Use only when necessary as pests will develop an immunity to this
developed immunity to many pesticides
Selenium also supports immunity read as far as nuts are concerned
the rest of eternity with you? Do you think she is praying for your immunity?”
what she wanted was his power – the secret of his immunity to the Plague, and his staff with its strange but devastating abilities
I wasn't sure if this immunity we had was a blessing or a curse, but a weight lifted off my shoulders now that I was back with Joss
A witness who was granted immunity convicted Mary Surratt,
This involves supporting the bodies immunity; breaking down and clearing infected material; introducing natural antibiotics; normalizing mucous membranes; strengthening the coughing reflex; and providing natural sources of Vitamin C and Iron
Fetish was represented by hundreds of charms of every size, shape, and description, from the common slaves' ju-ju of plaited straw to the elaborately worked charms of chased gold or leopard and lion skin, with human blood on the sacred inscription inside as a fancied panacea, of far-reaching power, to cure every disease, destroy an enemy, and grant the wearer a perfect immunity from any ills the flesh or spirit is heir to
They believed people could develop an immunity to the mental sciences, especially invasive telepathy, by conditioning the mind
A society that has developed an immunity to shock or feigns indifference to offensive or inappropriate behavior when it should be properly outraged should consider itself in a transitional state of moral decline!
Presidents, unfortunately, are given sovereign immunity
Only sovereign immunity protected Bush while in office, and he cannot travel in most of the world today
Military dictatorships tend to only give up power by being forced out, and they often still insist on both veto power over what the public decides in elections and immunity from being punished for their atrocities
I am in a position to offer you a considerable reward and complete immunity if you do just that
Then Bob jumped in, “Yep, I have no immunity, don’t give me any colds or anything, especially cancer, don’t give me any cancer,” Bob said smart assedly
If it is impractical to remove all of the environmental laws then we should pass a law granting immunity
research the healthiest manifested the strongest man from the body immunity is a force of feeling and temperament (natural expression of from the inside out, not in order to show to see others, if in order to reflect to others, is affected, is reflected in the temperament, but funny)
Simon chose men, and sent to king Demetrius, to the end he should give the land an immunity, because all that Tryphon did was to
He sees the appeal of the BN, at its deepest level, as indifference, or even immunity to feeling
We would find out the origin of my immunity to magic
We were going to start the tests on me to find out more about my immunity
Doc grinned, “Nah, we’ve all had immunity shots
Senator wanted to claim Congressional immunity for the ticket, the cops would have to honor it
He says it’s unusual for the government to offer criminals immunity to prosecute federal law enforcement agents who were doing their
The Jewish Left needs a patent of immunity in
which know how to trade on the camouflage of Biblical Immunity
34 Furthermore I will that all the feasts and Sabbaths and new moons and solemn days and the three days before the feast and the three days after the feast shall be all of immunity and freedom for all the Jews in my realm
34 Moreover Simon chose men and sent to king Demetrius to the end he should give the land an immunity because all that Tryphon did was to spoil
‘I have heard she has immunity to your magic, or is it that your powers are just too weak?’
immunity in the area; Mama practically forbade them to allow themselves to be intimidated
‘Call me a dumb old warrior, but if Athene is what you say and she does have this immunity to all forms of magic, or that she is surrounded by this anti-magic aura, then how can it be that the sword glows with that bright magical power in her presence? I can tell you this is not the first time that I have witnessed its power active in her presence; so please humour my ignorance and explain to me how this can be?
She has somehow developed an unnatural immunity to the powers of our world, but this sword and the two others that exist; they come from a totally different universe and play by different rules
CMOS gates have much higher noise immunity
(a) Noise immunity (determined by logic voltage is to be less than the input or output voltages
repel foreign intrusions – in a sense acting like the immunity system in the
You could’ve gotten the immunity from
a witnesses for the prosecution with immunity)
Marcy wanted to call the cops and exchange insurance information, but the guy refused saying he had diplomatic immunity
He immediately complied with the order, but haughtily asserted his diplomatic status and immunity
The deal also included immunity from the federal charge of murder for the death of Ronnie Brown
Whey is healing to the intestinal tract, helps boost immunity and supplies the
He could of course approach the DEA and become a State Witness in exchange for Immunity from prosecution
The normal immunity that you had isn’t there
He had contacted Rory and supplied him with all the evidence needed, to shut down, the Organised Drug Empire in South Africa, in exchange for immunity from prosecution and being entered into the Witness Protection Programme and settlement in another country
The leaders of the Jews, in general, were disposed to avoid a clash with Jesus, believing that the Roman authorities had promised him immunity
On top of that, it also contains omega 3 fatty acids, which can help you boost your immunity levels, as well as your fertility
Every time we digest plankton our body skin builds up an immunity against pathogens or bacteria
Unfortunately, an infected parrot does not gain immunity and can come down with the disease again
―In the process, some long acting immunity is produced so the preparation can act as a non-specific vaccine and cause the body to immunize itself against most of the infections they are exposed to without the need for any disease specific or conventional vaccines
In spite of all the publicity claiming the Disruptor missiles’ immunity to lasers, some of the Disruptor missiles were detonated by the lasers, but the majority of them maintained their trajectory and headed straight for the armored shell of the battleship’s wall of armor
natural immunity, especially when the drugs are withdrawn
Pigeons that have successfully been treated attain immunity
This would give him enough time to build up some immunity to the infectious bacteria during his time here
states have diplomatic immunity and the rules of Islam do not
The certainty that his day was assigned gave him a mysterious immunity, an immortality or a fixed period that made him invulnerable to the risks of war and in the end permitted him to win a defeat that was much more difficult, much more bloody and costly than victory
Moreover, if you use these poisons, the intended pests will build up immunity and soon what is being spread on fruits and vegetables has no beneficial effect whatsoever
Japanese laws were very severe concerning illegal possession or carry of firearms and their nationality would not do much to help these men in front of a Japanese judge, unless they had diplomatic immunity
was offered immunity from prosecution as an accessory to the murder, in
There is no lasting immunity
to which they had no immunity, were rounded up and sent to residential
Eventually the child’s health and immunity may be so compromised that irreversible damage will occur
‘’But, he must have diplomatic immunity because of his position, no?’’
