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    Usa "housekeeping" in una frase

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    1. From the takings her husband was able to recompense his mate for the ruined cards, put enough cash in his pocket for a good night in the pub and leave Cyberia with enough housekeeping to keep them going for nearly a whole week, providing, of course, that she shopped frugally and avoided anything expensive like fresh bread and real butter

    2. The housekeeping crew that had arrived before them had thoroughly cleaned and dusted the room

    3. Alistair interrupted Tom’s housekeeping, clearing his throat

    4. That meant there were an extra eleven bodies running around, and even though the youngest one was only twelve, he would still be able to set up housekeeping carts and empty trash

    5. “So you did everything? The flock, the rope, the cheese, and all the housekeeping?”

    6. That was one of the reasons Senta had such a decidedly strong opinion of the Naudi housekeeping abilities

    7. Mother taught Beth housekeeping, as well as other activities a girl normally knew, growing up in our village

    8. Some of the rules were simply housekeeping

    9. Its her turn for housekeeping which she think, she is doing a pretty

    10. proper housekeeping however, she always hates dust and afraid of

    11. This assistance for housing was discontinued due to the family‘s inability to cooperate with motel staff around room access for housekeeping

    12. I dreamt that night of setting up housekeeping with Carlotta that autumn in the wonderful cedar house

    13. ƒ How to set-up housekeeping budgets and what to consider

    14. Apparently the Roscos had done their housekeeping

    15. doing the occasional housekeeping, like sorting their clothes

    16. Work, family, education, housekeeping, and

    17. dieting and their poor housekeeping skills

    18. That is why her fourtheenth year becomes her housekeeping year

    19. To anyone who had ventured into that part of the house, it was a housekeeping nightmare

    20. They had set up housekeeping in the empty cargo bay of Katherine’s shuttle, but that could hardly be considered commodious

    21. Working together, the families built houses on rocky outcroppings overlooking the mountain lake where Helen and Sebastian had originally set up housekeeping

    22. They organized cooking, cleaning and housekeeping details

    23. She figured that at nearly eight o’clock in the morning the housekeeping staff would be busy turning the rooms around

    24. One thing, I couldn’t put up with his housekeeping habits and he didn’t like Nano

    25. part-time in the housekeeping department

    26. � Some had joined to break out of the suffocating mold the average German woman was normally forced into, where she was relegated to taking care of children and doing housekeeping chores

    27. Tina, one of the housekeeping staff, came over to us quite shyly and asked if we had enjoyed the worship

    28. “A few rabbits now and then would be a great help towards the housekeeping,” she said

    29. Then housekeeping types of items for the smooth flow of community life were discussed

    30. ―We saw the manager of housekeeping

    31. The fact is you have had time to forget what we are really like, my father and I and Johanna, and since my step-mother's time we have advanced far in the casual scrappiness of housekeeping that we love

    32. 'And--and tents don't have them,' finished Tante Else, looking round at us with a sort of mild surprise at having succeeded in talking so much about something that was neither neighbors nor housekeeping

    33. “No, housekeeping does that

    34. The guards had to take the body to the county morgue to be processed, and the yard needed to be cleaned up by housekeeping

    35. Barnes looks uneasily at me with her, 'Am I driving you off your own terrace?' look; and once when I lingered indoors on the pretext of housekeeping she came after me, anxiety on her face, and begged me to allow her to help me, for it is she and Dolly, she explained, who of course cause the extra housekeeping, and it distressed her to think that owing to my goodness in permitting them to be here I should be deprived of the leisure I would otherwise be enjoying

    36. Ingeborg was young enough to think the almost servantless housekeeping a thing of charm and humour

    37. What are these mysterious difficulties of housekeeping, she asked herself, that people shake their heads over? Her dinners were wholesome always, delicious if one were hungry, and quite amazingly hot

    38. Just the difficulty of keeping even with her housekeeping, of keeping herself tidy in dresses that seemed to shrink smaller each time she put them on, took up what strength she had

    39. She was the brightest adornment and finish to a man's house, he said to himself, independently busy with her baby and her housekeeping, not worrying him, not having to be thought about in his laboratory when he wished to work, absorbed in womanly interests, cheerful, affectionate, careful of her child

    40. Ingeborg was transformed in his eyes with gratifying rapidity into a sister--a gentle maiden sister who on the demise of his wife had taken over the housekeeping; and when in the evenings he bade her a kind good-night he found himself doing it quite naturally on her forehead

    41. She turned to the children and the housekeeping and to a search for something she could do in the parish, so that at least while she was making efforts to clear her confusion about Robert she might not be wasting time

    42. So the evening was spent in harmony; a harmony clouded at intervals, it is true, first by Priscilla's disappointment about the cottage, then by a certain restiveness she showed before the more blatant inefficiencies of the Baker housekeeping, then by a marked and ever recurring incapacity to adapt herself to her new environment, and lastly and very heavily when Fritzing in the course of conversation let drop the fact that he had said she was Maria-Theresa

    43. He would still have five pounds left for housekeeping

    44. I do their cooking and housekeeping and laundry and whatnot, but it’s awful lonely here in this big house sometimes

    45. But he did go over and sit down at the table, followed by her who hardly now noticed its position, so much surprised and absorbed was she by his methods of housekeeping

    46. you or your children, and housekeeping, solicit their help for those activities

    47. Wilcox claimed the access ban on two of Ken's sections was creating an inordinate amount of extra housekeeping

    48. “Oh and Tanya have housekeeping come by and clean up this mess before the coffee stain sets in?”

    49. I was grateful for the housekeeping assistance otherwise it would have been a big mess to clean up

    50. Once she and Levi started living in the house on shore, she’d fallen into the housekeeping role with relish, enjoying preparing lavish dinners for him in the gourmet kitchen, especially after he’d discovered the locked wine cellar in the basement

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