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    Usa "in a good mood" in una frase

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    in a good mood

    1. When he is in a good mood she likes his company

    2. When the doctor is in a good mood he makes offers

    3. “Good, I got to put these away,” he shook the axes, “and get ready to hitch up this team, come walk with me while I’m in a good mood

    4. Annabelle was in a good mood,

    5. Don’t count on anything, but you might find her in a good mood

    6. This news had boosted our moral no end and we were in a good mood as we sat down to eat breakfast which consisted of that old time favourite bully and biscuits but before we took a bite all hell broke loose

    7. ‘Is he ever in a good mood?’

    8. They all knew that Latrandura must be in a good mood if she wanted her pipe and cottle

    9. Beaming and in a good mood for the next two days

    10. � Steve was in a good mood as he strolled through the lobby wearing his grey silk suit and he looked around and couldn't find Linda anywhere

    11. Around forty five minutes later everyone is having a good time, they are still eating and drinking, and everything is in a good mood

    12. If she was in a good mood, her granite expression had fewer sharp edges than usual and ten minutes before the end of French period she would suddenly bark, “Un!” That was the signal for an oral game of counting that rocketed along the rows, starting from the pupil at whom she nodded her head

    13. “Vydor, while he is in a good mood, now would be the time to ask for the Dark Talon,” silently prompted Jerran

    14. He was not in a good mood during that day so Elena told him she forgave him, but she never forgot it

    15. "You are sure in a good mood for early in the morning, Rose, and it is only Monday

    16. She was in a good mood,

    17. God is a good God, who’s in a good mood, and who only gives good gifts to His children

    18. He’s a good God, who’s in a good mood, and only gives good gifts to His children

    19. Don't say that, being in a good mood is your way to heaven remember?

    20. I think if everyone knew that their mood, their state of being, was what creates their lives outcomes we would all be in a good mood all of the time

    21. It would make it easier to be in a good mood

    22. in a good mood by taking a half a box when I was feeling down or angry

    23. Even the blue judgment god Disturber seemed to be in a good mood

    24. I’m just in a good mood; that’s all

    25. Now get ready for the customers before I stop being in a good mood

    26. Neither would be in a good mood once they were done,

    27. Peteru and Uretep took their chance while the Mages were still in a good mood to ensure they still had permission to visit the new city to check for possible problems installing the next set of mats

    28. Gorham noticed it and turned Sidney to him he tried to make her smile but it seemed she was not in a good mood

    29. Rather curt thought James as she flung the phone back on the receiver with irritation…our young lady is evidently not in a good mood…something has badly upset her equilibrium!

    30. In a good mood, everything is hunky-dory and has always been that way

    31. “You’re in a good mood,” she said sarcastically

    32. If your cat is healthy, in a good mood and

    33. “She’s not in a good mood

    34. Besides, I'm in a good mood

    35. Ben was not in a good mood

    36. Rose Laren was however in a good mood this morning

    37. He was in a good mood today

    38. his voice alone, Jay seemed to be in a good mood

    39. He even sounded in a good mood

    40. interview him and he was a despot but toady he was in a good mood and

    41. The sun was shining, the normally erasable Moses was in a good mood

    42. “ Glad you are in a good mood ” I said

    43. arrived in full in a good mood at the

    44. that he could sense that he wasn’t in a good mood and wouldn’t say

    45. “You’re in a good mood today,” said Azura

    46. ” She paused “And I was in a good mood

    47. He seemed to be in a good mood, and his just being there lifted Nicky’s spirits

    48. He woke up in a good mood

    49. with a little relief that Zem and Bev were in a good mood

    50. And not in a good mood

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