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    Usa "humus" in una frase

    humus frasi di esempio


    1. 2: The Humus levels have dropped below optimum

    2. A lawn that is watered thoroughly at regular intervals, and whose soil has plenty of organic humus (organic matter converts into humus that makes the nutrient elements in the soil available to the grass), will withstand drought, and remain sound throughout the hot summer months

    3. Local compost rich with trace minerals, composted animal manure and lots of humus are best

    4. humus laden carrot, “he has an inventory of it al and keeps it in a filing cabinet in

    5. “In the jungle everything returns to the humus from whence it originated, substance

    6. Jean range on the other; and this heat, moreover, which, on account of the aqueous vapours given off by the river and the considerable number of cattle in the fields, which, as you know, exhale much ammonia, that is to say, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen (no, nitrogen and hydrogen alone), and which sucking up into itself the humus from the ground, mixing together all those different emanations, unites them into a stack, so to say, and combining with the electricity diffused through the atmosphere, when there is any, might in the long run, as in tropical countries, engender insalubrious miasmata—this heat, I say, finds itself perfectly tempered on the side whence it comes, or rather whence it should come—that is to say, the southern side—by the south-eastern winds, which, having cooled themselves passing over the Seine, reach us sometimes all at once like breezes from Russia

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