When Tdeshi scored, it was heredity, when Ava scored it was life experience
This makes your real identity based on your personal power and not on your heredity or material possessions
heredity and circumstances, by opportunities and accidents, by
M: The causes of perversity are also natural — heredity, envi-
tal and at the mercy of heredity and circumstances?
Heredity and envi-
Totally a creature of heredity and society, he lives by
luck and future a hope for the heredity
But perhaps: Is not my beauty an intangible value? You offer goods but certainly not beauty; I offer beauty and the goods of my familiar heredity
himself limited only by its heredity
those who have the Oriental physical heredity, and can live as simply and
heredity, he may have a physical body, capable of expressing greater
There has proven to be a heredity link to Alzheimer’s in roughly 3% of all cases of the disease
Heredity is thought to occur when the onset of the disease has occurred at an early age, with about 40% of people who developed the disease before the age of 65 having family members affected by the disease
That individuals so differ in their life performances indicates, not only the varying endowments of heredity and the different influences of the environment, but also the degree of unification with the indwelling spirit of the Father which has been achieved by the self, the measure of the identification of the one with the other
“Every face is the basis for expression just as it was intelligently moulded onto the inner soul, since the rest is heredity, mystery or fate”
Environment is more important than heredity – you must surround yourself with
Mendel - who discovered the laws of heredity and reported his experiments in 1866 - and
Mendel and Darwin showed that this material was the basis for heredity and for individual variations
In the language of heredity, a new birth made out of two races highlights the phrase “where do I come from and which race I am wearing?” It sets the tone for worrisome and chasing roots for further proof
Grand Wizard is a heredity position
heredity offspring of wolves who had once walked the
high correlated sequences between heredity and instinctive behavior
Through heredity and environ-
rits and bodies are heredity, environment, lifestyle,
I was initially curious about the computer simulation theory, but the heredity angle stops me dead in my tracks
We may account for these tendencies by heredity, or we may account for them upon
are those who feel they are handicapped by what we term heredity
see that heredity is a reed that is easily broken
Stress is one of them, anxiety, heredity and a whole complex of psychological factors and the development of one"s personality
They have inherited in a large measure their faith, and in this way religious heredity has muzzled the powers of their reason
heredity has muzzled the powers of their reason
Nevertheless the Scripture accords with Nature most completely in its assertion of the law of Heredity
It must not seem strange therefore that there exists a sort of occult identity capable of justly subjecting the second to the consequences attending the actions of the first:—Ribot on Heredity (King and Co
While for other acnes heredity or genetics may play a vital role, for back acne heredity plays only a minor role
Does heredity have anything to do with the problem? At this point you are probably
One of them is heredity
cholesterol content, we can help minimize the effect of heredity
What about the factor of heredity? As research information piled up, another fact became
The patients we were working with seemed to be unfortunate links in an heredity chain
These include the environment, the biochemical reactions in the brain, and heredity
have anything to say about your heredity or your sex, but you can do something about what
heredity, occurrence of other diseases in the victim, certain hormones, stresses, biochemical
I trusted to the fresh receptivity of these young beings in whom, unless Heredity is an empty word, there should have been a fibre which would answer to the sight, to the atmosphere, to the memories of that corner of the earth where my own boyhood had received its earliest independent impressions
The doctrine of heredity may seem to take out of our hands the conduct of our own lives, but it is the idea, not the fact, which is really terrible to us
And so heredity, from being a curse, may become a blessing
Man may overcome both heredity and circumstances by
Be side s, we start with a different heredity
The trumped up misdemeanour was due to a momentary aberration of heredity, brought on by hallucination, such familiarities as the alleged guilty occurrence being quite permitted in my client's native place, the land of the Pharaoh
I am sure that you cannot fail to be delighted with the traces of heredity shown in the p's and in the tails of the g's
and their elusiveness is due solely to a professional skill that heredity
You, gentlemen, who by nationality, by heredity, or by the possession of natural gifts, are fitted to hold your respective places in the moving world, I take to witness that I am as sane as at least the majority of men who are in full possession of their liberties
Heredity and telepathy that fed upon every mind and every wind had done all his for him
Heredity and telepathy that fed upon every mind and every wind had done all this for him
Now, in every fiber of his being, heredity spoke louder than training
Jane was not coldly calculating by nature, but training, environment and heredity had all combined to teach her to reason even in matters of the heart
Astley, and this young lady might easily take that figure for his real self—for the natural form of his heart and soul—instead of the mere cloak with which heredity has dowered him
