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    Usa "implode" in una frase

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    1. His eardrums seemed to implode at the affect

    2. For a terrible moment when his thoughts seemed to implode into whiteness, he saw nothing

    3. have to restore Ma’at, or this building wil implode and we’l al die

    4. The tempest swelled, all its pressure forced inward to the eye of the storm, a vice squeezing a beating heart—the column buckled inward from the stress, about to implode, when a sudden sapphire light shot out from behind the gray stones

    5. A good relationship will survive and get even better, but the ones that are fundamentally flawed can implode

    6. Naturally, the investment begins to implode as soon as any of the major industry

    7. Earth is ready to implode under the weight of its excess population, its pollution and its depleted resources

    8. We just need them to run out of resources for the war and implode

    9. The society will eventually implode, due to typical market forces of seeking to provide products and services for the least amount of cost by means of reducing employee pay and benefits to finally having only a few who can actually afford to buy the products or services

    10. Trolls suck, especially when they implode

    11. “What was that all about” he wondered, “It was as though they expected me to implode or something?”

    12. When this universe will either explode or implode, it is still too early to tell which hypothesis will be correct; Life does not want to die along with it

    13. five hours later somehow caused a forty-seven-story building to implode?

    14. to implode that building, and that is where the real problem for government

    15. not crazy, and yes, we have proof of the type of explosives used to implode

    16. It felt like her eyes and ears and mind could take no more, that she was operating on the extremes of her senses and any further input would cause her to implode, collapsing in on herself

    17. Once there, depending on how many we have, we are either going to implode the building, gas them, burn it down or go in with guns and take them out

    18. Which will be the next galactica to implode as its stars meet the gravitational demise

    19. the Universe was small it did not implode whereas, instead it did expand

    20. Without its continual spread, it would implode: dissolve

    21. opposite effect and I found myself believing that I was about to implode into a cosmic state

    22. And five minutes ago, standing before the judge, Akers was on the verge of seeing his case implode before a national audience

    23. At a nearby bakery, hungry men gathered in front of the plate-glass window separating them from racks of freshly baked bread, hoping the window would implode

    24. “I think my brain would completely implode

    25. Someone was turning the dial up and up and up, squeezing his chest until it felt like it would implode

    26. Before allowing the CIA to implode under the weight of its sins, he would siphon off its power

    27. Otherwise, the profits/GDP ratio would explode (implode)

    28. China, with its long border with Russia, witnessed firsthand the 70-year-old communist Soviet Union implode and disappear into the ash heap of history

    29. He’d get so excited and animated that I thought he was going to implode

    1. his eyes and mouth, as his heart imploded, ‘What

    2. She could see him now … jerkily, returning to his seat at the table … and then, he’d just sort of imploded mentally, as though Andy’s defection was the terminal straw in the train of disasters which comprised this ill-fated project

    3. 'Sonny,' still hovered in their ears as Harry firmly grasped the hand on his shoulder and dropped into a spinning crouch; the scream of pain from the hand's owner was silenced shortly as he yanked on his arm to free his hand with such force that as Harry released his hand his own fist smashed into his face and he crumpled like an imploded building

    4. “Then once she had rescued my shriveled male pride from the depths of despair into which I was ready to be plunged, she painstakingly guided me through rebuilding my imploded inner world, brick by brick

    5. Instead the hillside imploded, and when it blew outwards everything appeared to be contained within a dome – a containment field

    6. Furniture was sent flying and smashing all about the halls and all of the windows in all of the buildings imploded, showering glass all over the commotion and inhabitants

    7. The promise of the Morning Star, the universality of the Christian institution, had imploded upon itself in the afternoon of its ascendancy, leaving its fractured remnants to careen across the heavens of Man’s infidelity!

    8. I learned at one of them, where we waited out a particularly violent storm, that they had spread quite far south and west over the years filling the vacuum left by the imploded Southeastern Cities

    9. doors imploded sending bits of what was supposed to be the

    10. He put his hands against it, spread more veins, and with a forceful push and grunt the boulders imploded on the mech, sending it deeper into the ground

    11. The gas containers had eventually imploded from the water pressure, releasing a vast methane gas cloud which the jet had flown into

    12. When the market imploded, telecom suffered more than most, but could

    13. cigarettes and headed back to the docks to drink until his liver imploded

    14. As of yesterday, the Minisoft empire imploded

    15. And when he did I watched as the troll who had held me against my will for over a century imploded

    16. bowels noisily imploded in terrified anticipation of what was to come

    17. separate colours imploded to form the white coloured cloud which slowly faded

