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    Usa "hereabouts" in una frase

    hereabouts frasi di esempio


    1. ‘Oh yes, Kate, we had a pretty big contingent hereabouts

    2. “The local gossip has it that you were stationed hereabouts during

    3. “The weather is notoriously variable hereabouts,” Bram said

    4. of the oldest and poorest people hereabouts

    5. tasty it is, or at least it was when I was last hereabouts

    6. pipe dexterously, “Folks hereabouts call me Old Ged, though I’m not

    7. “Oh, we don’t stand on ceremony hereabouts,” his father said,

    8. You're a star hereabouts

    9. ” Then adding what he must have thought Colling would perceive as the ultimate peril, “There are reactionary forces hereabouts

    10. “There are many hereabouts who would be willing

    11. “I- I don’t mean to intrude, m’lady, but what if’n he’s a bandit? The roads hereabouts are full of them, and-”

    12. It’ll serve ye well and good hereabouts, that it will

    13. He visited with them and at the end of the meal gathered them about him, saying: "It is my Father's will that we tarry hereabouts for a season

    14. Would you consent for us to stay hereabouts for just a few days more before we begin the work of the kingdom?" And when Jesus saw that all of his apostles were possessed by this same fear, he said: "It shall be as you have requested; we will remain here over the Sabbath day

    15. I’m a wanted man hereabouts

    16. #aquí#, here; #por ——#, this way, hereabouts

    17. "You are right about most of the stones found hereabouts being rounded as we see them in all the cattle walls that the farmers build

    18. Trinkem's newspaper generally, as he carries the reports of technical advances in business for the sake of any businessmen hereabouts that might think it wise to be aware of modern achievements, present company excluded apparently

    19. "Is Jacques hereabouts? I must say that was a mighty wallop you rendered on to him last evening

    20. Could you get your butchering knives and go there to render it into sections? Take one third of the meat for yourself for your labor and please share out the remainder to the Malcoms and other families hereabouts that have fallen upon poor times

    21. This next spring we will go there and select a number of young fruit trees for replanting in earthy spots hereabouts

    22. In that regard we ask if you have hereabouts a large enough scale for him to stand upon so that we might learn his hanging weight?"

    23. All around me it was foggy and cold, the land hereabouts very quiet and eerie

    24. The land hereabouts was beautiful and there were hundreds of places in the hills and valleys to mount an ambush

    25. For a moment I turned away and looked at the young women who had come in with Essylt; three of them, probably daughters of the warriors stationed hereabouts

    26. The mass of us mounted again and turned east, and as we rode, the sky gathered with heavy dark grey clouds and a cold wind came out of the north-west and all the land hereabouts fell into shadow

    27. It falls by no rule at all; sometimes it leaps, sometimes it tumbles; there it skips; here it shoots; in one place 'tis white as snow, and in another 'tis green as grass; hereabouts, it pitches into deep hollows, that rumble and crush the 'arth; and thereaways, it ripples and sings like a brook, fashioning whirlpools and gullies in the old stone, as if 'twas no harder than trodden clay

    28. surprised to see some of those monsters hereabouts

    29. Quite a number of stories there were on that particular Alice Ben Bolt topic, Enoch Arden and Rip van Winkle and does anybody hereabouts remember Caoc O'Leary, a favourite and most trying declamation piece by the way of poor John Casey and a bit of perfect poetry in its own small way

    30. 'Close to a fine house called Toad Hall, that's somewheres hereabouts in these parts

    31. The smallfolk hereabouts called it the Milkhouse, for its walls and keeps and towers were made of finely dressed white stone, quarried in the Vale and brought over the mountains at great expense

    32. someone loose hereabouts as is more dangerous than any other damned rebel

    33. “You from hereabouts?”

    34. There is a very good living kept for you, I understand, hereabouts

    35. About fifteen years ago you could see the top of a pitch pine, of the kind called yellow pine hereabouts, though it is not a distinct species, projecting above the surface in deep water, many rods from the shore

    36. It indicates better than any water hereabouts the absolute progress of the season, being least affected by transient changes of temperature

    37. "Mast-head, there! Look sharp, all of ye! There are whales hereabouts!

    38. "'Nay, Senor; hereabouts in this dull, warm, most lazy, and hereditary land, we know but little of your vigorous North

    39. Espied by some timid man-of-war or blundering discovery-vessel from afar, when the distance obscuring the swarming fowls, nevertheless still shows the white mass floating in the sun, and the white spray heaving high against it; straightway the whale's unharming corpse, with trembling fingers is set down in the log—SHOALS, ROCKS, AND BREAKERS HEREABOUTS: BEWARE! And for years afterwards, perhaps, ships shun the place; leaping over it as silly sheep leap over a vacuum, because their leader originally leaped there when a stick was held

    40. Almost renouncing all thought of falling in with any game hereabouts, the ship had well nigh entered the straits, when the customary cheering cry was heard from aloft, and ere long a spectacle of singular magnificence saluted us

    41. "I will bet something now," said Stubb, "that somewhere hereabouts are some of those drugged whales we tickled the other day

    42. "The safety match proves that to me, for the peasants hereabouts are not yet acquainted with safety matches

    43. "'Tis a dangerous spot hereabouts, so nothing has been left to chance

    44. “All right—we’ll turn ourselves into a couple of amachure vet’rinaries—seein’ they ain’t none hereabouts

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