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    Usa "hijack" in una frase

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    1. We can hijack the Kassikan, hold the five hostage

    2. Would it be presumptuous to hijack some of the furniture to replace the stuff you’ve got here? Your lounge suite’s seen better days

    3. Think of this Otto; if we hijack a 777 and rip off the engines, landing gear and avionics, my problem will be solved and there will be considerable profit to be made!”

    4. At 17:00 the hijack team had assembled in the Sama-Sama hotel at the airport in a boardroom that Otto had rented for the day

    5. They fished in the same waters, and although there was plenty for everyone, these others would take every opportunity to hijack, sink or burn the Madra’s boats, so they retaliated by stealing their boats and then casting them adrift after confiscating everything

    6. They said little, but the port agent had his eyes directly on Bosco, lest anyone try to hijack his gold

    7. Little does she know that he’s about to hijack her car and take her straight into the crossfire

    8. To hijack something as sensitive as cocaine from the likes of that man - where it might be traced back to him - would be nothing short of suicidal

    9. She also had to come to terms with her mother’s death following a failed hijack of a coach in Jerusalem

    10. Well, now there was no turning back: they had to hijack that coke

    11. Zacarias Moussaoui, the twentieth hijacker from September 11th, stated in his trial that he and Reid intended to hijack a fifth airliner and crash it into the White House

    12. needed was another hijack situation turning the testing into a demo, or worse, a

    13. Communists attempted to hijack the German Revolution, as they had the Russian

    14. you would've been able to hijack it without attracting RKU


    16. It began with some business competition attempting to hijack his customers and it ended with a five year prison term

    17. "On his worst days Richard believes that Linus Torvalds and I conspired to hijack his revolution," Raymond says

    18. Don’t start trying to hijack it

    19. ‘’Go through the passengers list and see if there was anybody on board that could have interested the Israelis enough to have caused them to attempt to hijack our plane

    20. 'That it was possible to hijack the democratic process in a modern Western

    21. expected a white person to hijack a car

    22. There was no hesitation in Stan’s agreement; he had read about the hijack of the revolutionary submarine, and the fascinating journey through the subterranean waterway, from Coatzacoalcos to the Gulf of Tehuantepec

    23. hijack Pachuco from another string where they both survived their disagreement

    24. The information given by that woman fortunately allowed us to thwart in time a second suicide team that planned to hijack another cargo ship and ram it into Vesta, where our battle station MJOLNIR was built

    25. that sort of hijack the URL of the post in the

    26. Instead, the BJP got an opportunity to hijack the debate by targeting Aiyar’s insulting remark about their leader

    27. The ATC had received the hijack code and Murray was trying to establish contact with the cockpit

    28. hijack his car,” Jeff replied as he pulled on his coat

    29. For an exorbitant fee he masterminded the hijack of the device and the slaughter of over three hundred security personnel

    30. often wil cause a hijack in price, so keep that in mind when

    31. A sentient-class warship, on the other hand, had billions of sensors and datastreams the Sariceans could hijack, implanting worms and false codes

    1. doostEr pondered the idea that this Ava, who deleted herself from search engines, could be aiding her old lover in stealing the cargo from its rightful owner who was deeper in the chaparral? It could be that Ava was arranging to have the cargo hijacked as it went by? He was suspicious of that Sorceress because of the deletions from his searches

    2. They had hijacked the plane using

    3. In this instance his trucks were hijacked (armed robbery) and he missed crucial deadlines because of it

    4. ‘Maybe the aliens hijacked the missile and took it onboard,' said Russell

    5. Stage 3: the positive stage, which is called Hijacked Brain Aliens

    6. In your case, it would be called HBH (Hijacked Brain Humans)

    7. Virtually every national attempt to raise standards has been hijacked by the socialists

    8. He told them that the woman was most probably Lorna Jackson, who had been hijacked a day after the disappearance of the British couple

    9. Whether this was because its lack of absolute authority allowed it to be hijacked by radical nationalists, who desired to unify the Japanese people against the "foreign" people in other nations, or was an inevitable outcome of the emphasis Shinto placed on Japanese exceptional behavior wasn’t clear

    10. “Did you hear Gary hijacked the monthly meeting to have another pop at them?” said Jane, sharing her woes

    11. Let’s tell the Sisters that we have been hijacked, and that there has been a big battle at Homestead, and that we expect there to be lots of widows and orphans both there and here

