Usa "immemorial" in una frase
immemorial frasi di esempio
1. Not the false heaven of that media showman you followed, but the real heaven our folks have been going to since time immemorial
2. It seems appropriate for the cottage to be used to shelter a representative of a local family and the Stubbses have been in the village since time immemorial, as I remember Mrs Stubbs telling me once when she was washing my hair – that woman can talk! Oh well, wait and see what happens with Ms Singh
3. The great shepherd or herdsman, respected on account of his great wealth, and of the great number of those who depend upon him for subsistence, and revered on account of the nobleness of his birth, and of the immemorial antiquity or his illustrious family, has a natural authority over all the inferior shepherds or herdsmen of his horde or clan
4. They seem to have been called customs, as denoting customary payments, which had been in use for time immemorial
5. Every Thursday since time immemorial, journalists from the local media gathered at what they called, ‘the Hot L
6. The man was saying that he was in effect the man behind the annihilation of uncounted lives; the bearer of an apocalyptic curse that plagued their world from time immemorial, that only histories long forgotten had ever talked about
7. A tidal bore, fed by this massively increasing surge, rushed over the fresh water lake surface inundating the habitat of the culture that the lake had sheltered since time immemorial
8. Or, had this been an ongoing project, to render into written literature the oral history recitations, whose beginnings had been lost in the mists of a time so immemorial as to dwarf all of the time ascribed to written history? How far back might a time traveler have to journey to discover the beginnings of a culture’s Genesis story?
9. "They have always hated us, from time immemorial
10. immemorial, but love is something else
11. It has been chanted all over India from time immemorial, and the
12. “Forasmuch as it is the immemorial custom of this Brotherhood, when
13. She bruised her feet again over the long, weary road of life that stretched out behind her into the immemorial past
14. If Conan and his men had not returned by the first tinge of dawn, they were to race back up the river to the fort and report that the forest had again taken its immemorial toll of the invading race
15. In these things the Xotalancas had the advantage, for it was in the eastern catacombs where lay the bones of the greatest wizards of the ancient Xuchotlans, with their immemorial secrets
16. The golden throne of Alkmeenon, named in immemorial legendry! He weighed it with a practised eye
17. Somewhere in that vicinity must be the clue to the mystery of the treasure, if indeed it still remained in its immemorial hiding place
18. with the morning sun, in that immemorial era
19. an immemorial life, thousands of centuries ago
20. Dogs have been used in wars since time immemorial
21. Before reaching the final line, however, he had already understood that he would never leave that room, for it was foreseen that the city of mirrors (or mirages) would be wiped out by the wind and exiled from the memory of men at the precise moment when Aureliano Babilonia would finish deci-phering the parchments, and that everything written on them was unrepeatable since time immemorial and for-ever more, because races condemned to one hundred years of solitude did not have a second opportunity on earth
22. from time immemorial has absorbed the Karma of the Students
23. Widespread organized agriculture has existed for only about ten or eleven thousand years on Earth, while hunting and fishing has been practiced for times immemorial
24. They’ve lost contact with their true roots – the astrology spirits who, from time immemorial, have guided astrologers and helped them to make accurate judgments
25. From time immemorial in Russia there existed many of such people
26. “This spiritual practice of Lotus has been used since time immemorial
27. This peculiar-ity of the lotus is supposed to be the reason for using it from the time immemorial as a symbol of immortality and resurrection
28. From the time immemorial, religion has been a powerful political lever in the world, and consequently it has rendered a huge influence on the consciousness of a crowd
29. It overlooks the fact that among the Hindus a large and powerful caste has come down from time immemorial for supplying this part of a boy’s training, while among the Muhammadans no separate body of clergy exists
30. immemorial the Chinese have a tradition that orders to not destroy any books, any
31. The law of creation has been operating tirelessly from time immemorial
32. Since time immemorial, you will observe religious and legendary tales ruled for some time, only to be forgotten by the people in due course
33. Out of breath, Fanny arrived in her bedroom, and according to the immemorial habit of women arriving in their bedrooms, went straight to the looking-glass
34. Does not everybody know that one's natural impulse is to tear the absent limb from limb? At half-past nine I got up, worn out in mind and body, and told him very firmly that it had been a custom in my family from time immemorial to be in bed by ten, and that I was accordingly going there
35. The stems of sugar cane plants are so rigid that they have been used since time immemorial to build thatch houses with and as punishment rods to beat slaves, women and children with… The practice of caning servants or children still exists today in some parts of the world
36. The mystery of what women hide under their clothing has tormented men since time immemorial and is
37. It has been found out in the song and dance rooms, that doting sets of Guests, existing by chance of bloom on the company of floating carpets, have been paying great attention to the detail in the neat and the smart and the existence of a fail-safe fleeting part, in time immemorial
38. At every step backwards in time we learn the primitive antiquity of these ideas; the truth of the statement of the writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews,—who at least as a learned Jewish Christian (Apollos?) was an important witness to the immemorial antiquity of the natural belief,—that the patriarchs 'all died in faith,’ 'looking for a city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God’ (Heb
39. ;’ and since Scripture was silent on man's natural Immortality as the basis of the expectation of a future state for righteous and wicked, they set up the 'Oral Law,’ or immemorial tradition, as the authority which supplemented the deficiencies of the Scriptures
40. and around which the tides and the waters of man have danced since time immemorial
41. immemorial, I felt so at peace and so without need that surely those natural stimulants
42. “Since times immemorial people have looked at the starry sky reverentially, admiring the glimmer of innumerable worlds
43. confirmatory circumstance of the cave which had been in existence there from time immemorial; but they could not imagine how he had quitted the government without their receiving any intimation of his coming
44. He’s silent so long I finally glance warily up to find him regarding me with an expression women have been on the receiving end of since time immemorial, as if I’m a species he simply can’t fathom
45. His person was now protected by immemorial and sacred usage, until the tribe in council had deliberated and determined on his fate
46. It was a gloomy, dusty-looking apartment, such as journalists' offices have always been from time immemorial
47. On this day they took a cartload of logs from Ralph’s forest to sell in Northwood, a town that had had a timber market since time immemorial
48. From time immemorial, the coast cities had dominated the South, commercially and otherwise
49. Old Pretty by this time had looked round, puzzled; and seeing two people crouching under her where, by immemorial custom, there should have been only one, lifted her hind leg crossly
50. The party consisted of the Pole, a wretched looking clerk with a spotty face and a greasy coat, who had not a word to say for himself, and smelt abominably, a deaf and almost blind old man who had once been in the post office and who had been from immemorial ages maintained by someone at Amalia Ivanovna's