator shafts into the catacombs of the Gnomes where the original sample tickets for the Helmet Room labs were stored
They could see the memories in there with a helmet, but the victim wouldn’t animate
The helmet probe noted that the size and power of her mind was impressive, but there was nothing written there yet
Just because Ava had admitted it to him, how could he be sure that Tdeshi hadn’t woken up from the overdose with fabulous dreams of outer space? The science of virtual humans in silicon and transferring personalities via helmet is something he had to either believe or not, but either way, he knew he was drawn to the soul that was in that body now, however she got there
They both said he had his own helmet
Even as she shouts her distress at being without her administrator privileges, she recognizes the Helmet Room and knows that her med panel, her villa on the Caribbean beach and all the powers of the Afterlife are irretrievably gone
There had never been a public claim by the Kassikan that Ava was the person they had transferred, they had started a rumor that the soul transferred had been lost and might have come up under any helmet within sight of Narrulla at the time
The publication of those pictures had made Tdeshi a target hadn’t it? Kulai went on to tell him more about the investigation that had been made from their end, even offered him an RNAcid tab of Althart’s original helmet probe of Tdeshi’s brain
Kulai continued, “She’s known them by helmet since the 55th
And if you covered your face with your helmet
So with some trepidation he put on the helmet
To use this equipment it was best to modify one’s self to have a nerve bundle growing in the center of each hair, so that impulses could be picked up as chemical signals and synapsed to the photonic amplifiers in the helmet and transmitted over the suntower thru a data-capacity channel
Getting under the helmet was a little like the onset of norrot, there was the instant of whirling confusion as the contact map is built, then always a sudden rush of knowledge and experience
With a slight feeling of triumph, he removed the helmet
If your helmet was connected to your other senses, you would not be able to tell that you weren't here in flesh
"This tower is the place, I'm afraid I don't have a second eye or even a fiber hookup to bring the helmet anywhere else
"You can be as much here as your helmet will allow
They were able to get an aromatic and tactile sense established on his network, and Brancettrabble was able to continue research he was doing on the helmet he was using and how that was connecting to his brain
"I assure you that in all the millions of crystals forged in the golden age, none had the ability to build an imaginary universe, even with a helmet
This was all done under the helmet in some kind of hallucination they are able to induce in silicon crystals with electricity, but this seemed to be the closest these aliens can come to interacting with humans
Under the helmet she is a tall and elegant woman, very, very, reserved but childlike in many ways
She cannot take physical form and come down to the planet and talk to us, she can only create signals that effect the visual cortex thru the helmet, or appear on the view eyes of suntowers
It could be that this was some woman in Zhlindu under her own helmet causing me to have these hallucinations
Her hair is the silver of those with helmet access, shiny, long and thick, her lips full and red and her eyes a clear blue
His helmet, combat armor and weapons lay on the floor next to the chair
Alec couldn't hear what the Death Guard mumbled beneath his helmet, but he was sure the comment was for him and that it was most unpleasant
A helmet covered head peeked over the rooftop of a two-story building to his left, quickly followed by a score of others
Somehow his helmet was lost in the shuffle, leaving the flesh of his face and neck fully exposed
Even the ceramic plates and helmet
"It seems with a helmet and the suntower connection that she was able to devise, he can enter her world
"I don't mind playing that role, but I understand that to use the helmet you must have nerves in your hair?"
In the early 22nd century a village the size of Yoonbarla within the Dempalan nation would have had three or four towers, each with twenty terminals and a helmet
While he sat under this helmet he knew what was known
We will continue to research the personality transfer via helmet technique in hopes that someday we will be able to free her after all
Their captain had a golden helmet, from which poured a long flowing mane of nearly the same color
And Hermes his helmet of invisibility
I swear it by the shield and helmet of Athena, who loves those who
She heard the crash of metal as Homer’s blow connected with Stenarch’s helmet
She couldn’t see his haughty features beneath the helmet, but it seemed that he’d pursued them all the way to Isthmia
His helmet: the only thing which now meant he was conscious, able to consider his poor technique, the
All lights were off, only their helmet lights illuminated what remained
Scott could feel his heart hammering, relayed to him in a red pulse-rate helmet display; it seemed to feed back in to his nervousness
He desperately wanted to remove his helmet, but then he would die within seconds
Scott turned to face the doctor so his helmet’s beam was striking the man through his helmet
Are you all right?’ But he noticed something not quite right with the man; it was clear even through the reflective surface of the bubble helmet, he was unconscious
Yet Scott felt an increasing nausea, and the urge to remove his helmet in spite of the awareness of how suddenly and overwhelmingly the cold airless environ would take him
He then descended to the engineering room, his helmet light illuminating the dead fusion injection systems
Even when he projected into it with his helmet light, there was nothing
The suit itself was making him feel trapped so he removed the helmet, assured this environment was breathable
It seemed to have penetrated through the seal of his helmet
Zardino assured him that he simply needed to vector the helmet display towards his destination, using what were essentially small stick controls on arm rests
I wrote to Helen asking her if she could get me a liner that they now made in Blighty it fitted inside the helmet and looked like a bowler hat but it made sure that the helmet stayed firmly on your head and not on the floor
He held his conical crimson helmet by his side with his Blademaster sword at his hip
It was then they started tearing into our formation and I saw big gaps appear in our line I watched as Frank dropped face down his tin helmet rolling along the grass
I watched as my tin helmet flew one way spinning as it went and then I was falling back to earth I hit the ground and the wind was knocked out of me and I lost consciousness for a few minutes
He stopped walking, removed the helmet for a clearer view