    12. Once I realized what the course correction was, I knew we had been hijacked so I consulted with Lonnie as I was programmed to do

    13. Greg and this ship had been hijacked by the first group of refugees to settle the planet they had until recently called home

    14. Miraculously, the personal storage compartments had not been ransacked by the Swordsmen the way the rest of the ship had been after it had been hijacked

    15. It deduced on its own that it had been hijacked and sought human assistance

    16. software tools hijacked by commercial software vendors that

    17. Even though he was loyal to Israel, he believed that too many lies and abuses had been made in the name of Israel lately, and that right wing extremists had hijacked the national agenda, turning progressively his beloved country into an international pariah

    18. it prevented the second hijacked plane from being located and intercepted – even

    19. engage, he instructed them to hold off their attack on the remaining hijacked

    20. that nobody hijacked it, and although never spoken aloud, nobody ever

    21. ‘There’s another one of those hijacked words, doc

    22. That word is hijacked, and it’s a con job

    23. Yet, you end up on a private cruise that is then hijacked by pirates and cause a major gun battle aboard

    24. but it seems to be hijacked for petty political gains

    25. They derailed trains, hijacked trucks, mined roads and destroyed arms and supply depots

    26. The ISIS men must have hijacked their yacht, possibly in Cyprus, before murdering them

    27. When I rescued those of you from the Einstein, I was in the process of recovering two of those weapons that had been stolen before I was officially placed in command of the New Constitution, which I had originally hijacked from dry

    28. “Really? I thought the Enterprise, under the command of Kirk, was once hijacked

    29. lovely body, her beautiful face, had been hijacked by a couple of bickering

    30. “I just got hijacked,” she choked

    31. As soon as it became known within the Government in Harare and among the President’s closest allies and friends, that he had apparently hijacked their last remaining vestiges of wealth, all hell was let loose

    32. Now, it seemed from witnesses, he had also arranged for the diamonds to be hijacked so that he could have them all for himself

    33. And yet, what should have been a special moment for the Congress party and Dr Singh was hijacked by the news that Rahul Gandhi was absent from the function

    34. ‘And so was I! Did you want the whole meeting hijacked by a lot of arrant nonsense?’

    35. Why bother about him as he’d been reduced for long as a political mascot of the slavish-minded of the self-serving Nehru family that hijacked his name to grind its dynastic axe! What an irony it is that his party that sundered the British yoke should have rendered the political reins into Italian hands? Bemoan the congress party

    36. Immediately after four hijacked airliners slammed into New York's World Trade Center [2001], the

    37. ” responded the hijacked drone

    38. Whatever Bubble State you might sell your allegiance to in exchange for employment, healthcare, a place to live that is better than perishing in the anarchic wilds of daily failing GovCorp nations, whose hijacked purpose has been merely to protect and increase the fortunes of the wealthy until they finish manufacturing their island nations populated by replications of themselves, it does not matter, your end is the same – UR being gamed; it does~ anti-matter, our end is the same – Wii R being controlled

    39. To educate their children about reality, parents tell children about planes being hijacked, trains falling off rails, epidemics spreading, etc

    40. This petty manipulation wasn't part of any overarching plan, it was simply the resentment she had held against them since having her enterprise hijacked by greed and lazy cunning – first by Morgan (although she had managed to profit from that) and now by these two

    41. “Somebody"s hijacked the Bronco

    42. It was he that was supposed to be in the Bronco that had been hijacked

    43. tries to cut the alimentation of the dissident cells, but they have already hijacked part of the

    44. But Jacob's attention had been hijacked by the art

    45. hijacked and misused by the conspirers

    46. What happened to the Russian Empire when it crumbled? It was hijacked by thieves and liars and murderers who were even worse than the Czars and the aristocracy ever were

    47. “Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim,” we, the sons of Allah, dutifully inform that we have hijacked this plane

    48. but that was forgotten when a biting anger hijacked every thought

    49. Humans have, over the centuries, in part through misguided loyalty, arrogance and ignorance institutionalized, hijacked and power played the intrinsic essence of Christ’s’ sublime spirituality and supreme authority manifest in His teachings, examples, life, death and resurrection

