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    Usa "homily" in una frase

    homily frasi di esempio


    1. Robert’s brush with death had been dismissed by Mr Nikelseer in a brief homily suggesting that if students wanted to break school rules, then they should accept the consequences

    2. Monastic communities witness to the fact that there is something more in existence than what the world has to offer, and this silent homily was something the area was very glad to have, especially during hard times

    3. In the heart of the Liturgy, after the opening hymn, scripture readings, and a stirring homily preached by a married deacon and neighbor to the monastery about the similarity of the deep commitment necessary in marriage, family, and in monastic life, Abbot Francis celebrated the actual ceremony of monastic profession

    4. " Moreover, the Homily for Whitsunday expressly describes regeneration as an inward and spiritual change

    5. The views and principles of the Church of England are to be found in her Articles, Communion Service, Catechism, and Twenty-seventh Homily

    6. She then started the whole homily of church teaching

    7. Helga, needing to reflect on his homily, changed the subject

    8. don"t be surprised at his homily;

    9. Another element of the meeting prayer is the homily that may be

    10. Bible and make it the subject of the homily while the attempt of its

    11. times a homily may refer to any problematic situation that the com-

    12. Jo must have fallen asleep (as I dare say my reader has during this little homily), for suddenly Laurie's ghost seemed to stand before her, a substantial, lifelike ghost, leaning over her with the very look he used to wear when he felt a good deal and didn't like to show it

    13. After this homily which he delivered with much warmth of asseveration Mr Mulligan in a trice put off from his hat a kerchief with which he had shielded it

    14. Ralph’s homily washed over them

    15. Ralph was generous in his praise, in a voice that might have delivered a homily

    16. MASS, he would struggle to be interested in the homily, as he would struggle on the way home after to be interested in the property descriptions Sherri was reading aloud from the classifieds

    17. She hoped the homily would transport her

    18. Received another homily, this on subject of language, which he did call a sacred gift, it being a sign of connection with God and the truest expression of human affection

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    Sinonimi per "homily"

    homily preachment sermon lecture lesson doctrine didactic discourse textual discourse admonition