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    Usa "high voltage" in una frase

    high voltage frasi di esempio

    high voltage

    1. They seemed to have been held like on a high voltage wire

    2. The pain from his wrist felt like high voltage running up his arm into his brain

    3. where there were power primaries containing fairly high voltage electric

    4. This high voltage appears initially across resistor

    5. They steal anything and everything made of copper: refrigerant tubing, water lines and wiring from homes, businesses and churches and also high voltage wires

    6. The structure pulsates with an irregular feed of electricity, ranging from low to high voltage as the force field searches for Grailem's circuits and own brain electrical activity; ready for him if he were to enter the field

    7. � The airport was also dangerous for planes, being in close proximity to a factory high stack, a huge dirigible hangar, a high voltage line and a public waste dump

    8. Above me there was a row of birds standing on a live wire whose high voltage could not affect them

    9. Don’t touch the rails they are probably energized with high voltage

    10. Hydrogen and oxygen combined, however, form the water element themselves—but only when a catalyst, such as a high voltage spark, or palladium is introduced

    11. I watched Jake’s face light up when he saw us just as one of the demons threw a high voltage energy ball at him

    12. Costing around $1 billion, the Inga–Shaba Extra High Voltage DC Intertie project started in 1973 and was completed in 1982

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