    50. He had hijacked all the security camera feeds from the rave nightclub

    1. We are now talking about hijacking an aeroplane full of passengers in mid air

    2. He related stories of gangs, fights, stolen cars and the hijacking of a truck, as he tried to impart a sense of how it had been, growing up as Boston ‘Southies’

    3. ” He was feeling quite smug with himself; cuckoos had a habit of hijacking other birds nests with little effort to build their own in the first place

    4. Since hijacking planes to Cuba had become a frequent occurrence, and Roger would be in danger if he returned to Cuba, they decided to drive by car to Miami, and from Miami fly to Santo Domingo

    5. He was known to be headed in the direction of the Archerfield Airport after hijacking a car at the supermarket

    6. As the meeting started to break up Jane spoke above the kafuffle to another of the EA staff, the next inspector to give a presentation, “Andrew, can we have your monthly update next, and I believe you’re doing this month’s Food, Clinical, and other Hazardous Wastes report,” she said, referring to her agenda, “…and Andrew, don’t you go hijacking your slot please

    7. The most common example of this is the hijacking of a truck full of goods being shipped from one state to another

    8. Hijacking them as they stepped out of the portals of power, Gautam had put in his papers

    9. The Hijacking Of The American Presidency

    10. the Hijacking of the American Presidency (2006: Random House – New York)

    11. Commission hijacking occurs when a scammer redirects or changes the

    12. especially account hijacking, will have the effect of slowing the growth of

    13. ‘’I was thinking more about your own actions during that hijacking, Miss Laplante

    14. Could there be a Canadian connection to the one who had ordered the hijacking of the ECLIPSE? She doubted that

    15. ‘’I have a federal American conceal and carry permit for my pistols and I probably earned the enmity of someone very powerful last Friday when I stopped pirates from hijacking the yacht ECLIPSE

    16. ‘’Ladies and gentlemen of the medias, as you know very well by now, I was instrumental in foiling the attempted hijacking of the private yacht of multi-billionaire Roman Abramovich last Friday

    17. ‘’Well, sir, this is only purely speculations on my part, but we are here because Smirnov was accused of having arranged the hijacking of Abramovich’s yacht off Los Angeles

    18. ‘’So, that hijacking was foiled by the actress Nancy Laplante, the same actress who went to Pakistan a year ago to deliver a CNN anchorman, slashing open the throats of over twenty Taliban extremists in the process

    19. And the cops? Did they buy the hijacking story?’

    20. coming Antichrist will in some way repeat Antiochus the Great's act of hijacking of the temple

    21. This is to be treated as a terrorist ship hijacking and, possibly, as a suicide ramming attack

    22. to produce the illusion of moons by hijacking communication-laser projection

    23. A combination of session hijacking and cross-site scripting

    24. … As things currently stand, Ma’am, your son appears to be guilty of Illegal Possession of a Lethal Weapon, Attempted Transport with a Lethal Weapon, and Attempted Hijacking of a Commercial Airliner

    25. Seeing things as they are stops emotional hijacking which is the soul weapon

    26. Toxic thoughts triggers and emotional hijacking and make the battered person respond impulsively, to become violent

    27. assault on hir hijacking of the global brainwaves

    28. Neither can its directives be attributed to deviants hijacking Islam

    29. thought changes the subject of the thread it becomes hijacking

    30. Hijacking occurs when

    31. The hijacking of the Bronco was completed within a minute

    32. PM, a Mid East terrorist group is well advanced in their planning of a spectacular hijacking in the years ahead

    33. Munson – Christ Held Hostage: The Hijacking of

    34. If they were readers, they’d be hijacking the nearest pizza delivery van

    35. Skillful little booger, tunneling below the fluctuations of the realm and hijacking the anomaly

    36. Why them? What was the purpose of hijacking an entire bus full of tourists and bringing them to this remote jungle? They had all their belongings – everything of value

    37. The PFLP’s most spectacular attack was a mass hijacking of three international airliners in 1970, designed to force the British, German, and Swiss governments to release PLO terrorists captured during previous hijacking attempts

    38. The Dawson’s Field hijacking (see previous section) was the last straw: Within days King Hussein of Jordan declared martial law and sent the Royal Jordanian Army in to destroy the PLO bases

    1. She hijacks the supply train and convoys that come here from time to time

    2. Basically, cancer emerges when a cell stops to accomplish its function and hijacks the

    3. In recent years, terrorist attacks have included hijacks, shootings and bombings

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