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    Usa "hothouse" in una frase

    hothouse frasi di esempio



    1. War’s frenetic pace forced aviation through a growth pattern like a hothouse tomato

    2. she decided that she was really a hothouse plant after all

    3. She didn’t see Rick during the rest of the morning and spent her time in the garden and hothouse where Adams, the head gardener, fed her more strawberries than she could eat

    4. “Miss Jane now, would never enter the hothouse as she disliked getting herself dirty

    5. She was helping herself to the delicious strawberries in the hothouse, when somebody grabbed her from behind and tickled her in the ribs

    6. Adams was just entering the hothouse and on seeing this, burst out laughing and when Rick carried on acting like a lunatic, Lorna joined in

    7. Lorna realized that Maggie knew all about everything that happened in and around the house, though she could not have seen the two of them acting like boisterous children in the hothouse

    8. She knew better what was happening to his leg in this tropic hothouse of a swamp

    9. The heat from the hothouse rises and I can smell that wonderful fresh scent of growing greenery

    10. turning the planet into a hothouse

    11. And into the Village, the hothouse of music and pop culture

    12. just how many grow lights they would need to run a hothouse of that size

    13. He stood up from the desk and headed for his hothouse

    14. He stormed into the humid interior of the hothouse, his cane rapping sharply on the tiled floor

    15. Attaching a hothouse to the residence is a great idea if there may be not much room to construct a stand alone version

    16. Beauty, in its hothouse variety (which is none of the worst), flowered in box after box; and though nothing was said of profound importance, and though it is generally agreed that wit deserted beautiful lips about the time that Walpole died--at any rate when Victoria in her nightgown descended to meet her ministers, the lips (through an opera glass) remained red, adorable

    17. Hothouse in Botanic gardens

    18. He swept lightly across the room to the most prominent canvas - a jungle landscape paused a moment, his head cocked like a knowing terrier, and asked: 'Where, my dear Charles, did you find this sumptuous greenery? The comer of a hothouse at T-t-rent or T-t-tring? What gorgeous usurer nurture

    19. As he starts his talk, I realize he’s infinitely less austere than he seemed in the hothouse of the meditation session

    20. It had snowed the day before and the path to the hothouse, along which the prince was in the habit of walking, had been swept: the marks of the broom were still visible in soft snowbanks that bordered both sides of the path

    21. Prince Andrew rode up to the hothouse; some of the glass panes were broken, and of the trees in tubs some were overturned and others dried up

    22. Having gone round the corner of the hothouse to the ornamental garden, he saw that the carved garden fence was broken and branches of the plum trees had been torn off with the fruit

    23. An aunt had arrived and her name was Rose and you could hear her voice clarion clear above the others, and you could imagine her warm and huge as a hothouse rose, exactly like her name, filling any room she sat in

    24. So when six hothouse roses come in a bouquet, I could not resist potting them

    25. "It's back to the hothouse with the flowers

    26. He swung wide a third door and whether it was golden hot and alive, I could not feel, for suddenly I lurched into a hothouse as the door slammed and was locked by my blond young friend

    27. His sister, Dark, ran in and out with other little hothouse children, forever eating

    28. White porcelain vases, brimming with freshcut hothouse flowers, kept their serene fires burning on four small tables about the room

    29. It had snowed the day before and the path to the hothouse, along which the prince was in the habit of walking, had been swept: the marks of the broom were still visible in the snow and a shovel had been left sticking in one of the soft snowbanks that bordered both sides of the path

    30. “None of the other boys have hothouse grapes; it makes ’em think a lot of me

    31. As the birthplace of aversion quickly reaching a maturity of detestation and hate; as the hothouse of interest growing speedily into full bloom of liking and love, there is no place like a country house

    1. He took her through the hothouses where all sorts of vegetables and flowers were grown

    2. I saw apple trees laden with ripe fruit, cherries, and plums, even oranges that grew only in southern climes and hothouses

    3. Greenhouses are then referred to sometimes as "hothouses" because of these effects

    4. It is thus I like to remember Sebastian, as he was that summer, when we wandered alone together through that enchanted palace; Sebastian in his wheel chair spinning down the box-edged walks of the kitchen gardens in search of alpine strawberries and warm figs, propelling himself through the succession of hothouses, from scent to scent and climate to climate, to cut the muscat grapes and choose orchids for our button-holes; Sebastian hobbling with a pantomime of difficulty to the old nurseries, sitting beside me on the threadbare, flowered carpet with the toy-cupboard empty about us and Nanny Hawkins stitching complacently in the comer, saying, 'You're one as bad as the other; a pair of children the two of you

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