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    Usa "hopefully" in una frase

    hopefully frasi di esempio


    1. I realized that someday, hopefully many, many years from now, I’m not going to be here anymore

    2. Now your parents, hopefully, wanted you to associate with other kids who they saw as good associations, good influences on you, because

    3. The only hope of mankind, now, would to be to craft more weapons like this, ones that hopefully would be used to kill other giants

    4. Hopefully she could get enough money from Herndon that she wouldn't have to tend sail on a freighter to get home, she hadn't brought much with her and with all his fortunes he often balked at paying for her yaag

    5. "Hopefully nothing, but we are in the wilds

    6. As we walk around the Acropolis, I begin a conversation that is hopefully a start of a new, candid relationship with my son, "Apollo, I realize you are aware why Seth and the other members of the Corsair will be here tomorrow

    7. This would be food that would keep them awhile, a cup would be required and hopefully a table at the edge of the hall

    8. “On the back of the dragon, hopefully” said Fred

    9. The departure TV displayed Stephanos - Gate 5 - Area A, and since my luggage was hopefully in transit since Bristol, I thought I might as well check in right away and relax

    10. The world has changed, Doc, and it will never go back to what it once was; hopefully we can all start over together

    11. Hopefully they won’t bore you with too many jokes but keep in mind that if they do it could be a sign of their nervousness

    12. By flirting, you will draw attention and hopefully attract the one that you want

    13. "In the park, when you were what, eleven? The dog and me? Blue shin pads?" asked the old man, hopefully

    14. Auntie would be a bit miffed when she found I'd gone but I was sure she'd understand once I explained it all next time I saw her, hopefully at home in Cornwall

    15. 'There, hopefully my brain would have woken up now,' she said, tying back her

    16. Hopefully as we have explored these great tools for transforming fear, you have realized that you truly ―have nothing to fear but fear itself‖

    17. practitioners already use will hopefully be integrated

    18. Blue shin pads?" asked the old man, hopefully

    19. man who had just given up his seat, who was still lurking hopefully

    20. It was still raining but hopefully it was only a passing shower

    21. Hopefully this will afford you the time that

    22. Agent Johnson off; hopefully Johnson would jump first

    23. Hopefully she had brought it home with her

    24. Hopefully it was in her bag upstairs

    25. ” She smiled hopefully to Harry, who nodded

    26. They both look at me hopefully

    27. Hopefully her Dad would bring some more food tomorrow morning

    28. Hopefully they would find out once

    29. ‘Does that mean killing him?’ said Francois hopefully

    30. And by now, because I really wanted that my dreams to reach USA be realized I tried to save more money that would be enough for all of the expenses for my trip maybe next year hopefully

    31. Hopefully soon!! How about you over there? I know the cold weather has been turned bad in America this winter

    32. and in seconds the two were arguing again, hopefully about whom they were going

    33. ourselves from that city for (hopefully) the last time in our

    34. "Oh, one last thing," he turned to her, "when we have to beans, maybe they not be cooked quite so much this time?" he asked hopefully

    35. "Hopefully by the time I'm done with the education that I prefer - which is in law and politics and all that - that I'll be able to pay it off," enthuses Hankins

    36. brother would hopefully want to overlook mistakes and restore

    37. Hopefully we’ll meet again and have an opportunity to

    38. Hopefully, he would have an opportunity to say them before it was all over

    39. Hopefully it will still be prosperous when I

    40. 'Do you have a spare bed?' he asked hopefully

    41. "I think the natives would know the asteroids were coming for years with their astronomy, hopefully in time to evacuate the cities

    42. The last to leave the cave, Adros gave a brief and hopefully final glance at his former shelter

    43. Hopefully, Anon understood that in the current situation that penalty no longer applied

    44. Hopefully Anon returned to the Sanctuary

    45. the arrival and hopefully, a very quick departure of his

    46. Takes her hands and smiles hopefully into her warily amused eyes

    47. Hopefully, once we track him down, we can find some clues for the identity of our real rat

    48. Sjadbek and Ralof had departed the Stormcloak camp in Hjaalmarch less than an hour prior, setting out on horses and dressed in common and hopefully inconspicuous clothing

    49. probably docked and hopefully with as good a news as you were able to glean

    50. Here they could talk telepathically, in pictures or in sounds, without being overheard - hopefully

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