    18. Rather say, as another building he called Building 7 imploded, “Amazing,

    19. and the money trail, you will understand why Building 7 was imploded

    20. quite possibly who imploded the twin towers, as well

    21. Jeff turned back in time to see the entire Pink Butterfly strip club fall into the chasm created when the embassy imploded and disappear from view

    22. The helicopter shifted in the brutal wind of the storm that took over and surrounded the club before it imploded into the ground

    23. The ball of light wobbled in the air for a moment and then dropped to the floor and imploded with a hiss

    24. With a bright flash, the floating metal turned into putty and imploded shortly thereafter

    25. conceptual imagery exploded and then imploded upon itself inside my skull and that

    26. They told me that they sold out a year before Enron imploded

    27. And residing smack in the middle of the country, it never would be, unless the United States had imploded

    28. How many companies could have imploded in the credit crunch had the senior management not been there to fight a rear-guard action on the brink of a corporate abyss?

    29. His aquiline features appeared to have imploded so that the face seemed squat, crinkled like a concertina that has had air thrust out of it

    30. Cheap assets got ever cheaper, rich assets richer (an echo of a similar situation in the fall of 1998) and many funds imploded

    31. A year and a half later, the company imploded with losses of approximately $6 billion on natural gas bets gone bad—a staggering sum for a firm with just $9 billion in assets

    1. It always implodes at some stage

    2. Society implodes and destroys itself

    3. The increase of new deadly viruses, the increase of nuclear proliferation, the increase of toxic chemicals in the water, air, and earth and plants and animals and humans: the accelerating levels of psychotic insane detachment, distraction and inhumanity of the entire species living inside the artificial womb of mechanized industrial civilization: the instant this artificial support system implodes upon itself: 90-99% of the human population will die almost instantly so fast: it will be impossible to determine exactly what killed them

    4. If a certain process can cause an atom to explode into a big-bang of energy then no wonder if the center of human psyche – the ego, under certain pressures, implodes into transformation

    5. I’m still cautious about the markets in general because May is when it implodes every year

    6. What Marx said would happen: Exhausted by the demands of war, Europe’s colonial empires collapse and the capitalist system implodes

    1. I think what we’re looking at here is proof that your idea that the killings are the result of a drug ring imploding was correct, but only partially so: our Nicaraguan social worker was more than just a member of the ring

    2. His mortal wound was remarkably clean; the bullet had went straight through the heart, imploding it and settling down the exit velocity to a lot less damaging value

    3. He told me that the Ayrate had expanded far eastward and southward in the wake of the imploding populations of the Iyehyeh and Southeastern Cities many years ago

    4. Enlightenment is the process of imploding the thinking mind so that the Being mind may resurrect into its rightful place

    5. Jai felt like his stomach was imploding as he imagined what such a fall would feel like in the dark

    6. The Earth is about to be covered by dust from outer space, and this will result in it imploding under the weight of the dust, and then, as the pressure grows, temperatures will rise and cause a nuclear chain reaction which will blow up Earth

    7. pooled in her eyes and the anguish of her family imploding was as readable as a billboard

    8. Dan was showing video of the twin towers in New York imploding; first one

    9. It blazed a slow but sure path to the walls where it looked like it would break through Soma’s barrier before imploding and blinding them all with its brilliance

    10. “What’s in this punch?” asked Darci, her face nearly imploding from the strength of the alcohol

    11. He regained some control of his breathing and peered up at us with a maniacally insane look, “Even now every trinial power cell on this continent is imploding on itself and causing a mass eruption of the entire landmass and beyond, but long before you the one I detest and hate most dies in the glorious flames of my destruction of your new kingdom you will see the traitorous witch, my elixir of youth that you stole from me blown into a million billion itsy-bitsy pieces as the trinial explodes within her! Let’s watch her destruction together shall we!”

    12. Deneb hugged him, knowing Alcor did not mean what he said, and knowing how much pain he had imploding within his heart, but unable to give it a vent

    13. Talking our heart out is the only way to give a rational vent to our imploding emotions and frustrations deep within! It’s a healthy habit

    14. Occasionally I’m tempted to stop by that marriage counselor’s office and tell her that we’re still happily married, but then I think that she probably really enjoys telling people that they have a great marriage compared to that crazy couple with the surprise-funeral story who never even got out of the first month of therapy without imploding

    15. The economy was imploding; New York brokerage house Bear Stearns was just days from announcing that it was almost out of money

    16. Now, as I write this introduction, the mortgage market is imploding, creating perhaps yet another new set of opportunities

    17. The only trouble with a superpower imploding is that it tends to have rather a large number of nuclear warheads for the new small states to inherit

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