Usa "imbibing" in una frase
imbibing frasi di esempio
1. Her eyes started to water and the sheer pleasure of imbibing the pure liquid made her feel giddy
2. He knew he had spent the vastly greater portion of the previous evening drinking with the eccentric man, as well as imbibing before and after they simultaneously gulped down full tankards
3. At this late stage, I find myself wondering just what our teenagers are imbibing during their so-called years of education
4. After imbibing several vodkas in a bid to impress the Russian, he suddenly broke out with an old German marching song, much to the surprise of diners near by
5. Twenty above the limit and the occasional flash of siren saw him in Wellsford relieving nature and imbibing a vital supply of caffeine at a watering hole regular to him whenever he ventured north up State highway 1
6. Clegg would have been a lucky man if he had been able to ride on the same plateau of bliss Delmage experienced when cradling the three hundred year old instrument to his cheek; when drawing the bow across its strings, when imbibing the mellow tones resonated by the even density of its spruce and willow construction
7. But how the Musalmans are to progress in modern times without imbibing the process of inquiry that is so essential to acquire knowledge and wisdom? It is this trap of belief into which Musalmans are born and there is no reformist around any more, after Kemal Ataturk the Great to extricate them out of the Islamic mire
8. Tradition, copious imbibing of the precepts of bishops, were impelling her towards that action frequently fatal to the permanent peace of families, the making of a clean breast
9. All these religious abominations, are, sadly, current today, but it is hoped that spiritual common-sense and awareness, guided by a conscious spiritual truth from meditation and informed knowledge will prevail throughout the globe, blowing away hate and disharmony and imbibing a new tide of peace, inclusiveness and harmony across humanity
10. Relief through personal acceptance, compassion and reconciliation may prevail when Self is able to decide to choose to disabuse Self’s denial of Self’s intrinsic spiritual existence, imbibing the independent and sovereign Self to live life that effectively flows outwards from within as a result of Self consciously ‘centering’ Self
11. The imbibing of hair care products was new to me
12. The men jacked the lid off the barrel, imbibing began, the pile of wood was set on fire, an Alabaman transformed a huge can into a drum, and inebriated men began dancing
13. He sat for a while imbibing tepid foam
14. So that there are instances among them of men, who, named with Scripture names—a singularly common fashion on the island—and in childhood naturally imbibing the stately dramatic thee and thou of the Quaker idiom; still, from the audacious, daring, and boundless adventure of their subsequent lives, strangely blend with these unoutgrown peculiarities, a thousand bold dashes of character, not unworthy a Scandinavian sea-king, or a poetical Pagan Roman
15. We all know and cannot help knowing—even though we may never have heard the idea clearly expressed, may never have read of it, and may never have put it into words, still through unconsciously imbibing the Christian sentiments that are in the air—with our whole heart we know and cannot escape knowing the fundamental truth of the Christian doctrine, that we are all sons of one Father, wherever we may live and whatever language we may speak; we are all brothers and are subject to the same law of love implanted by our common Father in our hearts