Every new craze then in vogue among his set was alluded to in his speech; everything that then was, and some things that still are, considered to be the last words of scientific wisdom: the laws of heredity and inborn criminality, evolution and the struggle for existence, hypnotism and hypnotic influence
Euphemia was his mistress, and a victim of heredity; all the signs of degeneration were noticeable in her
In conclusion the advocate remarked, with a thrust at the public prosecutor, that “the brilliant observations of that gentleman on heredity, while explaining scientific facts concerning heredity, were inapplicable in this case, as Botchkova was of unknown parentage
He defended his position against the first advocate, saying that even if Botchkova was of unknown parentage the truth of the doctrine of heredity was thereby in no way invalidated, since the laws of heredity were so far proved by science that we can not only deduce the crime from heredity, but heredity from the crime
What part heredity played in crime
He spoke of heredity, of innate criminality, of Lombroso, of Charcot, of evolution, of the struggle for existence, of hypnotism, of hypnotic suggestion, and of decadence
Euphemia was his mistress, and a victim of heredity
In conclusion, this lawyer made a thrust at the prosecuting attorney by remarking that, although the splendid reasonings of the prosecutor on heredity explain the scientific questions of heredity, they hardly hold good in the case of Bochkova, since her parentage was unknown
After this lawyer had finished the prosecutor rose again and defended his position on the question of heredity against the first lawyer, stating that the fact that Bochkova's parentage was unknown did not invalidate the truth of the theory of heredity; that the law of heredity is so well established by science that not only can one deduce the crime from heredity, but heredity from the crime
"And do you believe in heredity?" she asked Nekhludoff, oppressed by his silence
"In heredity?" repeated Nekhludoff
His question was very simple: Why and by what right do some people confine, torture, exile, flog and kill other people no different than they are themselves? And in answer they argued the questions: Whether or not man is a free agent? Can a criminal be distinguished by the measurements of his cranium? To what extent is crime due to heredity? What is morality? What is insanity? What is degeneracy? What is temperament? How does climate, food, ignorance, emulation, hypnotism, passion affect crime? What is society? What are its duties? etc
The social life-conception entered into the consciousness of men through centuries and millenniums, passed through several forms, and has now passed for humanity into the sphere of the subconscious, which is transmitted through heredity, education, and habit, and so it seems natural to us
All methods employed, either of divine sanction, or of election, or of heredity, or of suffrage, or of assemblies, or of parliaments, or of senates, have proved ineffective
Men say that a Christian life without violence cannot be established, because there are savage nations outside of Christian society,—in Africa, in Asia (some people represent the Chinese as such a peril for our civilization),—and there are such savage, corrupt, and, according to the new theory of heredity, confirmed criminals amidst Christian societies; and that violence is needed for the purpose of keeping either from destroying our civilization
It was centuries, indeed thousands of years, before the social life-conception was adopted by all mankind; it passed through various phases, and we ourselves possess it through heredity, education, and unconscious habit; hence it seems natural to us
Men affirm that the Christian life cannot be established save by violence, because there are still uncivilized nations outside of the Christian world, in Africa and Asia (some regard even the Chinese as a menace of our civilization), and because, according to the new theory of heredity, there exist in society congenital criminals, savage and irredeemably vicious
If the writer is able to do this, he may produce dramatic works one after another without stopping, selecting his subjects from the reports of the law courts, or from the latest society topic, such as hypnotism, heredity, etc
And this hypothesis was also erroneous, because the decision of the question as to the origin of species—that they have originated, in consequence of the law of heredity and fitness, in the course of an interminably long time—is no solution at all, but merely a re-statement of the problem in a new form
According to Moses’ solution of the question (in the dispute with whom the entire significance of this theory lies), it appears that the diversity of the species of living creatures proceeded according to the will of God, and according to His almighty power; but according to the theory of evolution, it appears that the difference between living creatures arose by chance, and on account of varying conditions of heredity and surroundings, through an endless period of time
All the methods of appointing authorities that have been tried, divine right, and election, and heredity, and balloting, and assemblies and parliaments and senate—have all proved ineffectual
They say that the Christian life cannot be established without the use of violence, because there are savage races outside the pale of Christian societies in Africa and in Asia (there are some who even represent the Chinese as a danger to civilization), and that in the midst of Christian societies there are savage, corrupt, and, according to the new theory of heredity, congenital criminals
The laws of heredity hold in them as in other people
He has not the heredity of civilization and Christianity, hence missionary work sometimes seems slow in progress, but it is surely gaining upon this almost dead past of half a century