Usa "holdup" in una frase
holdup frasi di esempio
1. figured out what the holdup was
2. "Wait a minute, nigga, what's the holdup?" Sonja heard her mother say
3. The holdup note was written on the back of a job application he had filled out
4. They probably should have had a different lookout and used the blind guy at the actual holdup
5. When his 38-caliber revolver failed to fire at his intended victim during a holdup in Long Beach, California, would be robber Eubie Dum did something that can only inspire wonder: He peered down the barrel and tried the trigger again
6. "Come on guys! What's the holdup? We can't afford to mess this one up
7. Corporate greed is simply the institutionalization of a government sanctioned armed holdup of the Earth by the Zoo-class: collectors of rare species and creators of rarities
8. “What’s the holdup?” She looked around her
9. “What’s the holdup, Bunny?”
10. I summarized the footage of the first Windbreaker cop holdup in the mercado, saying that the quality was worse than the footage of the one at the check-cashing store
11. Viera sighed deeply before describing the holdup and the shooting, which had clearly traumatized him
12. When the men in the police jackets came to the store, she thought they were looking for information on the check-cashing-store holdup on Tuesday a few blocks away
13. See that this was a holdup
14. “It was a holdup
15. “Another check-cashing-store holdup, and this time, there are three dead, would-be robbers in SFPD Windbreakers
16. Conklin brought up Donnie Wolfe, the inside man at Wicker House who had informed the holdup team when the drugs and money would be in the house
17. How he’d broken up a liquor-store holdup, sometimes worked in a soup kitchen, said that he always had a few dollars for someone who needed it
18. I don’t know what the holdup is, but I don’t think we should wait anymore
19. “What’s the bloody holdup, then?”
20. “What’s the holdup, man? Are you guys coming or what?”
21. "When I was twelve, one of my uncles back east was shot in a holdup late at night, in his car