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    Usa "hernia" in una frase

    hernia frasi di esempio


    1. This is not an exercise for women during pregnancy or who have any internal disorders, and people with hernia should practice it with extreme caution

    2. Trjkonasana is not a very strenuous posture but all the same I do not advise it for women with any kind of internal disorders or for people suffering from hernia

    3. water, while I was setting myself up for a hernia trying to carry a

    4. hernia was not only possible but imminent

    5. I save on the costs for water, have no jugs to be recycled and need not worry about a hernia hauling water

    6. When he eventually left the house at 9:30 the washing machine was going ninety mile an hour, the bathroom floor had been washed and the vacuum cleaner was under threat of an electrical hernia

    7. writhing in pain from a ruptured hernia

    8. He had no idea that that lil thing was what caused the hernia in the first

    9. tunity to catch glimpses of the monster since it was right below his hernia

    10. jones this time like they always tried to do when they pretended to check for a hernia and what not

    11. Hernia especially in the inguinal (groin) area is very frequent in older patients

    12. Another, related cause of heartburn is hiatal hernia, in which a small portion of

    13. “He had lots of scars on his chest, said he had his appendix taken out, a hernia repaired and a bullet taken out from when he was shot by a friend on a hunting trip

    14. Retired and being rather frail having in recent years suffered from angina and hernia Flanagan spent a good deal of his day watching daytime television

    15. Spock chatted with Strat and Brendan, about Strat’s favourite story from the Philippines, involving his hernia operation, a J-cloth and shitting through the eye of a needle

    16. In fact, I saw one guy suffer a hernia because of his ig-

    17. hernia, nausea, vomiting, etc

    18. her potions cured anything and everything from heartache to hernia which caused me to

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