computer granting him immunity then he cooperates
throng of officers feigned being pissed at his future immunity
“Figured what out, this whole 222 thing? I don’t give a shit about it or Bob, whoever the fuck he is…” Duh, newsflash, dumbass, the 222 shit with the t-shirt, diplomatic immunity crap, the 222 diner sign, what? Am I in some crazy movie? All these thoughts swirling around my brain coalesced into the obvious realization
Not having identification, this person gave his name only as Bob and then proceeded to declare diplomatic immunity due to his being the ambassador from Boblovia
foundation of "ojas", the chemical that contributes most to the immunity and vigor of the
I think those vicious little monsters are developing an immunity to the stuff
They have been found to compromise bodily functions such as hormone synthesis, immunity function, insulin metabolism and compromise tissue repair
What was clear, though, was that both sides were desperate—one for political survival, the other for personal immunity from the law
And, after all, departure from Christ on account of the supposed hardness of certain doctrines will secure no immunity from mental conflicts
We give him immunity from prosecution, and he ups and turns against us
You will have a better stress response and your body will have better immunity
For one thing the ninth sura that proclaims the immunity from obligation towards the idolaters is the only one in the Quran, which is without the obligatory recitation – “In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful” and for another the proclamation itself was a joint command of Allah and His messenger, “Freedom from obligation (is proclaimed) from Allah and His messenger toward those of the idolaters with whom ye made a treaty
If it doesn’t kill you, you’ll have immunity the rest of your life
Science has immunity to myth
Give me a sharp knife and immunity, and soon there wouldn’t be so much for the little ones to worry about
What happens to “Practice what you preach!” on that subject? Diplomatic immunity? Executive privilege? Logic demands that what’s sauce for goose, be sauce for gander
“I thought I grew an immunity to helium when I spent a year on that Balloon-World
of women with breast cancer (all treated with chemotherapy) found that those who received mistletoe injections had improved immunity and quality of life compared with
This coagulation of energy into organs of response is natural in any global system, with localized units like police, paramedics, and fire being a type of social immunity system
Every state and corporation was searching for digital and electronic immunity in the wars of WI, the War for Information, and WII, the War for Immortality
“Why were you at the riot at the Immunity Center?” her ear could discern that the voice was screened, since the vocal filters made it too clear – the voice had been cleansed of all its impure 546
Not only is this nutrition-depleting diet implemented to more easily control them, but it is also utilized to increase their probability of being reinstitutionalized due to lowered immunity, higher illness rates, and, therefore, less ability and resources to employ in their own rehabilitation
Ravaging Eartheart with immunity depleting strip mining, mountain top removal, and clear cutting, we violate her energies, seeking to enslave them, instead of reciprocally sharing
AIDS has gone poly-airborne and we ALL are in the throes of a mass comformication and on the verge of catastrophic immunity failure
” she confessed to the curse of the secretly poisoned and the bane of the hyper-hygienic: low immunity, chronic intolerance, and increasing allergies
This, however, creates fragility because, first, it limits variations that aid in the nism's immunity while transitioning to new environments; and, second, it forces these prohibited expressions into a singular focus – being the anti-nism of whatever is
“Are you really going to kill your own daughter so I can kill this covenant, your covenant? I don’t believe you but if in fact you do go through with this I will grant you immunity
Echinacea: Have this anti-oxidant as your tea or as a pill, it helps build a healthy immunity system
boosts immunity against colds and other infections
since these substances can weaken overall immunity and add to the toxic load
inflammatory illness, your child's immunity is strengthened
As we age our immunity is weakened and the serious or terminal diseases lying dormant within us slowly wakes up to threaten our lives
“Is there a record of your political immunity anywhere other than at the embassy that burned down?” the officer asked
“What exactly did you do that they granted you immunity for?” she asked
This includes, but is not limited to: resilience in extremely cold weather, resilience and immunity to extreme heat, the ability to survive under water without coming up for air for many days (though no one knows exactly how long), the ability to
somewhat by their lower immunity on initial